March 7, 2025
Cermster Releases Relations Manager for iPhone

Cermster Releases Relations Manager for iPhone

Posted March 4, 2009 at 1:37pm by iClarified
Cermster has announced the release of Relations Manager, their new social CRM business application for iPhone. All people are not equal when it comes to using iPhone. Relations Manager tracks your calls and reminds you when you should contact the people who are important to you. iPhone users can now utilize the application intelligence by classifying their contact details into different categories.

"Categories are like intelligent alarm clocks. Relations Manager reminds iPhone user to contact a person that has not been called for a certain time period". says Erkko Skantz the founder of Relations Manager.

iPhone is becoming more and more popular among business people. Applications like Relations Manager will increase the business value of iPhone. Relations Manager forces individuals to think who do they really value. How often should they contact the person that they think is important? If you have an important person stored in your phone list, how often should you call him or her? Relations Manager keeps track of all your calls and reminds you when you should call your important contact again.

"There is always a risk that you might forget to call someone, whether it is you friend or a customer that might have business for your. The need for this type of application came from my personal needs. I have several hundred contacts stored in my iPhone. I was not able to keep up with all my contacts. Now Relations Manager reminds me when it is time to call my prospects," says Mr. Skantz.

Pricing and Availability:
Relations Manager for iPhone is only $4.99 (USD) and available exclusively through Apple's App Store.

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Cermster Releases Relations Manager for iPhone Cermster Releases Relations Manager for iPhone

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