iPhone Dev-Team har släppt PwnageTool för iPhone OS 3.1.2
Posted October 13, 2009 at 4:10am by iClarified
iPhone Dev-Team har släppt PwnageTool 3.1.4 med support för iPhone OS 3.1.2
Sammanfattning: * iPhone 3GS stöds nu direkt från affären PwnageTool 3.1.4 (eller om du uppgraderade från 3.1.x i iTunes) * iPod 2G stöds fortfarande i PwnageTool 3.1.4 men du måste ha jailbreakat den innan (Vi fixar detta om det fins begäran från non-jailbroken ipt2G ägare) * iPod touch 3G är INTE supporterad
Du kan laddaner PwnageTool 3.1.4 here. Vi kommer att updatera våra handledningar för den nya versionen snart. updating our tutorials for the new version soon.
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Don't wanna sound detrimental cause these guys put a lot of effort for free into what they do, but time would better spent on a 3Gs 05.11.07 unlock. 3Gs Jailbreak with Blackra1n is working like a charm.
All these damn updates. is there a program out there that will remember how i had my apps arranged or something? because when ever i restore from back up it messes up my battery life. so i have to start it as a new phone then i gotta resync everything again. and what is so important about this update??
Will there be a PC version of pwnage tool? if not there is no unlock and jailbreak option for the 3G iphone on anyting later than 3.0.... Dont leave us behind??
3GS and 3G or just 3GS for the Pwnage tool?
Any issues anyone's noticed about downloading and running backgrounder and sbsettings with the new 3.1.2 OS as I jailbroke mine with blackrain but they don't seem to work with the new OS
hmmm I wonder if I should restore it and jailbreak it again cause yeah both backgrounder and sbsettings don't run - I can install them but they won't run so maybe I will try and jail brake it again with the ghetto Blackrain jailbrake that works 20% of the time and hopefully it works again but at least it's good to no it does work on 3.1 and 3.1.2
Try restoring your phone and then run the blackra1n again. I had the same issue where sbsettings wasn't being recognized so I restored and it fixes the issue.