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Reuters: Apple liefert das iPhone 5 im September aus

Reuters: Apple liefert das iPhone 5 im September aus

Posted April 20, 2011 at 2:12am by iClarified
Reuters berichtet, dass Apple mit dem Versand des iPhone 5 im September beginnen wird.

Die Lieferanten von Apple Inc geginnen mit der Produktion des neuen iPhones im Juli diesen Jahres. Das fertige Produkt wird wahrscheinlich im September mit dem Versand beginnen, sagten drei mit der Materie vertraute Personen am MIttwoch.

Das neue Smartphone wird einen schnelleren Prozessor besitzen, aber weitgehend ähnlich aussehen wie das aktuelle iPhone 4, sagte einer der Vertrauten.

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo von Concord Securities hat gehört, dass "das iPhone 5 wird den schnelleren A5 Prozessor beinhalten der schon im iPad 2 verbaut wird, wie auch eine höhere 8 megapixel Rückseiten-Kamera. Ihm wurde auch gesagt, dass Apple zu einem Qualcomm baseband für sowohl GSM wie auch CDMA Modelle wechseln wird, einhergehend mit einem verbesserten Antennendesign."

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Reuters: Apple liefert das iPhone 5 im September aus
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Comments (11)
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Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - April 20, 2011 at 1:36pm
not enough change ill stick with the samsung galaxy s2 best phone out this year
OmiG - April 20, 2011 at 12:50pm
I might buy this...I was gonna buy the iphone 4 in white because I have the iPhone 2g... but I want the iphone 5 in white!
Dodgter - April 20, 2011 at 11:42am
I am still using a 3GS and will continue using it until it dies or until Apple no longer supports updates for it. I did not want to get the iPhone 4 and wanted to wait until the iPhone 5 came out. Now it looks like I will be waiting for the iPhone 6 as the 5 is not much of an upgrade. Until they make a phone to support LTE and/or 4G, there is no need for me to upgrade
Ha - April 20, 2011 at 9:19am
This could be bad for ATT. In my case, since the upgrade will be minimal, all 3 contract will be fulfilled in April 2012. Verizon will have more LTE implemented and by then the iPhone will also have LTE. Then again, a non-apple phone could be taken over.
xntrick - April 20, 2011 at 8:17am
Sounds like the timing will be perfect for me to upgrade my 3Gs. The question for me will be, do I go with AT&T or Verizon?
iceblu121 - April 20, 2011 at 10:20am
do you use the internet while on the phone ? if so ur gonna hate being not able to do so with verizon takes awhile a great function being able to look somthing up while on the phone i use it pretty often
Chip - April 20, 2011 at 11:04am
You can however be on a call and access the internet through wifi. anytime i've wanted to check something while on the phone i've been either at work, home, or an airport, all of which have wifi connections. and if i do need to hang up the phone for 3 minutes to check something, it's really not that big of a deal. I'd say it's a pretty good trade for actually receiving calls.
xntrick - April 20, 2011 at 11:33am
I don't access the web while on a call a lot. Mostly I access my calendar while on the phone. Doesn't Verizon use 3G/4G? If on that can't you access the Internet on Verizon?
Jompa - April 20, 2011 at 8:05am
They must have something more to make me even considder upgrading from my iPhone 4. Very pleased with that phone so far and a better camera or CPU is not enough.
IVAN - April 20, 2011 at 8:43am
what do u think about a larger screen?
James - April 20, 2011 at 11:44am
I mostly agree. The camera is tempting and if it can take action shots I think that would tip the scales. Also, if it does better at reception (not due to holding it but in general) then that too would push me that way. Currently my reception is extremely spotty whereas my 3gs wasn't that bad and my razr v3xx was immaculate.
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