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Chronic Dev-Team publica liberador Greenpois0n: para iOS 4.1  [Actualización x2]

Chronic Dev-Team publica liberador Greenpois0n: para iOS 4.1 [Actualización x2]

Posted October 12, 2010 at 9:35am by iClarified
Chronic Dev-Team ha publicado Greenpois0n, su utilidad para liberar el iPhone, iPad e iPod touch con iOS 4.1.

Después de mucha controversia, la herramienta ha sido actualizada para usar la falla en el rom de arranque encontrada por Geohot.

Desafortunadamente, actualmente sólo existe una versión para Windows; de todas formas, una versión de Mac y con soporte de ipt2g saldrán pronto.

Puedes descargar Greenpois0n desde aquí.

Como liberar tu iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 Usando Greenpois0n (Windows)
Como liberar tu iPod Touch 3G, 4G Usando Greenpois0n (Windows)
Como liberar tu iPad Usando Greenpois0n (Windows)

De los muchos comentarios y por nuestra propia experiencia, parece que Greenpois0n no está instalando Cydia actualmente. Es mejor que esperen a que esto se arregle.

Actualización x2:
Al parecer RC3 soluciona el problema para nosotros.

Chronic Dev-Team publica liberador Greenpois0n: para iOS 4.1  [Actualización x2]
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Comments (90)
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rye - October 16, 2010 at 5:45pm
guys, just a question only, is there any unlock now for iphone 4 4.1 baseband 2.10.04? guys pls help me out..thanks
john - October 15, 2010 at 9:35pm
Really stuck now, when i try loader again it says Cydia already installed but i cant open white Cydia icon :( ... please help.
Monsieur - October 15, 2010 at 2:16am
Hi,I've installed it and the jailbreak went just fine,but the unlock link seems not really working with my 3GS 4.1. Really need help here!!
ElSrLocust - October 14, 2010 at 11:45am
3GS / iOS 4.1 / 5.14.02 Tried limera1n...=....cydia would not load past 3%. Tried Greenpoison...=...cydia would load but it took forever and icon was white and would only blink..WOULD NOT OPEN. so I did a "shift click" restore to 4.1 and cleared off the phone. (it was given to me updated and cleared so no biggie here) I did the restore, loaded a wifi signal, then with a fresh install loaded greenpoison. Phone came back up and loaded cydia in about 10 seconds and now the phone is rocking along JB'en. Just waiting for somebody smarter than me to crack the 5.14.02 band and this phone will be solid. You guys are bad A and I appreciate the hard work. Vote for FREE iPhones and Pay these guys instead!
ElSrLocust - October 14, 2010 at 11:40am
Hey Comex / Geohot / & last but not least Chronic-Dev. You guys are friggin awesome. As I said before....Comex...Much deserved Donation for blasting the JB for my brand new i4 a few months ago........Geo...got donation the same for the crack job on my girls i4/4.1. You guys make it fun and keep us up and running. See next post for vital info that could help somebody with 3GS/4.1/5.14.02
ggm - October 13, 2010 at 10:04pm
iPhone 4 fw4.0.1 restored to 4.1 with tiny umbrella worked. Neither greenpois0n or limera1n is able to jailbreak it right now. Already tried a dozen times!! Anybody??
ahmad - October 13, 2010 at 11:50am
i need to unlock my 3gs its 4.1 and 15-14-02 anyone can help
Kotico - October 13, 2010 at 3:54pm
You might want to check https://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=12170 ;)
Raphael - October 13, 2010 at 9:47am
@ Majeed : I got the same problem and it was my cable, I was probably use the ipod nano one or the old 3GS one.
TEAM DIVISION - November 18, 2010 at 3:52pm
Please do not upgrade to iOS version 4.2. If you upgrade to iOS 4.2 and you are running Line2 in the background, the ringer will continue to ring even after an incoming call is answered. This affects Line2 as well as all other VoIP and social calling apps. (Note: If you do not use Line2 your Toktumi service will not be effected.) Apple Developer Support is aware of this issue and has designated its status as 'severe'. However, as of the most recent iOS beta (GMSeed build), this issue is still not resolved. We apologize for this inconvenience and will update you as soon as we get more information from Apple. Line2 will continue to work as normal with your current operating system. We strongly encourage you not to install iOS 4.2 until Apple fixes the upgrade issue. We will send out an email update as soon as it is safe to upgrade.
Steve - October 12, 2010 at 11:06pm
Hi My phone is also having the same config, 4.1 8B117 and modem firm-ware 05-14-02. The jail break worked just fine with green-pois0n but after i clicked on loader and installed cydia, at the end Cydia gave an error message and came out, now i see after re-boot of the phone cydia is a white icon and it wont open. I am unable to unlock the phone. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Will be waiting for the reply. Really stuck now, when i try loader again it says Cydia already installed but i cant open Cydia :( ... please help.
