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How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Posted February 3, 2009 at 11:25pm by iClarified
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These are instructions on how to unlock/jailbreak your 2G iPhone to the 2.2.1 iPhone firmware using QuickPwn for Windows. Before beginning make sure you have updated to iTunes 8.0.2.

Step One
Create a folder called Pwnage on your desktop.

Download the following files and place them in the Pwnage folder you just created:
- QuickPwn-225-2.zip
- BL 3.9
- BL 4.6
- 2.2.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw

Extract the QuickPwn-225-2.zip file to the Pwnage folder.
width=640How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Two
Connect your iPhone to the computer and launch iTunes.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Select your iPhone from the list of devices on the left. Now hold down shift and click the Restore button. Restore is preferred as it won't create any wasted space on your iPhone.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the 2.2.1 firmware ipsw. Click the Open button to continue.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Three
Once iTunes has finished updating your iPhone to the 2.2.1 firmware you may launch QuickPwn.exe from the Pwnage folder on your desktop.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Four
Make sure you iPhone is connected to the computer and click the blue arrow to continue.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Five
Click the Browse button to locate your iPhone firmware.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Six
Select the 2.2.1 firmware ipsw from the Pwnage folder on your desktop then click the Open button.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Seven
QuickPwn will check to make sure the ipsw is valid. Click the blue arrow button to continue.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Eight
You can now select whether to Add Cydia, Add Installer, Replace Boot Logos, and Unlock Phone. Select the ones you would like to perform then click the clue arrow button
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Nine
You will now be asked to select your bootloader files. Click the Browse button and select the 3.9 bootloader from the Pwnage folder on your desktop. Likewise do the same thing for the 4.6 bootloader file. Then click the blue arrow button to continue.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Ten
QuickPwn will now ask you to confirm your iPhone is connected via USB before continuing. Click the blue arrow button to proceed.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Eleven
QuickPwn will now automatically put your iPhone into recovery mode. Once its in recovery mode you will be prompted to: Hold the Home button for 5 seconds, Hold the Home and Power buttons for 10 seconds, then release the Power button and continuing holding the Home button until your iPhone is in DFU mode.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Watch the prompts carefully and follow along.

Step Twelve
Once QuickPwn detects your iPhone in DFU mode it will begin the jailbreak process.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)

