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كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Posted November 23, 2010 at 11:56pm by iClarified
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هذه تعليمات لكيفية تنفيذ ال jailbreak على iPad على النظام 4.2.1 باستخدام RedSn0w لأجهزة Mac.
يمكنك القيام بعملية فك مخنوقة حالياً. هذا يعني أنك بحاجة إلى مساعدة RedSn0w للإقلاع في وضعية الجهاز المفكوك.

إذا كنت ترغب باستخدام الفك لنظام بإصدار أدنى يمكنك العثور على التعليمات المناسبةهنا.

الخطوة الأولى
انشىء مجلد على سطح المكتب باسم Pwnage

حمل RedSn0w من هنا وضعه في مجلد Pwnage. بطريقة ممائلة حمل آخر نظام 4.2.1 من الرابط في الأسفل وضعه في نفس المجلد.

4.2.1: iPad1,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw

فك ضغط برنامج redsn0w من ملف RedSn0w zip بالنقر المزدوج عليه.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة الثانية
أوصل جهازك ال iPad بالكمبيوتر وشغل iTunes.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

اختر جهازك ال iPad من الأجهزة في القائمة اليسارية.
ثم اضغط زر Option وانقر على زر Restore.
عملية الاستعادة هنا مفضلة لأنها لن تنشأ مساحة مهدورة على جهازك ال iPad.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

انتقي مجلد Pwange على سطح المكتب واختر نظام 4.2.1 باللاحقة .ipsw وانقر على على زر Choose للمتابعة.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة الثالثة
عندما ينتهي iTunes من تحديث iPad إلى النظام المطلوب افتح مجلد Pwange على سطح المكتب وحمل برنامج redsn0w من المجلد المفكوك مسبقاً.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة الرابعة
عندما يفتح RedSn0w انقر على زر Browse
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة الخامسة
اختر نظام 4.2.1 بملف ipsw الذي وضعناه في مجلد Pwange على سطح المكتب ثم انقر Open.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة السادسة
حالما يتم التأكد من النظام انقر على زر Next للمتابعة.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة السابعة
سيقوم RedSn0w الآن بتحضير بيانات jailbreak.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة الثامنة
من هذه النافذة يمكنك انتقاء خيارات ال Jailbreak التي ترغب بها.
تأكد من ان Cydia منتقاة وانقر على Next للمتابعة.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة التاسعة
من فضلك قم بتوصيل iPad إلى الكمبيوتر وتأكد من انه مطفىء من انقر على زر Next
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة العاشرة
سيقوم RedSn0w بإرشادك خلال الخطوات للوصول إلى وضعية DFU.
يمكنك الحصول على مساعدة أكثر لوضعية DFU هنا.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

اضغط باستمرار على زر Home مع زر Power لمدة ١٠ ثواني.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

اترك زر Power واستمر بالضغط على زر Home حتى يتمكن RedSn0w من العثور على الجهاز.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة الحادية عشر
سيقوم iPad الآن بإعادة التشغيل.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة الثانية عشر
سيقوم RedSn0w بعدها بتحميل RAM Disk و Kernel الجديدين.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

الخطوة الثالثة عشر
حالما ينتهي التحميل سيتم تنبيهك أن RedSn0w قد انتهى.
انقر على Finish. عندما ينتهي iPad من إعادة التشغيل (تقريباً خمس دقائق) سيكون قد تم فكه مع وجود Cydia على SpringBoard.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

لاستخدام Redsn0w للإقلاع في وضعية الجهاز المفكوك ببساطة اختر Just boot tethered right now
من نافذة الخيارات وانقر على Next.
كيف تقوم ب Jailbreak على iPad باستخدام RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

*كالعادة الشكر الكبير لفريق iPhone Dev-Team لعملهم الدؤوب ومساهمتهم في مجتمع iPhone.

