February 7, 2025
Limera1n omogča jailbreak tudi za Apple TV

Limera1n omogča jailbreak tudi za Apple TV

Posted October 10, 2010 at 2:22pm by iClarified
Eric Sadun je potrdila, da je lahko z Limera1n-om jailbreakala njen Apple TV, vendar trenutno ni mogoča namestitev OpenSSH-ja, zato je zadeva bolj ali manj neuporabna.

Limera1nova domača spletna stran je bila posodobljena s podatkom, da je jailbreak za Apple TV tehnično podprt. Potrdim lahko, da sem svoj ATV2 lahko zagnala v DFU načinu in ga jailbreakala, a je zaradi nenamestitve AFC storitev ali OpenSSH (razen APT) trenutno neuporaben.

Ko bo jailbreak posodobljen in bo mogoče namestiti OpenSSH, vas bomo obvestili.

Preberite več ...

Limera1n omogča jailbreak tudi za Apple TV
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Comments (4)
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David - October 11, 2010 at 2:33am
If there is no hard drive, how will one be able to load Boxee or XBMC?
omar - October 11, 2010 at 3:39am
Maybe the internal 8GB memory can be used or even the micro usb can be used to hookup external memory after Jail Break
Hmmmm - October 10, 2010 at 2:46pm
Why is a girls name Eric and not Erica
Umm typo
Umm typo - October 10, 2010 at 3:16pm
It is Erica
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