February 10, 2025
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Posted February 27, 2009 at 11:57pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to install Boxee and XBMC onto your Apple TV using Windows.

Step One
Download the atvusb-creator to your Desktop from here. Select the latest version of the atvusb-creator interim solution with SSH/XBMC/Boxee installers for XP/Vista platforms.

Step Two
Double click the downloaded file on your desktop (atv-win-1.0.b11.zip) to open it.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Then drag the atv-win-1.0.b11 folder to the desktop.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

If asked whether you would like to copy a file without encryption select the Do this for all current items box and then click the Yes button.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

If notified that there is already a folder with the same name as the file you specified select the Do this for all current items box and click the Skip button.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Step Three
Press the Windows key + R to bring up the run dialog. Type in cmd and click the OK button.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Step Four
Type cd Desktopatv-win-1.0.b11 to navigate to the folder you extracted to the desktop. If you used a different version of the atvusb-creator then replace the atv-win-1.0.b11 folder name with the folder you dragged to your desktop.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Step Five
Type mk-atv-xbmc-ssh.bat into the command prompt and press Enter.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

The ATVUSB-Creator script will then connect to the Internet, download the latest firmware, and create a patchstick image.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Step Six
Double click the folder you dragged to the desktop (atv-win-1.0.b11).
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Right click the USB Image Tool.exe and click Properties... from the popup menu.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Click to select the Compatibility tab, check the Run this program as an administrator box, then click the OK button.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Step Seven
Connect a USB Stick to the computer then double click to launch the USB Image Tool.exe
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Select Device Mode from the dropdown at the top left of the program window.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Select your USB Stick from the list of devices along the left of the program window.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Click the Restore button.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Select the atv-xbmc-ssh.img from the folder you extracted to your desktop (atv-win-1.0.b11).
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

When asked to confirm the image restore click the Yes button.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

You will now be shown the progress of the restore.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Step Eight
Once the patchstick has been created successfully remove the patchstick from your computer. Turn off your AppleTV by unplugging it then connect the patchstick to the back of the AppleTV. Plug the AppleTV back in to start the patching process.

Step Nine
You will notice the ATV USB Creator icon appear on your TV instead of the Apple logo.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

The screen will then go black and some Terminal commands will execute for a few minutes. Once they have completed you will be informed that you can now unplug your AppleTV to reboot it. Make sure you remove the patchstick from the back of the AppleTV before you plug it back in.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Step Ten
When your AppleTV reboots you will have a new menu item called XBMC/Boxee.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Select Update from the submenu.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Then select to download the latest version of Boxee from the Updater.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

You will be informed of the download and update status.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

When complete you can press Menu to return to the Update menu.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Next select to download the latest version of Launcher from the Updater.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

Once the download completes it will install then reboot your Apple TV.

Step Eleven
Once your AppleTV reboots you will be presented with a new menu item called Launcher. Select Boxee from the Launcher submenu to start the application.
How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

How to Install Boxee on your Apple TV (Windows)

NOTE***: Currently the latest version of ATVUSB-Creator for Windows downloads the 2.3 AppleTV software. If you can't wait for them to update it to 2.3.1 you can use this script. Download it and place it into the folder on your desktop (atv-win-1.0.b11).
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Comments (9)
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Aren Comley
Aren Comley - March 30, 2016 at 4:08pm
Good afternoon all. I followed all the steps it installed fine but I have no XBMC menu on my Aplle TV only a software menu which does not work either. Someone please help
Adwaith - February 21, 2013 at 5:45am
Does this work for Apple TV 3G as well?
Brian - August 11, 2009 at 1:34am
You need to use 7-Zip to fully extract to files. Windows extraction is leaving out the tools folder for some reason.
Brandon - August 10, 2009 at 9:25pm
Once I do Step 5, enter mk-atv-xbmc-ss.bat, and then hit enter...my screen says Fetching Apple r2.3 update DMG The system cannot find the path specified. Some sort of error has occured, aborting operation CAN ANYONE HELP ME??????
Ibrahim - September 16, 2009 at 8:37am
hello. i was having the same isue and found a work around. then you will have to download atv-win-2.0.zip from http://code.google.com/p/atvusb-creator/downloads/list you will then have to download atv-win-1.0.b12.zip from http://code.google.com/p/atvusb-creator/downloads/list extract the atv-win-1.0.b12 folder to your desktop then download this file from http://mesu.apple.com/data/OS/061-6242.20090624.Aq20P/2Z694-5660-029.dmg and save it in atv-win-1.0.b11 (the folder you extracted to your desktop) http://code.google.com/p/atvusb-creator/downloads/list then open the rar fileand run atv-win-2.0 (from the first download link i listed) click on Use Wizard then click on choose DMG then navigate to the file you downloaded (it was about 170mb) then check install ssh then click create patchstick. now you can refer back to iclarifieds tutorial for the rest of the steps :)
hector - May 17, 2009 at 5:24pm
I am trying to do all the steps, but when I press enter on the step 4, the CMD said "the system cant found the specific route" what can i do?
Jim - April 18, 2009 at 1:56pm
Technically, the file is called atv-win-1.0.*.zip NOT atvusb-creator-1.0.*.zip
dave - March 22, 2009 at 6:05pm
i have appletv and windows xp 2002, i tried downoaded the windows version but not sure if applies since i couldnt find the complete tools area in step 4. please help. can i download on someone elses mac and then install to appletv or does my personal computer need to match the appletv?
dave - March 22, 2009 at 6:07pm
actually it was more in step 6 with the USB Tool that is not in my folder...
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