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Comments (37)
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karlo - February 14, 2011 at 8:32am
i JB my ipad and I turn it off, now if I want turn him on I must boot tethered every time. will I lose my files (apps, calendar, conctats) when i do boot tethered? pleas answer as soon as possible
Mk - February 8, 2011 at 11:10am
Hello, I just did the jailbreak on my iPad and everything seems to be fine, but I can't sync any of the cracked apps that I have on iTunes... any suggestion???
Rodcal - January 10, 2011 at 1:21am
Hello I have do jailbreak and it works fine but when I turn off and then turn on the ipad, it cant start and cant pass from the Apple logo screen, so then I recover it and do the jailbreak again but the problem is still happening when I turn off the ipad, anyone have an idea to solve it?
LarryInAz - January 12, 2011 at 8:54pm
Just don't turn it off. Let it go to sleep mode when not using and keep it on charger over night.
Cory - December 30, 2010 at 2:53am
I've done the jailbreak twice and each time I get a white cydia app that won't open and safari that will not work either. Please Help! Thanks.
criminal record
criminal record - December 30, 2010 at 11:46am
do the last screenshot in this tutorial
LarryInAz - December 30, 2010 at 11:31pm
When you say you did the jailbreak twice, did you first run it saying to install Cydia and the 2nd time to Tether Only? If you did it this way then the white icon should be the normal brown Cydia icon and it should load fine. If this fixes your problem then in the future if your iPad reboots itself then you only need to run the Tether Only option to reactivate the jailbreak.
LarryInAz - December 28, 2010 at 9:11pm
I've jailbroken many an iDevice over the last few years. For some reason my iPad will not shut off so I can run Redsn0w. After holding the power button on top and swiping the "slide to power off" button my iPad immediately reboots itself and does not stay off. I am baffled - any advice would be appreciated.
criminal record
criminal record - December 30, 2010 at 11:39am
dont worry about ipad, run redsnow, choose boot tethered now, follow instructions, it will work. try to countdown seconds yourself, just to be correct.
Miha Robnik
Miha Robnik - December 28, 2010 at 4:57am
Jailbreak succsesfull, but... After 48 hours all my instalous programs are gone from iPad and no i did not restore or anything, it was just plugged in the computer to fill the battery.. it doesnt happen if i charge it through wall socket... what is up with that ?!?!
criminal record
criminal record - December 30, 2010 at 11:44am
you have to transfer purchases from ipad or they will be removed, find it on your own.
andre - December 25, 2010 at 11:03am
Hi guys, my Cydia already works, but I can't sync any cracked app... Any suggestions ? thanks
faz - December 17, 2010 at 3:47am
why does the 3G connection not work after jailbreak? is there an unlock neccessary?? please help! :(
Jabba - December 10, 2010 at 2:58am
Thanks. Works. But Tethered Reboot is a big problem longer term. The instructions didn't really make it 100% clear that EVERY time you reboot the iPad you have to now Jailbreak it after following the above. But like I said, thanks, I appreciate the efforts very much and hope a breakthrough from this tethered reboot pans out.
Andy - December 7, 2010 at 3:23pm
My 3G network was unable to detect after I had switch off my airplane mode and I had to boot to Tethered mode to get the network back. Can anyone help? Thanks
iPad Newbie
iPad Newbie - December 1, 2010 at 6:16pm
So what happens to all the apps i bought from iTunes if i JB my iPad? will all be lost? and i will have to pay for the Business apps that i really need and use daily. Or are you supposed to JB as soon as you get the iPad before buying needed apps?
criminal record
criminal record - December 4, 2010 at 1:37pm
you still have them, no worries.
iphoneaddict - December 1, 2010 at 5:28am
Following these directions, along with the ones in the comments, I am able to jb, but as soon as I try to sync all my cracked apps after installous, I get stuck at the apple logo, and then I have to do a full restore. This jailbreak is not the best.
99.9 - December 2, 2010 at 5:54pm
when stuck at the apple logo, simply use redsnow again and boot tethered!
Dan - November 29, 2010 at 9:51am
Need help! I just did step by step but the iPad freeze just before the white bar gets the final point, I tried this 4 times and the result is the same. And iTunes does not send any message. Any idea on what is going on?
dyohanan - November 29, 2010 at 10:26am
I just connect my other iPad and start working for the stuck iPad, so this issue is fixed, now the problem is that safari and cydia do not work at all. I saw many comments with the same problem, any idea?
dyohanan - November 29, 2010 at 10:34am
Me again, I just run redsnow again and told it to just reboot tethered and safari and cydia start working again, so every time we do a software installation that needs to reboot we need to reboot it again with redsnow.
sparcus - November 29, 2010 at 4:04am
works! thanks a lot!
terry - November 26, 2010 at 12:21am
Hi Folks: I read elsewhere the problem is currently Cydia, which does not work currently. When installed it affects other apps SUCH AS SAFARI. I'm going to try the jailbreak again without Cydia and see if Safari works. Hope this helps until Cydia gets updated. Happy Thanks,
guizmo - November 26, 2010 at 1:34pm
Hey guys the next step is very important to solve the issues with Safari and no Cydia. Run the RedSnOw again but only using "Just boot tethered right now"
Sparky - November 27, 2010 at 1:10pm
The tutorial is missing a few steps at the end. You will see a white Cydia icon. You need to redo the first few steps but select BOOT TETHERED first.
patty - November 28, 2010 at 11:17am
to make cydia work, you need to go through redsn0w again and check the box for Just boot tethered right now from the options window and click Next.
timmy - November 25, 2010 at 1:28pm
same thing here, neither cydia nor safari works. followed directions twice, same outcome. feedback please?
dandy - November 24, 2010 at 4:40am
cant get my 3g connection working properly :O
terry - November 24, 2010 at 1:15am
Had the same Cydia problem. As well, Safari does not work. Appears briefly then disappears.
someone - November 24, 2010 at 1:58am
redo jailbreak with an option "just reboot tethered right now" then everything works
carlos - November 25, 2010 at 11:36pm
Yes I re-did the same with the thetering option and it worked cydia icon and safari now!!, greetings from El Salvador
jipad - November 24, 2010 at 12:46am
i have tried but after jailbreaking my ipad, the cydia does not work. the icon of cydia is just white.
Aric - November 24, 2010 at 11:37am
Same problem here. I fixed it by turning the iPad of, running Redsnow with 'just boot tethered right now' ticked. Only problem is now iTunes doesn't recognise the iPad and I can't sync anything across.
Jeffrey26 - November 24, 2010 at 12:32pm
I had the same problem. If you go back to redsn0w and run it again but without to check the cydia install option you will found the new logo on start up and cydia will then work.
elia - November 25, 2010 at 4:00pm
i had same problem (cydia doesn't work), and i come back to 3.2 :(
Bruno - November 23, 2010 at 11:59pm
First?? Good tut.
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