A patch by Carlo Franchino fixes phone number formatting for countries that are not supported by the iPhone 2.2 firmware.
The Format Fix is hosted by the iSpazio Repository: Formatting is very useful when international prefix, area code and subscriver number are correctly separated with spaces or dashes but is tremendous if wrong informations or formats of other countries are used. This application essentially replace the format file with an upgraded version . It only works for 2.2 firmwares, we have already released another version of this app for 2.1 firmwares.
The fix supports nearly fifty countries and can be installed through the Localization Section of Cydia Installer.
Yeah this worked for me very well. Whenever i receive call the format is ok but my sms message number format is different. This patch worked like out of the box.
Is there any support for Globe Telecom Philippines, because when I sent SMS w/o the country code & using this format 09176547895 then the I sent SMS with will reply, It will create new baloon when I open the SMS.