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Je na fotografiách nový iPod Touch 4?

Je na fotografiách nový iPod Touch 4?

Posted August 5, 2010 at 2:11am by iClarified
HardMac zverejnil fotografie nového iPod touch od výrobcu obalov pre iPod/iPhone produkty. Fotografie boli získané z 'veľmi dôveryhodného' zdroja, ktorý v minulom roku správne predpovedal existenciu kamery v iPod-e nano.

Aj napriek tomu, že nie je cez obal príliš dobre vidieť, vyzerá to tak, že zadná časť je na rozdiel od nového iPhonu zaoblená. Taktiež je vidno kameru a blesk.

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Je na fotografiách nový iPod Touch 4?
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Comments (7)
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JDavila - August 5, 2010 at 12:30pm
Makes sense to replace the back with a plastic one in order to allow wireless signals to manage themselves in-n-out since the antenna was replaced (in position) with the camera. Overall, looks pretty 3G-alike to me.
Dombard - August 5, 2010 at 11:25am
Where is Spotlight page and Camera Icon?
Jacob - August 5, 2010 at 2:56am
And the Camera App? Don't show in the Springboard? How we use the camera without an application?
Anon - August 5, 2010 at 3:23am
Maybe your computer screen is really low rez or you don't know much iOS but the dots at bottom of the screen stand for number of pages, as I can count I see two, therefor the Camera app is on the other page, more proof of that is the dock isn't full.
Jacob - August 5, 2010 at 3:36am
Yep, probably my knwoledge of the iOS is lower than yours. But the Calculator's icon is the old one, from iPhone OS 3. A future hardware with old software?
sjobs - August 5, 2010 at 7:50am
They're just illustrations.
MaxWalker93 - August 5, 2010 at 8:24am
If the case company was given a prototype to produce the correct shape of case it would only need to be physically similar - I wouldn't expect Apple to release a working model probably an empty shell at best. ( it's called potential damage limitation - and it looks like they were right to do so,!
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