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How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Posted October 14, 2015 at 6:36am by iClarified
These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini 4, iPad mini 3, iPad mini Retina, and iPad mini on iOS 9.0 - 9.0.2 using Pangu9 for Windows.

If you aren't already at iOS 9.0.2 we suggest upgrading to the latest firmware using iTunes. You can find download links for iOS 9.0.2 here. We've also posted instructions on how to update the firmware of your iOS device. Please note that you must update using iTunes rather than Software Update. If you used Software Update you should do a backup then restore to iOS 9.0.2 using iTunes.

Step One
Create an iClarified folder on your desktop and download the latest version of Pangu into the folder. If your download is a zip file then extract the archive into the same folder.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Step Two
Tap Settings from your Springboard then select Touch ID & Passcode. Turn Passcode Off if it is enabled.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Step Three
Choose iCloud from the Settings menu then select Find My iPad from the iCloud menu. Ensure the Find My iPad switch is the Off position.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Step Four
Enable Airplane Mode by tapping the Airplane Mode switch.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Step Five
Connect your iPad to the computer via a USB cable, launch iTunes, and perform a manual backup. It is very important that you remember to backup your device before continuing as you could lose your data if the jailbreak process does not complete successfully.

Step Six
Double click the Pangu executable from the iClarified folder on your desktop to launch the application.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Step Seven
You will notice that your device is detected by the software. Uncheck the PP checkbox then click the large Start Jailbreak button to begin the jailbreak.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Step Eight
You will be prompted to confirm that you've backed up your device and that it's in Airplane Mode, click the Already Did button (the one on the right) to continue.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Step Nine
The Pangu app will now begin the jailbreak process.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Your device will reboot and at the 65% mark, you will be asked to renable Airplane Mode.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

At the 75% mark, launch the Pangu app from the SpringBoard then tap Accept. When prompted tap OK to allow Pangu access to your photos.
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

Step Ten
Once the jailbreak has completed successfully, your iPad will reboot and a new Cydia app will appear on your Springboard. Congratulations, you're now jailbroken!
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 9 (Windows) [9.0.2]

*A big thanks to the Pangu team and all the others who contributed to this jailbreak.

If you need help with this tutorial please post a question in the comments or submit a question to the iClarified community using our Answers section.

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Comments (13)
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ipad007 - November 13, 2015 at 6:19pm
does somebody when the jailbreak for ios 9.1 will come out????
Meshal alenezi
Meshal alenezi - November 2, 2015 at 1:30pm
It's not detect my device what can I do !?
dunno - October 24, 2015 at 12:03am
This is pure rubbish. It won't even detect my mini. Anyone get it to work with Windows 10?
mungoose - December 13, 2015 at 2:50pm
You need to connect the device first with iTunes at least once so that iTunes recognizes the device. After that you can close iTunes and start Pangu. However 1.2.0 hangs at 30% after device reboot every time.
mungoose - December 13, 2015 at 3:16pm
Actually, just found out that you need to start the Pangu-1.2.0.exe as administrator. Would've been nice if the instructions actually did mention this.
Swan - October 15, 2015 at 2:34am
Already jailbroke my ipad so far so good but when i opened the pangu window there was not option to Uncheck the PP box, is that normal? Also the version was/is not chinnese.
Ace305 - October 15, 2015 at 7:21pm
Same thing happened to me. Cydia won't open. It keeps crashing soon as you click on it smh
NoGoodNick - October 14, 2015 at 4:55pm
Once again, the first pass attempt at a JB by Pangu is completely unreliable. Received a 0a error, had to delete my backup, the JB worked, but Cydia won't run. What good is a JB without Cydia? Expect at least 3 revisions by Pangu before you're able to use this JB.
NoGoodNick - October 14, 2015 at 5:11pm
Egad! Tried to avoid the Cydia substraight by holding down the up-arrow during a reboot. My iPad is now a brick. It can't exit startup! It's been in startup for the last twenty minutes. I'll have to wait for it's battery to run out and then restore it before it attempts to restart again.
iHaKiOs - October 14, 2015 at 5:32pm
Hold power and home button till you see apple logo, about 15 seconds
shailendra yogi
shailendra yogi - October 14, 2015 at 9:51am
my cydia is not working its open and close constantly in my iphone 4s
Steven S.
Steven S. - October 14, 2015 at 6:42am
I had to restore my 6S Plus since I installed the OTA of 9.0.2. It was hanging at the backuping screen. After restored, it worked like a charm. Thanks!
NoGoodNick - October 14, 2015 at 4:58pm
You don't need to restore the device, you only have to delete the iTunes backup that Pangu monkeyed with. Delete it on iTunes and from the C:/Users//AppData/Roaming/Apple Computer/MobileSync, empty the trash and you'll be set.
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