iPhone Dev-Team a lansat RedSn0w 0.9.6b1 pentru Windows
Posted October 8, 2010 at 2:30am by iClarified
The iPhone Dev-Team a anuntat un nou "update" pentru Windows a versiunii RedSn0w , care face "jailbreak" pentru iPhone 3G si iPod touch 2G la sistemul iOS 4.1
Poti descarca noua versiune RedSn0w de aici: here.
Atentie !!!!! Daca folosesti un Iphone 3G in alta retea decat ORANGE Romania ai nevoie si de "unlock" in acest caz aceasta versiune de RedSn0w NU ITI ESTE DE AJUTOR. Acesta versiune updateaza si versiunea de modem ceea ce face imposibila debocarea (unlock) momentan. NU FOLOSITI RedSn0w decat pentru IPHONE 3G in reteaua ORANGE. Tutorialul se adreseaza celor care au un IPHONE 3G si il folosesc intr-o retea aprobata de Apple, in cazul Romaniei doar ORAANGE.
Daca ai un Iphone 3G si il folosesti in retelele VODAFONE, COSMOTE si DIGI astepta aparitia lui PwnageTool pentru iOS 4.1.
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Hey, got a question:
My friend has a 3g on 4.0.2 OS when i was on 4.0.1 i was able to downgrade back to 3.1.3 but now my question is.. we both need the unlock and used a Custom IPSW with a hacktivated and JB on it. Is it possible for my friend to do the same while hes on 4.0.2?
From the Dev team blog:
"Any Windows users seeing Waiting for reboot for too long (more than 20 seconds or so), please try shaking the JB process by unplugging then replugging your USB cable (while letting redsn0w continue to run)"