Cómo aplicar jailbreak a su iPhone 3GS utilizando PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]
Posted December 28, 2011 at 5:19am by iClarified
A continuación las instrucciones para liberar su iPhone 3GS con iOS 5.0.1 utilizando PwnageTool para Mac.
Paso Uno Cree una carpeta llamada "Pwnage" en el desktop. En ella, necesitará un par de cosas. PwnageTool 5.0.1, encontrado aquí.
También necesitará el firmware de iPhone 5.0.1, encontrado aquí.
Al descargar el archivo IPSW, es mejor hacerlo con Firefox, ya que Safari frecuentemente lo autoextrae!
Paso Dos Haga doble click para montar el PwnageTool, luego arrastre el ícono de PwnageTool dentro de la carpeta "Pwnage".
Luego, desde la carpeta "Pwnage", haga doble click para lanzar la aplicación "PwnageTool"
Haga click en Ok si se le presenta el siguiente warning:
Paso Tres Haga click para seleccionar "Expert Mode" en la barra de menú de la parte superior.
Paso Cuatro Haga click para seleccionar su dispositivo. Un checkmark aparecerá sobre la imagen del dispositivo. Seleccione la flecha azul para continuar.
Paso Cinco Será dirigido a la página de "Browse for IPSW". Seleccione el botón "Browse for IPSW..."
Desde la ventana emergente, seleccione su archivo de firmware en la carpeta "Pwnage", y haga click en el botón "Open".
Paso Seis Será entonces llevado a un menú con varias opciones. Seleccione "General" y luego el botón con la flecha azul.
Las configuraciones en "General" le permiten decidir el tamaño de la partición. Escoja "Activate the phone" si no lo tiene con un carrier oficial y luego presione el botón de la flecha azul.
NOTA*: No seleccione "Activate" si tiene un iPhone legitimamente activado con un carrier oficial.
El menú de configuraciones "Cydia" le permiten crear paquetes personalizados, de forma que no tenga que instalar manualmente los paquetes más tarde.
Haga click para seleccionar el tab "Download packages". Luego, seleccione el botón "Refresh" para mostrar todos los paquetes disponibles. Haciendo doble click en el paquete deseado lo descargará y colocará como disponible en el tab "Select Packages".
Seleccione con un checkmark los que guste, luego seleccione el botón de la flecha azul.
El menú "Custom Packages Settings" muestra las configuraciones de los paquetes listados para su IPSW personalizado. Por ahora deje las configuraciones como están. Seleccione el botón de la flecha azul para continuar.
Paso Siete Ya está listo para comenzar el proceso de Pwnage! Haga click en el botón "Build" para seleccionarlo y luego el botón de la flecha azul para comenzar.
Paso Ocho Se le pedirá el guardar su .IPSW personalizado. Guárdelo en la carpeta "Pwnage" que creó en su desktop.
Su IPSW está siendo ahora construido. Por favor espera hasta unos 10 minutos.
Se le pedirá su password de administrador. Hágalo, y luego presione el botón "OK".
Paso Nueve Una vez que su IPSW haya sido construido se le pedirá el conectar su iPhone a la computadora. Una vez que detecte su dispositivo, PwnageTool le guiará en los pasos a seguir para poner su iPhone en modo DFU.
Presione y mantenga presionado los botones de Power y Home por 10 segundos.
Luego, suelte el botón de Power y continue presionando el de Home por otros 10 segundos.
Una vez que su iPhone está en modo DFU, PwnageTool le pedirá iniciar iTunes.
Paso Diez En iTunes, mantenga presionada la tecla "Alt/Option" y haga click en "Restore".
Paso Once Navegue a la carpeta "Pwnage" en su desktop usando la ventana de diálogo que aparece. Seleccione el IPSW personalizado que fué creado previamente y haga click en el botón "Choose".
Paso Doce iTunes restaurará ahora el firmware en su iPhone. Esto también puede tomar hasta 10 minutos. Una vez listo, se reiniciará con iOS 5.0.1 liberado!
***AGRADECIMIENTOS: Gracias al iPhone Dev-Team, Chronic Dev-Team, I0nic, y Geohot por su duro trabajo en hacer este jailbreak y tutorial posible!
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Bought used 3gs. I unlocked and jailbroke on 3.1.2 on baseband 05.11.07.
