Como hacer Jailbreak al iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G usando Limera1n (Windows)
Posted October 9, 2010 at 7:38pm by iClarified
Estas son las instrucciones de como hacer el jailbreak a su iPod Touch 3G y iPod Touch 4G usando Limera1n para Windows. Limera1n es compatible con iOS 4.0, 4.01, 4.0.2 y 4.1.
Paso Uno Abra su navegador preferido y navegue a Click en el link Download for Windows al final de la pantalla.
Paso Dos Cuando le pregunte, guarde su descarga en el escritorio.
Paso Tres Doble click en el archivo limera1n.exe en el escritorio para abrir la aplicación.
Paso Cuatro Click en el gran botón que dice make it ra1n.
Paso Cinco Su iPod quedará en modo de recuperación(Recovery Mode).
Presiones los botones Home y Power al mismo tiempo.
Cuando Limera1n se lo indique, suelte el botón Power.
Su iPod quedará en modo DFU.
Mientras Limera1n trabaja, verá una imagen de una gota de lima en su iPod.
Limera1n le hará saber cunado haya terminado.
Paso Seis Luego de volver a prender su iPod verá un nuevo icono en el Springboard que dice limera1n. Presionelo para continuar.
Paso Siete Una vez Limera1n abra, seleccione Cydia, luego presione el botón Install arriba de la pantalla.
Paso Ocho Una vez la instalación de Cydia se haya completado, debe reiniciar su iPod.
Paso Nueve Cuando su iPod haya reiniciado usted puede ejecutar Cydia. Permitale hacer todas las actualizaciones necesarias.
NOTA*: Para eliminar el icono de Limera1n de su escritorio usted puede instalar CyDelete desde Cydia, luego úselo para eliminar la aplicación. Eventualmente esta opción debería aparecer en el mismo Limera1n.
***Muchas gracias a todos los que hicieron este Jailbreak posible.
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After the last step, what should I do? I clicked on the cydia icon and it says there: Who are you? User (Graphic only), Hacker (+ Command Line), and Developer (No filters). Which one should I click? Or do I just bought apps from itunes (on laptop or ipod?) Please reply asap. Thanks.
i have the new ipod touch 4g 4.1 OS and i'm wondering if anybody has successfully jailbroken this with either limera1n or greenpois0n.
also, has anybody encountered any problems during this process?
Please answer me, by mistake I applied the new Limr1n JB on my iphone 3GS which was on IOS 3.0.2 before upgrading it to 4.1, and now the device is freezed on the apple symbol and is not able to connect to itunes to reset it. Any suggestion? I know it's a silly mistake but it happens :(
make sure you ipod/phone is OFF and so far NOT connected to the usb lead.
Now have itunes open and you USB in but not connected to ur phone/ipod.
now whilst the device is OFF hold your finger on the home button and keep it there!!! then plug it into the usb and keep holding home and wait............. for ages , maybe 30 seconds or more. after a short time your computer/itunes will now recognise you device and detect it as in recovery. okay. HTH
damn it!!!! i just updated my 4.0 jailbroken ipod thinking this works. now im stuck with this useless 4.1. my cydia and my installus is gone!!! :-(
somebody please help. please update asap.
Try do the jailbreaking again, BUT leave iTunes open while doing the jailbreaking steps, ignore any iTunes messages, just go through with the jailbreaking.
I stand corrected. I apologize to those I was disrespectful to. It worked for me. I tried it connected to a dell (Windows based) computer and the 1st try it worked. Previously, I was using my iMac (VMware Fusion software ) with windows. Again my apologize.