February 8, 2025
You'll Soon Be Able to Keep Your iPhone Charged With a Portable Fuel Cell

You'll Soon Be Able to Keep Your iPhone Charged With a Portable Fuel Cell

Posted May 8, 2012 at 8:32pm by iClarified
Lilliputian Systems has announced that it will launch its portable fuel cell charging system via Brookstone later this year.

The stand-alone, portable, lightweight, "plug-less charger" product will charge and power billions of Consumer Electronics (CE) devices that subscribe to the USB standard. (e.g. smart phones, mobile handsets, MP3 music/video players, digital cameras, etc.). It provides several weeks of "always available" Personal Power™ to the user from a single recyclable cartridge. Lasting significantly longer than alternative solutions and costing much less than primary spare batteries, the portable power system offers a compelling value proposition and unparalleled mobility and freedom (from wall outlets) for consumers with power hungry smart phones. Additionally, the system can be used for multiple devices, significantly reducing the need for consumers to travel with cables and power adapters.

The product has been approved for carry-on and use for regular commercial aircraft abroad by the UN International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and domestically by The U.S. Department of Transportation, offering a superior, convenient solution to the myriad of CE power challenges faced by today's user.

"We are happy to announce our first strategic go-to-market partnership agreement with Brookstone," said Ken Lazarus, Lilliputian CEO. "Brookstone's widespread distribution, brand recognition and reach to our targeted customer base are world-class and we are certain this will be a successful partnership. Together with Brookstone, we look forward to providing customers with a real solution to the challenge of keeping today's mobile CE devices powered."

The Lilliputian charger can deliver 10 - 14 charges of the iPhone using one cartridge which could mean several weeks of usage. Although no pricing was given for the fuel cell itself, the cartridges are said to cost "about the same as coffee from Starbucks." You will be able to purchase cartridges from Brookstone's stores or website.

We'll let know when more information is available.

[via CNET]

You'll Soon Be Able to Keep Your iPhone Charged With a Portable Fuel Cell
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Comments (9)
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Glocknine - May 9, 2012 at 2:31pm
This things were already in the market here in Japan since the day of iphone3G, the product here is better because it can recharge by itself from any light source.
$horty - May 9, 2012 at 7:47am
Apparently they've got Tony Stark working on an iPhone battery that will last a full year so no need for daily charging and that's just the prototype soon you will not have to charge your battery at all
6italia0 - May 9, 2012 at 7:40am
Um this already exist from a ton of other companies. lol just cuz a company does something for their first time doesn't make it new, get out of here with that lol
JH - May 9, 2012 at 12:58pm
Name one.
Sabtain - May 9, 2012 at 2:59am
Not bad for people who can't always access a socket if the price is like coffee
NoGoodNick - May 8, 2012 at 9:39pm
10 to 14 additional charges MIGHT last a week. It'd only last a month if you don't use your phone very much, though I'm guessing that's their target demogrphc, those people too lazy to plug in their devices every several days to overcome battery leakage.
nekton - May 8, 2012 at 9:14pm
I'll believe this when it is in the stores. I've been reading about the next great fuel cell power advance for laptops, etc., for at last 10 years and they NEVER come to market. Vaporware.
tdtran1025 - May 8, 2012 at 9:11pm
Scale this up 500 times and I possible alternative as a spare fuel load for electric car.
Manrmt - May 14, 2012 at 12:16am
No way, Tdtran, USB=2.5 watts, x500= a moped, not a car.
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