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Evad3rs Release Updated Evasi0n 1.2 Jailbreak Utility

Evad3rs Release Updated Evasi0n 1.2 Jailbreak Utility

Posted February 8, 2013 at 9:30pm by iClarified
The Evad3rs have released another update to the Evasi0n jailbreak utility.

No word yet on what's new in this update; however, the team has been working to resolve issues with long reboots and the Weather app. If you have already jailbroken there should be no need to redo your jailbreak using Evasi0n; rather, open Cydia and check for any updates to the evasi0n 6.0-6.1 Untether and UIKit Tools packages. We'll let you know once we hear more.

You can download the new version of utility using these Evasi0n Download Links.

Over 7 million iOS device owners have already jailbroken their devices. To find detailed instructions on how to jailbreak your device please use the iClarified Jailbreak Wizard.

For more jailbreak news and tutorials please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS.

Update: Changelog
Version 1.2
- Disable OTA updates.
- Correct timezone issue in evasi0n binary if client fails to correct it.

Version 1.1
- prevent Weather app from appearing on iPads.
- mitigated the long reboot issue.
- fix issue with not working after connecting multiple iOS devices
- fix blinking of the jailbreak instructions on OS X.
- codesigned Mac app.

Version 1.0
- first public release

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Evad3rs Release Updated Evasi0n 1.2 Jailbreak Utility
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Comments (25)
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Dizzy - July 2, 2013 at 9:14am
currently running 6.1.2 on a 4S with evasi0n jailbreak. with very little tweaks at all my phone tends to randomly crash into safe mode whenever it feels like it. i had all the tweaks i have now plus way more when i was on 5.1.1 and i never crashed into safe mode once. nor did i experience any bugs really for that matter other than a slight lag due to heavy theming which i left out this time around. basically my point is this jailbreak sucks because it is highly unstable while i noticed no instabilities in my previous jailbreak. simply due to the that comparison i am unsatisfied with this jailbreak. yet i admit i'd rather this than no jailbreak thanks to a few conveniences it provides me with.
Crashes - February 10, 2013 at 6:06pm
Has anyone noticed when you make a phone call there is a delay? Also when you resrping you iphone 5 sometimes it is dimming my iPhone I had to go to the settings touch the dimming to make it brighter. Another problem I've also noticed my FaceTime My number is not highlighted anymore my email is. Before I can choose between my email and my #.Basically face time doesnt work. Iblacklist crashes takes my phone into a safe mode all the time..I love the iblacklist..thats probably why Apple won't sell this app in the app store..its very buggy.I paid for it 2. Anyway all these thing could be fixed? Thank you for the jailbreak ..we appreciate it Better than nothing though
thehpmaster - February 11, 2013 at 4:23pm
the same thing is on the iphone 4s. everything that you have described. there is also problem with messages sms and imessages to they come with delay or dont come at all. and maybe you will notice that you can call but you cant receive calls (i didnt know before friends have ask me what is with my phone) and the signal is full
justabrake - February 10, 2013 at 3:46pm
Is there still a Dimming and Weather problem ?
Russell - February 10, 2013 at 5:28pm
Yep. Jailbreakers getting dimmer and dimmer. There is serious doubt weather most will ever leave their mama's basements.
Kornmehl - February 10, 2013 at 3:00pm
This jailbreak still sucks balls.
Wezz69 - February 10, 2013 at 8:47am
My weather app doesnt work even after the second update, but im not fussed because i prefer the met office weather app anyways!
Anthony - February 9, 2013 at 4:21pm
Hey I did a OTA then I jail broke my iPhone 5 iOS 6.1 and I have not ran into problems. The weather app was still working then and still is and there are no other problems thanks for the jailbreak guys.
Brb - February 9, 2013 at 1:55pm
iPhone 5 IOs 6.1 updated evasi0n 1.2 thru cydia but weather app still not working. Everything else is fine. Thanks for the Jailbreak!!
Nelson Cheung
Nelson Cheung - February 9, 2013 at 9:59am
My iphone4 is having serious problem of drop calls. Will this be fixed by upcoming updates? Thank you.
IOS 6.1 BUGS. - February 9, 2013 at 6:11pm
Nelson, Sadly, your problems may simply be related to IOS 6.1 itself and not the jailbreak! ;-p https://www.iclarified.com/27349/vodafone-tells-iphone-4s-customers-not-to-update-to-ios-61
Nelson - February 10, 2013 at 5:25am
Thank you for the reply. I same surmised that this problem has been a result from the firmware. I preserved my iPhone4 baseband 01.59.00 using sn0owbreeze, jailbreak with evasi0n. I had thought it was the jailbreak that was having problem and redid again the recovery of 6.1 firmware (using the custom iPSW preserved by sn0wbreeze). After recovery done, this time I came to notice that the network loss and drop call problem actually happened even before applying the evasi0n jailbreak. So I believe this is a problem of the customized iPSW in preserving baseband or it is related to the firmware as you have mentioned. It has nothing to do with jailbreak or the unlock process that happened later on. Your post mentioned iPhone4s but mine is iPhone4. Is it true that the firmware problem includes both 4 & 4s ? Besides, I am in Canada and is not using Vodafone as a carrier. If all these are true to my case, should I revert back to 5.11 jailbreak? As Apple will most likely block the 6.11 jailbreak in their later update. Please kindly clarify. Thanks.
justabrake - February 9, 2013 at 5:53am
I restored after the jailbreak because of dimming on the iPhone ! Was this fixed ?
Albert - February 9, 2013 at 6:11am
It happens but just be glad that we have another jailbreak ;)
Albert - February 9, 2013 at 4:54am
I Jailbreaked a few times but I don't really care since we didn't pay for it I don't mind doing it all over again. I also Donamy here and there I don't mind giving them some type of money since they butterheads off every night trying to get this jailbreak going
Albert - February 9, 2013 at 4:56am
Donated* Other than that it works perfectly fine love it
Jam - February 9, 2013 at 4:22am
Looool 3 updates in one week huh!!! I did ota for 6.1 and yet NO problem at all and then JB to prove musclegerd don't know jack about programs! Then I restored to take off JB...
AppleMan12 - February 9, 2013 at 1:12pm
What do you know about coding,if you can't even count? My guess: cheap android fanboy mad he has no iOS device
Jam - February 9, 2013 at 3:17pm
Been on iOS since iPhone 2007 buddy.... To all you guys that know nothing about nothing musclegerd never solved anyone's problem about mms and network problems until I that's right I discovered myself NOT to hacktivate iPhone just use AT&T sim when upgrading and JB AND THEN use my sim agains NEVER had any issues with all my iPhones. I was a JB fan but NOT no more since the best is gone. Even this JB is EXACTLY like greenpoison setup! Only reason I did JB was to unlock my iPhone hence been iOS user 2007, but now unlocked iPhones are being sold well sorry no more JB.
Kornmehl - February 9, 2013 at 1:22am
This jailbreak sucks balls.
Mark - February 8, 2013 at 10:57pm
Please fix the weather App
ace - February 9, 2013 at 12:56am
Weather app works fine, just update changes in cydia . works like a charm
Tiago - February 8, 2013 at 10:46pm
I´m getting stuck in the 1/3 step!! Whats happening?
thevmax - February 8, 2013 at 11:56pm
I had to re-run Evasi0n 3 times. Make sure you have re-booted your computer. Follow directions exactly.
Suraj - February 8, 2013 at 9:38pm
Version 1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Disable OTA updates. - Correct timezone issue in evasi0n binary if client fails to correct it.
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