J - October 12, 2010 at 10:19pm
iPhone 4 iOS 4.1 used Tiny Umbrella to preserve 01.59.00 baseband greepois0n rc3 on linux says it worked, but no loader or cydia icon on reboot Any help would be much appreciated, I don't have a windows pc to try anything else.
J - October 13, 2010 at 12:05pm
Just a followup, tried with greenpois0n rc3 on windows and failed, but limera1n worked fine first try.
luisdk - October 12, 2010 at 9:27pm
JailBreak working 100% on Iphone 3GS 4.1 (8B117) , Baseband 05.14.02, so... Well done! O.S.:XP M.C.E. Salutes
Majeed - October 12, 2010 at 8:58pm
I have an Iphone 3gs New bootloader MC .. on ios 4.1 I folowed all the steps and everytime say jailbreak failed !!! don't know what I did wrong ? please help
Raphael - October 13, 2010 at 7:28am
I got the same problem and it was my cable. Once we used another cable it worked.
arocho883 - October 12, 2010 at 4:52pm
PLEASE HELP upgraded to 4.1 on iphone 4 with old base band for the unlock cant seem to jailbreak it with limera1n or greenpois0n it loads up fine but no icons on phone what am i doing wrong PLEASE HELP
Gus - October 12, 2010 at 8:29pm
Make sure iTunes is running when you do the JB with Limera1n
luisdk - October 12, 2010 at 9:31pm
Dont panic!, please install Itunes 10 , and after repeat again, if not works, try with a system with Windows 7, looks that routine was made for that system, it works,,,, Itunes 10.0 its important because I noticed the program uses a delay between both proccess... Enjoy!
David - October 12, 2010 at 10:41pm
Thanks will try
Raphael - October 12, 2010 at 3:58pm
I did it and it work great for me, no bug so far
iphone4 - October 12, 2010 at 2:31pm
Hi .. i was wondering .. i have a factory unlocked iphone 4 with 4.0.1 for the moment jailbroken and i am happy .. do i have to l keep the baseband as it is now or just upgrade it normally with itunes to 4.1 then JB it .. cause everyone is talking here about keeping the baseband to keep the unlocking ,,, ok what about others who don't need the unlock ?
Cheba - October 12, 2010 at 2:44pm
You can update if you have unlocked iPhone and then JB.
Pyro - October 12, 2010 at 12:43pm
I am a little confused, if this doesn't preserve the base band and doesn't unlock, why bother with Greenpois0n over Limera1n?
santos - October 12, 2010 at 12:36pm
I jail broke the iphone but after i used loader to install cydia, i got an error message that there are too many files and i need to delete some files, but i see that the phone has 14.1GB free space, then Cydia does not open at all. There is nothing else i can do stuck :(
dfmac - October 12, 2010 at 12:31pm
anyone tried iPad and iPhone 4 on Parallels? Win XP ? Pls help
Zane - October 12, 2010 at 10:38pm
Yeah installed and worked fine with parallels.
Cheba - October 12, 2010 at 9:57am
Is it possible to jailbreak iPhone 3Gs iOS 4.0.2 I'm trying with greenpois0n and it's always giving me Jailbreak Failed :( Any idea? Tnx Dev-Team
Nettwerk - October 12, 2010 at 10:00am
Looks you have an iPhone 3GS with new Bootloader. Try Limera1n. I hope this will help you.
Cheba - October 12, 2010 at 10:15am
No Limera1n isn't working form me it won't open/start. I posted video with my problem on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC-9pW3Elg8
Nettwerk - October 12, 2010 at 10:21am
Try reinstall iPhone firmware from DFU Mode. Than do jailbreak. Looks problem with some permissions.
Cheba - October 12, 2010 at 10:42am
I'd love to do that, but I have a problem because I don't have SHSH blobs for 4.0.2 version on saurik's server. I got the phone form repair and they replaced it with new one... :S Is there any other way to restor it on 4.0.2 because I need to keep my baseband for unlocking? Tnx for help and advice
Nettwerk - October 12, 2010 at 10:58am
Follow these instructions: https://iClarified.com/12136
Cheba - October 12, 2010 at 11:02am
But will it work on 3Gs? These instructions are for iPhone 4. Tnx
Nettwerk - October 12, 2010 at 11:04am
Sorry my fault, no not workong for 3GS. It works only iPhone 4.
Cheba - October 12, 2010 at 11:41am
Ok no problem, tnx for help.
Pwned - October 12, 2010 at 12:29pm
dude chill the out, to JAILBREAK the Iphone 3G use pwnage tool, check in the news on this website and you will see tuts for mac and windows. Limera1n and Greenposi0n is only for 3GS, 4 unless you cannot read.
amer - October 12, 2010 at 4:46pm
it is fore 4.1 onle
alfy - October 12, 2010 at 9:54am
does anyone know if it works for the iPhone 3g??
Nettwerk - October 12, 2010 at 10:59am
No not working for iPhone 3G
alfy - October 12, 2010 at 6:23pm
Wat does work to jb iPhone 3G??
Zy - October 13, 2010 at 10:14am
to jailbreak 3g use redsnow.. U can find the tutorial in this site under tutorial section..
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