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Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Posted November 23, 2010 at 5:49pm by iClarified
Estas son las instrucciones en como realizar un jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 con el firmware 4.2.1 utilizando RedSn0w para Mac. Solo te sera posible realizar en este momento un tethered jailbreak. Esto significa que necesitas la asistencia de Redsn0w para inicializar en tu dispositivo jailbrokeado.

Si quieres realizar un jailbreak en una version de firmware anterior, puedes encontrar el tutorial adecuado aqui: here.

¡Asegurate de no actualizar al iOS 4.2.1 si necesitas desbloquear tu iPhone ya que no existe una opcion por el momento!

Paso 1
Crea un folfer en tu escritorio llamado Pwnage

Descarga RedSn0w del aqui y guardalo en el folder Pwnage. Tambien descarga la ultima version del firmware 4.2.1 localizado mas abajo y grabalo en el mismo folder.

4.2.1 (4): iPhone3,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw

Extrae el redsn0w app del archivo zip RedSn0w dandole doble click.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 2
Conecta tu iPhone a la computadora y ejecuta iTunes.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Selecciona tu iPhone de la lista de dispositivo de la izquierda. Ahora manten presionada la tecla Opcion y da click en el boton Restaurar. La restauracion es preferida ya que no creara ningun espacio desperdiciado en tu iPhone.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Ve la folder Pwnage en tu escritorio y selecciona el archivo del firmware 4.2.1 con extension ipsw. Da click en el boton Elegir para continuar.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 3
Una vez que iTunes termino de actulizar tu iPhone al firmware deseadoabre el folder Pwnage localizado en tu escritorio y ejecuta la aplicacion redsn0w localizada en el folder de redsn0w que se extrajo previamente.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 4
Una vez abierto RedSn0w da click en el boton Browse
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 5
Selecciona el firmware ipsw 4.2.1 que pusimos en el folder Pwnage en el escritorio y despues da click en Abrir.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 6
Una vez verificado el firmware da click en el boton Siguiente para continuar.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 7
RedSn0w preparara la informacion para el jailbreak
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 8
Desde esta ventana puedes seleccionar la opcion de jailbreak que quieres.

Asegurate que Cydia ha esta seleccionado y da click en el boton Siguiente para continuar.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 9
Por favor conecta tu iPhone a la computadora y asegurate que este apagado y despues da click en el boton Siguiente.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 10
RedSn0w te guiara en los pasos a seguir para poner en modo DFU a tu iPhone. Puedes encontrar mas ayuda sobre el modo DFU en: here
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Manten presionado el boton de Home junto con el de Encendido durante 10 segundos.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Suelta el boton de Encendido y manten presionado el boton de Home hasta que RedSn0w detecto tu dispositivo.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 11
Tu iPhone se reiniciara.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 12
RedSn0w iniciara la nueva carga del Disco RAM Disk y el Kernel a tu iPhone.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Paso 13
Una vez completado este paso se te avisara que RedSn0w ha terminado. Da click en el boton de Finalizar. Cuando tu iPhone termine de iniciarse (mas o menos 5 minutos) ya estara jailbrekeado con Cydia en el SpringBoard.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

Para ayudarte a reiniciar tu dispositivo jailbrekeado con Redsn0w simplemente selecciona Just boot tethered right now de la ventana de opciones y da click en Next.
Como hacer un Jailbreak al iPhone 4 Utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.2.1]

