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تم اصدار الجيلبريك الخاص بالايباد2 على التحديث الأخير 5.0.1 [مرفق صورة] الموضوع

تم اصدار الجيلبريك الخاص بالايباد2 على التحديث الأخير 5.0.1 [مرفق صورة] الموضوع

Posted January 17, 2012 at 10:41pm by iClarified

Pod2g قام برفع صورة تؤكد على نجاح الجيلبريك الخاص بالايباد2 على النسخة 5.0.1.

فبالأمس رفع الهاكر نفسه فيديو قام بتصويره DHowett
والذي يوضح فيه نجاح الجيلبريك غير المقيد لجهاز الايفون فور اس على النسخة 5.0.1.


يتوقع اصدار هذا الجيلبريك الخاص بالايفون فور اس والايباد2 بالنسخة 5.0.1. خلال الأيام القادمة القريبة, وسنعلمكم حال صدور هذا الجيلبريك وتوفره لنا.

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تم اصدار الجيلبريك الخاص بالايباد2 على التحديث الأخير 5.0.1 [مرفق صورة] الموضوع
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Comments (10)
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kong - January 18, 2012 at 3:32am
Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - January 18, 2012 at 7:49am
yes he is a bullshitter cos obeyed donkey released it last week anyway on his twitter its been stolen off him ny pod2g
Mr irony
Mr irony - January 17, 2012 at 11:52pm
WOW! a yellow iPad 2 ;-p
zwabbit - January 17, 2012 at 11:04pm
I think they are racing against the clock to release it prior to the 5.1 release, as it's patched in 5.1 from what I've read. What I'm yet to understand can we still use tinyumbrella for serving the shsh blobs for upgrades? or is that just valid for the 3.x and 4.x iOS. For the 5.x do we use the stitching option introduced in Redsn0w? It's one of the dilemma that I'm having in understanding if I need to upgrade from 4.3.3. i0S ipad2 to 5.0.1 now to be eligible for the jailbreak or I can use the patching option from redsnow when it's released. Still can't find a clear message on the NET.
iphonegeek - January 18, 2012 at 12:54am
It's not guaranteed that it'll be patched in 5.1; this exploit is still kept in secret. The Dev Team have not found a way to utilize with the SHSH blobs due to the complexity of ios5. I'd recommend that you immediately upgrade to 5.0.1 and wait for the untether jailbreak that is due a in a few days. Hope this helps.
gino - January 18, 2012 at 3:06am
dude upgrade don't u follow pod2g??? don't you use twitter? Its all over the net YOU MUST UPDATE TO 5.0.1 TO USE NEW JAILBREAK!!!!!!
xypher89 - January 17, 2012 at 10:59pm
finally those a@))$'ho$;&;..
Anno - January 17, 2012 at 10:57pm
They should save it for 5.1 !
Me - January 18, 2012 at 3:52am
Dude they are hackers!! if they jail broke IOS5 an exploitation will be a piece of cake... Being a hacker is all about the challengers ...Jailbreak will never stop...its part of life of many people..its good for Apple as well.. Watch how many people are going to buy an Iphone4S right now! I've holding for an Iphone4s ..I am getting 3 iPhones 4s . Later
IPAD" - January 17, 2012 at 10:42pm
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