February 7, 2025
Apple 明天就寄出 iPhone 3G S 了嗎?

Apple 明天就寄出 iPhone 3G S 了嗎?

Posted June 16, 2009 at 3:07pm by iClarified
EnglishChinese (Traditional)
一些幸運的顧客從Apple公司預購的iPhone 3G S, 明天就可以提早拿到他們的設備.

根據Apple在快遞追蹤狀態的網頁顯示, 比較早訂購 iPhone 3G S 的買家預定收到貨品的時間是 6月17日. 這日期比官方公布的時間提早了兩天.

Engadget 已經收到其中一個顧客的訂單追蹤的擷取畫面.


Apple 明天就寄出 iPhone 3G S 了嗎?
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surfgon - June 16, 2009 at 9:19pm
yup...mine is on schedule to be deliver tomorrow June 17,2009 I paid for 2nd Day service on apple store online.
Jay - June 17, 2009 at 5:50pm
Sorry to say but you wasted your money if you paid to 2nd day delivery! Because truth is that everyone will get their's on the very same day regardless of what delivery package you paid for. Also that screenshot, everyone that ordered the phone from apple has seen it by now when they so eagaly checked their shipping. Sucks but oh well.
Jamie - June 16, 2009 at 5:54pm
I was in a Rogers Plus store (Rogers is Canada's iPhone Carrier) today, and they were talking about how many 3GS's they'd be getting, which probobly means that they're almost there. This could well be true.
Jay - June 16, 2009 at 5:01pm
It only weighs .50 KG. Its a envelope. No way its a phone with all the extras.
Ed - June 16, 2009 at 3:49pm
Probably just a shipment to the Store (ATT)
Triat - June 16, 2009 at 4:19pm
Looks like one unit only at 0.5kg = 1 lb.
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