*Como siempre muchas gracias a iPhone Dev-Team por su gran trabajo y contribucion para la comunidad iPhone.
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Comments (48)
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modemode55 - January 8, 2013 at 8:57pm
gooooooood thx
Brock - February 14, 2011 at 1:43pm
I have an iphone 4 version 4.2.1(8C148) with firmware 03.10.01, all I want to do is Jailbreak it and not unlock it because I have AT&T. on other comments I've seen that this updates the baseband... will this void my factory warranty and applecare? thanks!!
范駿 - March 24, 2013 at 10:16pm
Arif - January 24, 2011 at 5:55pm
Hi, i just jailbroken my iphone 4. the cydia is installed, but its white app. not brown as it should be. when i click on it the cydia does not open nor safari. can anyone help me. i have macbook, mac os x leopard.
Tony - January 23, 2011 at 12:44am
I did the steps to jaibreak and cydia works fine when tethered, but Safari does not work??? opens and closes right away.
Elaine - November 24, 2012 at 6:48am
Wow! Great tikhning! JK
sarvary70 - January 15, 2011 at 4:12pm
Hi. Thanks guys, I am having a problem with jailbreak my iPhone4, I got my iphone a couple of days beforre officially on 4.2.1, tried so many times jailbreak it with redsnow but no success. what happens? after this procedure my iPhone4 reboots then everything is well, Cydia is white icon and when i press on it nothing happens. Any respond and idea will be nice and appreciated. regards
Tashi - January 10, 2011 at 3:13am
i Jailbroke my iphone 4 [version 4.2.1(8C148), firmware 03.10.01] using the latest Redsn0w mac 0.9.7b5 but having problem with Skype not loading. I tried the jailbreak process again to see if I was not doing it right but all apps seems to working fine except Skype and Watsapp. Just wanted to inform the dev team about the glitch. Thanksks for all the great work.
Kitten - December 29, 2010 at 4:28pm
ive tried downloading the restore software but it shows it will take several hours to download - why is this? is there a different link i can use? thanks!
AXam - December 25, 2010 at 2:38pm
Thanks so much Dev-Team will contribute more and loads of love thanks guys for the hard work
Daniel - December 22, 2010 at 4:08pm
Hi.. I've got an unlock iphone and it was already running 4.2.1 without JB. I tried to JB with redsn0w and followed all the steps in the tutorial, but when the iphone is doing its first reboot while in the process, it freezes.. I reboot it manually and start it back.. and i use the redsn0w app so that the phone start.. but when he starts, i don't have any network carrier :( and i can't even do a restore via iTunes, cause it says that my device isn't compatible.. how can i solve this out ? thanks!
Arturo - December 21, 2010 at 7:50pm
Hey Guys, I have an iphone 4 i did jb but when i put the ship to another company it doesnt work. so, i still cant use my iphone with different company provider. Could u guys please help me out? Tks Arturo
dadabryan - December 19, 2010 at 8:48am
thank you iPhone Dev-Team! it's works for me. i jb with iphone4 running 4.2.1 firmware.
DjSha - December 19, 2010 at 12:01pm
Hoe did u get passes the network problem?
GOld - December 18, 2010 at 6:34pm
Hello Iclarified team Thank you for your support. I got it, with jailbreak was OK. Next question , how i can unlock my phone ? sorry for my disturb by the way my baseband before upgrade was 01.59 and now 03.10.01 it's ok or no ?
GOld - December 18, 2010 at 7:18am
Hello need your help. jailbreak 4.2.1 also unlock as well. redsn0w wrote that unable recognize specified IPSW what's wrong ?
Don Buenaventura
Don Buenaventura - December 18, 2010 at 3:38am
Is there available jailbreak for iPhone4 with IOS 4.2.1 on OS Tiger 10.4.11? I downloaded the Redsnow jailbreak for iPhone4 IOS4.2.1 but when I double click it it say " it is not supported in this architecture?." Thanks.
Gary - December 14, 2010 at 1:33am
All steps followed but I keep getting stuck at reboot. Can anyone please help?
Sunny Lai
Sunny Lai - December 14, 2010 at 7:47am
all, I think the first step is that you need to upgrade the OS to 4.2.1 completely. Then, you can follow this procedure to JB your iphone 4. Otherwise, it might not work. This is my experience for sharing.
Clint - December 10, 2010 at 2:07am
I just got an iPhone 4 on Mon and had a problem with the JB. I used Pwnage to JB my 3G with no problem, but can't get past Step 2 here for Redsn0w. Exact Message is: The iPhone "NAME REMOVED" could not be restored because the firmware file is not compatible" with the options of [More Information] or [OK]. Anyone know the remedy for this? I'd really like to fix this.
Clint - December 10, 2010 at 11:10am
I did use Firefox. I am running OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard and thus do not have IE. I will try again, however, the only real need I have for JB is SBSettings so I can easily toggle brightness, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and I guess if I ever need to unlock(even though there isn't one currently available for iPhone 4 firmware on 4.2.1).
kiva - December 10, 2010 at 2:02pm
this is the same problem i'm having. I guess i'll wait for another JB and try later.
gsrao - January 11, 2011 at 12:48am
use safari .it will work fine
Bardia - December 7, 2010 at 5:55pm
Hello...!!! i jail broke my iphone and i made a cydia on my iphone 4, but when i rebooted it, cydia didnt work anymore! :( ( i tried to do that about 5 times!!! ) . . . Any Help?!?!?!?!?!?!
Dj Sha
Dj Sha - December 6, 2010 at 11:03am
jailbreak is gone ok, but i don't have any network more(i can't make a call etc.) Does someone has the solutions for this?
Dj Sha
Dj Sha - December 25, 2010 at 2:44pm
Ok, you don't know the answer
Bill - December 5, 2010 at 2:17pm
This will lock your phone. It will update your baseband to the most recent, so don't do it if you need to unlock iy.
ray - December 5, 2010 at 5:02am
my iphone will not cut on after i installed cynia and jail broke it. any suggestions?
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