TIPs to activate any iphone without sim (may be useful for those whose iphone strucked on emergency screen)
1)install software like Fiddler which tampers data (both incoming and out going data)
2)get any ICCID number of your iphone service provider (like AT&T in US)
3)connect iphone to itunes
4)itunes sends a request to 2gactivation server with IMEI,ICCID and serial number(its simple http request with 6 request parameters)
5) now replace your ICCID number with the service provider ICCID number (you can take any of ur friends ICCID number using that network)using fiddler
6)itunes send around 9 fields(everything will be sent as post data) .Now replace service provider ICCID number with your number.
I dont get whats the iccid number you talking about. I have an iphone 3g and its from poland but live in uk. The phone was restored and it got locked. Now i dont have a sim to activate it, please advise step by step.
can you give us a little more detailed description of steps 5 and 6 please?
i must be doing something wrong because when i try that i get "iTunes was unable to verify your device" message.
Hey guys quick question, I bought a 3GS from my friend, need to use it on tmobile,.. It has 4.0, 5.13.04, has the old bootrom and has never been jailbroken, will this work for me? Is there anything out there or do I have to wait?? Thankss
I am in the same situation as you. 3GS, 4.0, old bootrom. From my research I have came to the conclusion that there is nothing we can do right now until a new jailbreak is released.
What's the point of an unlock? I don't have a mirco-sim card to even use on the iPhone 4 or iPad whats the point....? Does anybody have a mirco-sim card??
No that is not true you use a mini sim card not a regular sim card. I tested it and for me it did not work even cutting the mini sim perfect and the iphone 4 just said no sim.
Yes it is working. What part U don't get it. U cat regular SIM and make it Micro, put in in you iPhone 4 and works. U can activate one inactivated iPhone 4 with that modified card if it's a iPhone SIM with iPhone plan on it. TESTED WITH AT&T SIM.
It does work. I have a 3GS. I ordered the new iphone4 but wont get to me until three weeks. My brother ordered a few preorder iPhones and he got them on release date. He gave me a nonactivated iphone4. I took the regular sim from my 3GS and cut it to fit the microsim tray. It is a specific cut and not just a cut to fit the tray. Been using the iPhone4 without any issues.
It does work. I just activate a H20 Sim, and cut it, and the customer was able to using it. Since H20 is ATT mvno the phone did not need to be unlocked either...
Why wait until 4.0.1/4.1? Apple hires people to breach the iPhone just like the Dev-Team. Who's to say they don't find the exploit and patch it before 4.0.1/4.1? At least release it now, and hopefully people have learned their lesson and will not update.
thats a good idea, but im sure there will always be a jailbreak available somehow. i know apple is totally against jailbreaking their phones, but honestly they have to know that there is a huge market out there that would never buy an iphone if it wasnt for the jbing possibilities (me included). Its like crime, or war or drugs. we are all obviously against it but are we really ready for them to be totally gone? thats a lot of money. my 2 cents. /rant
can't find on @muscleNerd twitter account this comment that you guys have posted.. can you guys prove its truth to this comment supposedly made by MuscleNerd?
Paul that statement its not there.. i previously stated that i went on his twitter so i already had this twitter address i'm stupid as you can think..
if you can see. please copy and paste that statement straight from twitter..
Guys I need help ok I have iPhone 3gs 3.1.3 with the new bootrom and I have
jailbroken it but I Need un UNLOCK! Pleas help on when there will be one or when it could be avaliable or if so it is already avaliable ! Thanks guts this site rocks!
Frash is Flash for iphone. Same guy that made spirit jailbreak has created it. Just needs to make it more stable and will release it. You can check youtube for the video or google for more info.
Jb iPhone 4 + 3G unrestrictor = FaceTime awesomeness. Used it with verizon myfi and it works great over 3G. Also miss my SBSettings. And 5 icon dock. And real flashlight.
Yay. I've missed my jailbreak applications on my iPhone 4. A lot of them probably won't work for a bit, have to wait for them to update them I guess. Still, this is great news.