Step Thirteen
Once jailbreaking is complete QuickPwn will inform you that it was successfull. Your iPhone will then proceed to run BootNeuter. This process will take about 5 minutes. Please be patient. Your iPhone will reboot when it has completed the process successfully!
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)
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Comments (904)
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brandon - July 29, 2014 at 12:50pm
i need to unlock my mobile to all network
eduardo - August 25, 2013 at 10:09pm
hola .. yo tengo un iphone 3g que me trade de usa. y quiero usarlo aqui en mexico con telcel . el problema que tengo es que cuando lo prendo me pide activarlo por medio de wifi o itune . cuando lo conecto por puerto usb a mi ordenador . me sale en el itunes que no tiene tarjeta sim .. no encuentro solucion a esto .. sabes el por que no me detecta la tarjeta sim !! o cual seria el problema .. gracias
Fawad Saeed
Fawad Saeed - January 7, 2011 at 2:45am
Quick pawn software is not downloading. Please upload the file again, Thanks
Big papa
Big papa - June 29, 2010 at 1:57am
hi my problem comes when i shift+restore my phone i use the provided restore file but it says iphone could not be restored and error occured(20) anybody know of any help to fix this?
Andreou - April 5, 2010 at 6:44pm
hi. i have a problem after the update. I can't switch off my iphone...it stays blocked till the battery is empty...
hasnul - December 8, 2009 at 6:31am
i did try all the steps and it turn accordingly but it didnt detect my sim card. plis help me? wut shud i do.
hasnul - December 8, 2009 at 6:29am
i did try all the steps and it turn accordingly but it didnt detect my sim card. i say no service. plis help me? wut shud i do.
Vivek More
Vivek More - October 17, 2009 at 6:01am
Nice set of user friendly steps. Just would like to add from my end: 1. The link to QuickPwn.zip seems to be dead. Use http://mytopfiles.com/archives/file/QuickPwn-225-2/304244.htm instead. 2. Mention the step to rename iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.zip to iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw 3. Mention the need of Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 to run the QuickPwn
nadim - October 24, 2009 at 12:23pm
Itune recognize my iphone, I can click on the LHS but I don't see the restore button that I need tp press along with the shift, IT seem like I am missing something here. please help
nadim - October 24, 2009 at 2:22pm
I have firmware 3.1 on my iphone. When I connect to itune, it goes directly to the screen where it says to activate it with At&T. I don't see the screen where I can click the restore button along with the shift key. How to get that screen? Please help
juan - October 7, 2009 at 5:02pm
Thanks a lot.I finally could use back my iphone again.God bless you.
peter - October 5, 2009 at 10:34pm
i keep getting that error 20 when i restore the iphone and try to run it with iphone1,1 2,2 may it be because i have the 3.0 currently
ata - October 3, 2009 at 11:04am
thank u iClarified for these instructions, it works for me just perfect
damac - September 29, 2009 at 2:20pm
n yeah i have iphone 2g with 2.2.1(5h_11) version n thanks in advance.
damac - September 29, 2009 at 1:55pm
I unlock the phone succesfully And it detect the VOdafone India sim/network. Thank you. But there is a problem when I try to make a call it shows a message saying that I need to connect the phone to the itunes and only can make only emergency calls. through the emergency calls i can make phone calls but nothing more
anthony - September 26, 2009 at 8:29pm
thanks so much. Asante SAna, that swahili sayin THANKS
Jimmy - September 19, 2009 at 1:03pm
Hi I am from Singapore using M1 (if any1 knows). My 2G phone was jailbreaked n unlocked 2 yrs ago serial 7U746WBOWH8, using 1.1.3(4A93) modem firmware 04.02.13_G. I want to upgrade into 2.xx so i can use itunes application, but im not sure if this method will work for me??? any1 in singapore tried this before??? (email: antiphase214@yahoo.com.sg) thank you for reading
t4zz - August 21, 2009 at 3:13pm
This is for iphone 2g. When i get to "Wait for yout iphone to connect in Recovery Mode" it seems to stop there, i dont get no response. But while that does not respond when i press the home button and the powere button it starts the process after but then when it comes to the jailbreaking stages just on the last second of the 30 seconds it say either i have done the wrong process or the usb is faulty! i have tried it in a few usb ports, but yet no luck! Help is needed please , urgently thanks!
Jared - August 13, 2009 at 12:32pm
Yana - July 21, 2009 at 12:48pm
I used this tutorial and it worked perfectly! I did not have other SIM card, so I just took out ATT SIM card when unlocking my phone. Thank you for the great tutorial! If I upgrade to OS 3.0 will it lock my phone back?
Johndoe01 - July 21, 2009 at 1:41pm
There's a link on the top of the page if you want 3.0 firmware. The procedure to jailbreak and unlock is pretty much the same and also very easy to follow. Of course when you upgrade to any firmware, it will relock your iphone. The only problem I had is on both firmwares 2.1 and 3.0, the process doesn't work on Windows Vista, I got stuck in the middle of the process, I thought my iphone was bricked but when I switched to my other PC with Windows XP, it worked like a charm. I just had the new 3G iphone so I used this 2G iphone to practice, restored & unlocked, restored & unlocked so many times now that I can do it with my eyes closed! Just k/d!
TrickVistaToActXP - July 23, 2009 at 2:59pm
If you get an error in a middle of unlock process on Vista, you can use this trick: Before starting the Unlock/Jailbreak process, click the .EXE (redsn0w.exe), select Properties and go to 'Compatibility' tab, check 'Run this program in compatibility mode for' and select XP SP2 or Vista. This essentially tells the executable to run as if it was running in XP. After that you follow the instructions as they are. Works like a charm! You don't need to hunt for an XP machine. Btw, this works with any executable. So, if you have an application that doesn't run on Vista, you can use this trick. And it is a welknown compatibility method- not an hack- which is fully tested by Microsoft.
Manoj - July 11, 2009 at 6:19am
itunes 8.0.2 for 64 bit vista - http://notebook.driversdown.com/ViewDownloadUrl.asp?ID=139900&brNum=3&show=0 jailbreak - https://www.iclarified.com/entry/comments.php?page=3&enid=1880#commentsanchor unlock - https://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=4253 steps: 1. the iphone restore did not work with shift + restore.. so i just restored (click restore without pressing shift), it downloaded 2.2.1 from apple website and restored it to factory settings. this was done to erase all previous used space and user settings etc. 2. after this, it was asking for activation, showing only emergency calls only etc.. i was kind of scared as nothing was accessible. 3. but i just continued with the jailbreak steps mentioned in https://www.iclarified.com/entry/comments.php?page=3&enid=1880#commentsanchor and it jailbroke the iphone with cydia installed. some relief here. 4. next was the most cumbersome (according to me) step of unlocking it for vodafone india sim. after googlinh reading many many docs and comments here and there, i realized that my modem firmware is at 2.30 where as yellowsn0w supports only 2.28, and the methods to downgrade were too complicated like using ssh and typing cmds etc.. 5. so i upgraded my modem firmware (not iphone OS) to 4.26 using "fuzzyband 3.1b1" . this can be installed by searching in cydia, it detects the current modem firmware and upgrades it from 2.30 to 4.26 6. next i used ultrasn0w to unlock the iphone for india vodafone sim using the instructions at https://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=4253 . here make sure you turn 3g off.
jailbreaker - July 3, 2009 at 8:20pm
when i download the firmware it pops up as a folder i am useing a mac do i have to be on windows?
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