Apple Will Release a Software Update to Kill JailbreakMe
Posted July 7, 2011 at 2:19pm by iClarified
Apple says it will close the exploit used by Comex to jailbreak the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch in an upcoming Software Update, according to the Associated Press.
Apple Inc. spokeswoman Bethan Lloyd said Thursday the company is "aware of this reported issue and developing a fix that will be available to customers in an upcoming software update." She declined to specify when the update would be available.
Yesterday, Germany's Federal Office for Information Security warned that the exploit could be used "to infect the mobile device with malware without the user's knowledge".
For those who have already jailbroken, Comex has released a patch for his JailbreakMe 3.0 exploit to protect you from any malicious use. The package called 'PDF Patcher 2' can be downloaded and installed from Cydia.
It's important that you save your SHSH Blobs before this update is released to ensure you can easily downgrade to iOS 4.3.3 and enjoy an untethered jailbreak. Instructions on how to do this can be found here: (Mac, Windows).
shouldn't apple being lazy to patch the exploit? or they don't even know how to patch the security breach.. and seem like after comex release the patch, they announce they will fix the exploit. It seem that they waiting for hacker code so they can learn how to patch their own ios
SOOOOOO I will stay at 4.3.3 for ever or until a new JB is released, NOW that I have JB, forget it I will update it.... unless I do it by mistake, jajajajaja, or, the system gets an error and needs to be reinstall.. well I hope not