El hacker de el jailbrake para Sony PS3 pueda que termine en prision
Posted June 19, 2011 at 1:33pm by iClarified
Graf_chocolo es un hacker quien trabajo muy duro para traer de regreso Linux, despues que Sony removiera la opcion de instalarlo. Se le ha acabado el dinero para peliar contra los abogados de Sony y por ende podria terminar en la carcel como resultado.
Hola amigos, ya no hay dinero, Ire a la carcel pronto probablemente por que no puedo pagar los costos de la corte Pero estoy listo para defender todo lo que he dicho y si tengo que ir a la carcel por ello pues asi sera. No es importante ganar, es mas importante que ellos sepan que estamos listos para luchar, que no me pueden asustar fasilmente. Sii, Estoy listo para ir a la carcel por mis creencias y mis principios. Muchas personas probablemente piensan que un Hackeador de computadoras y kernels son niños debiles, escondiendose en ek sotano, comiendo pizza todo el dia, escribiendo software y buscando atencion . Talvez sea asi, pero yo no, pero saldre eventualmente y continuare mi trabajo. My trabajo significa mucho para mi.
Para aquellos que quieren ayudar monetariamente en la defensa Legal de Graf, lo pueden hacer usando este link the paypal. here.
agreed, your opinions as written are "bang on"
Sony was an incredible company back in the 60's - 80's, after that period their greed and non-caring for their customers has escalated to corporate $$$$$ and customers are "pawns" in their buy Sony crap ideals.
Great for the Sony Corporate books, sad for the customers that continue to buy from them.
I do not support companies of this type and do not support them for my clients needs.
that's what normal reaction on this news should look like, 100 % agree with you, dude. I've posted my comment but they deleted it after an hour or so. A+
Any company who doesnt want their products hack are dumb nd stupid.
People usually buy something because they know that it will be hacked right away.
Maybe not the iPad 2 yet, but they're working on it.
Original product: boring
Hacked/jailbroken: more possibilities
I agree with you if an Iphone never been jailbroken..I wouldnt never bought it in first place...
I wish I could hack everything I have...directv my cable, my PS3 ,XBOX360 done...
I love hackers they are creative...dont want to pay for anything ..just like me..even when I have $$...I just like free stuff...
So Sony I hope you will get hacked again…
Well u can see the comments on that page at the bottom(http://grafchokolo.com/grafchokolo-fight-sony.html) or click "Read More" above
Also take a look at iclarified's via link http://www.redmondpie.com/playstation-3-jailbreak-hacker-goes-bankrupt-will-probably-end-up-in-jail/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RedmondPie+%28Redmond+Pie%29&utm_content=Google+Reader
pilot he just wanted to run Linux on his ps3, a feature available as part of the OS when he made the decision to buy his ps3, he simply felt hard done to that the deal of his purchase was essentially changed after they had taken his money, which I think you'll find is unacceptable everywhere else in life (imagine if you bought a 3D TV with a web browser then the web browser feature was retracted after you bought it, you'd be annoyed and rightly so).. What he wasn't trying to do is bring kid hacks into ps3 games, get an education
Dont worry, 1 or 2 more hacks would bring them to their sences. Sorry to say that more credit card numbers would end up for sale on the black market for $50 a pop. Good influx of CC for sale after the first attack :)
We pay for items that we purchased Dr. Long! That purchased should not remove without us the consumer approved. What Sony did is a Bait and Switch is completely wong in moral way and in business way. There are 3 different kind of hackers u talking, the white hat - Sony, Apple, Microsoft, and other Inventor; then Black Hat- the one the broke into the system to steal people info and sell it for money (those are the scumbag), and the last one is important: the grey hat- They want buy item(s) meet their need. Some need better graphic some need better game (some look for free game- this is not right. ) but the important thing is Sony never understand the consumer need and want all they care is money which will brg destruction to their corps!
The average consumer didn't even know the feature was there until it hitted headlines. Thanks for clarifying the "Black, White, and Gray Hat Hackers" all in all, they benefit off of eachother. Its like looting, when someone starts the looting process, hundreds, thousands will join the fray.