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Steve Jobs Says 'There is no reception issue. Stay tuned.'

Steve Jobs Says 'There is no reception issue. Stay tuned.'

Posted June 27, 2010 at 1:12am by iClarified
A MacRumors forum member claims to have heard from Steve Jobs who says there is no reception issue and to 'stay tuned'.

Earlier today I tried calling in to Apple Care to see if I could get a bumper case to help with my reception issues. Nobody I spoke with could help me out. So I decided to send the boss man an email, kiss ass a little bit and see what the result would be. He emailed me back in literally 2 minutes! Here's the email:

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that this is the most amazing phone I've ever owned. Facetime is incredible! Everything is fantastic except the reception issues I've been having. My buddy has the same issue and he called AppleCare and was shipped a free bumper case. I called too, 2 hours and 3 dropped calls later, I was told that nobody is getting free bumpers. Which is strange because I saw my friends email confirmation showing he was getting a free one. I tried to get one on launch day but the store was sold out. Is there anything you or one of your executive escalations people can do? I love everything about the phon eexcept my signal issues. I hope to hear back with good news.



There is no reception issue. Stay tuned.


If this correspondence is authentic then perhaps there may be a software issue involved after all...

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Steve Jobs Says 'There is no reception issue. Stay tuned.'
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Comments (13)
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Badtaste - June 28, 2010 at 5:32am
I bought it, It's a really good phone. No reception issue for me, maybe I have magic hands ? My screen is not yellow too. If you don't like it, don't buy it but stop shitting on it !!!
tommy - June 27, 2010 at 5:39pm
Welll actually this will be a software issue persay......right now the software is set to run the phone radio to one plate on the side and run wifi/bluetooth from the other. all they would have to do is reprogram the radio in the software to run all 3 in both plates and thus your hand connecting the 2 plates would have no effect since it would be conducting the same signals to the other plate. makes since to me, they just need to hurry up and do it before it effect there sales.
Dontbuyit - June 27, 2010 at 10:17pm
Why didn't they just do that from the beginning? Won't that decrease battery performance? Won't they have to go back to the FCC to get the SAR rating redone?
GmbHz - June 27, 2010 at 3:42pm
Reception issues is a marketing trick!! Do you really think that apple did not test the phone in every posible way?
detective sims
detective sims - June 27, 2010 at 12:12pm
I saw somewhere that a guy showed us (on YouTube) his 3GS with iOS 4 and it had the same issue that the iPhone 4 had, so maybe it's the software but if so why wasn't it corrected before the GM release!?
CASEACE79 - June 27, 2010 at 10:25am
Actually Jobs is known for replying to customers on a pretty regular basis. Doesn't mean that he replies to all of them. I think what he's referring you'd actually a bug in iOS4. There are videos of 3GS's on iOS 4 having the same issue holding in the exact same spot.
me - June 27, 2010 at 11:00am
When he sends an email from his computer it doesnt say "Sent For My Idevice" a MAC Isnt a Idevice.
Awayze - June 27, 2010 at 12:00pm
Nope, it's iPhone 4 only here having issues on iOS 4.0.
m_thoroughbred - June 27, 2010 at 9:04am
This post is stupid. How can you actually think that a CEO of a multi billion dollar company is gonna sit around and reply to emails about ppl complaining about a product that his company sells.That's the reason why they have customer service. Those emails that they post claiming it's Steve jobs are as real as the emails I get claiming that I won $500,000 but I Have to send them $5000 to cover the shipping costs. Come on people stop being so gullible.
XXX - June 27, 2010 at 7:20am
I think apple purposely released iOs 4 software unstable so that when dev-team released ultrasnow for the iPhone unlock or JB,they will release the update immediately to close the loophole...just guessing!
anon - June 27, 2010 at 6:00am
my girl friend whose cousin has a sister whose boyfriend has an uncle that works for at an apple store said his co worker's aunt got an email that said steve jobs said........
iGloves - June 27, 2010 at 4:02am
Breaking news Apple about to release iGloves for iPhone 4 stay tunes
Name - June 27, 2010 at 3:18am
Steve, here's some advice - stop digging deeper when you're already in the hole.
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