I dropped my 3G iphone from my pocket on my race bike at 180kmh, it sat in the curb for 8 hours, and when I finally found it, it was working perfectly... the screen was worse off for the crash, but considering it hit the ground at over 100 mph and then lay on the hard asphalt being run over by cars and trucks, I would say Apple make a kick ass strong product.
if they are implying apple products are a good design for being dropped, they are wrong. my ipod touch fell 300feet and was completely demolished (although it does turn on and the screen shows a picture) everything is cracked and the case looks like a pringles chip.
im sure any phone could have survived if it was hitting branches and leafs/etc on the way down. my ipod fell straight onto gravel.
Well Eric, it has nothing to do with the iPhones exterior. The fact that the phones owner had protection with accessories. It has to do with the internal parts. 1000 foot drop would usually leave a phone in pieces and in shambles.