Followed all your steps everything was going well until the end of step 12. iTunes was processing like it was going to work until it came up with this message "the iphone could not be restored. this device isn't eligible for the requested build". I tried to option+restore it again and looked like it was processing it but then got error code 1601. Then I tried to restart the phone and now I get the "only compatible sim cards from a supported carrier may be used."
TinyUmbrella now says:
firmware 5.0.1
baseband 05.11.07-6.4_M3s2
serial number 85946xxxxxx
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
I have a 16g 3g Iphone. It is running 2.2 and is oajlbriken. I DO want to be able to unlock in the future (as when I sell it on ebay to get the lastest Iphone this summer!). I am using a PC but my wife has an Imac and her own Iphone 3g which she updated to 2.21 as is not interested in jailbreaking. So I want to upgrade to 2.2.1 but not change the baseband. I also do not want to do anything to screw up my wife's Iphone on her Mac. Can I download the PwnageTool on her Mac and create the custom .ipsw and then save and transfer that file to my PC? Then do I use Itunes to update to 2.2.1 and select UPDATE while holding down the shift key, and select the custom .ipsw file? Then use Quickpawn to jailbreak? Are those the correct steps?
Wasn't clear about one thing, should I already be on OS 5 with my iphone 3GS before I Jailbreak using the Pwnage tool?
Right now I have an 3GS with the factory settings.
5221Bonjour, j'ai bien la mise c3a0 jour oficielle de mon nohpie 3gs, chose bizare mon gsm est desimlockc3a9 d'origine alors que au firmware 4.3.3 il etait encore impossible de lire ma sim sans jailbreakc3a9, petit soucis quand je lance redsnow pour jailbreakc3a9 il me dit impossible de le jailbreakc3a9 en untethered alors que j'ai un old bootrom, quelqu'un sait il m'aider pour passer ce problc3a9me ou a t il une solution c3a0 me proposer, merci d'avance
I have a Mac, 3GS, on 4.3.3 jail broken with Ultrasn0w unlock. Old baseband. Using Pwnage Tool and trying to go to 5.0.1 without success. My iPad 1 got to 5.0.1 simply as described in the tutorial. Easy, no problem. Can't say the same for the iPhone. It sort of worked the first time through with Activate The Phone unchecked but stalled asking for the AT&T SIM which I have. So then did a build using Activate checked. Getting either a 11 or 1600 error on restore. Went back to 4.3.3 without a problem. Can't get to 5.0.1 though. Any ideas welcome.
I would love to use this guide with my iPhone 3gs. But I don't know how since my power button is busted and I can't put the phone in DFU. I have googled about putting the phone in DFU without the use of buttons, but I'm afraid it might brick my phone :-( Any help would be much appreciated!!! Has anyone been through this problem?
Found a guide which didn't work BUT fined tuned it and found a solution to my problem by myself. Read the guide and then my comment to succeed (by Philip) if you have the same problem as me. This link to the guide is:
Desktop publishing is the model I've been konliog to. We have to go through the FrankenFont stage.Maybe the music industry is a better model. It is difficult to make money on an album any more, the musicians have to make their money performing now, and the recordings are ads for their live performances.This won't work with the Television and Film business as there is no concert revenue. So other means of capturing revenue need to be relied on. I think a lot of clever uses of sponsorships and embedded advertising will come into play.As soon as the theaters are all digital the cost of distribution will be extremely cheap. So the second to last stranglehold that studios had, the ability to front the money for prints and distribution, will be nullified.This leaves access to high end talent their last cornered market. You and I can't get Tom Cruise to be in our movie. Interesting days ahead, that's for sure. I can tell you if I was starting out now, with the tools that are currently available, I would have a larger body of work than Steven Spielberg by the time I reached my current age.
I get "Device Unknown"
"This iPhone may be damaged and cannot be activated for service. Please visit your nearest Apple Store for more information."
Whats this junk about?
i have a 3gs 6.15.00, created the custom ipsw for 5.0.1 and restored in iTunes. Restore was successful and now my iPhone needs to be activated before I can access the home screen and use Cydia. It says only supported carrier may be used to activate iPhone, but I don't have the original SIM (and don't even know what carrier it's originaly from). Should i just boot it with Redsn0w or try to activate it while conected to iTunes? tks
i have the same problem here with 6.15.00 baseband, 3GS and updating from 4.2.1 to 5.0.1. Sim card is being rejected after trying many different approaches. no success, sad situation for me
I had the same outcome with my previously pwned 3GS. i used the new pwnage tool to jailbreak so i could use ultrasn0w to unlock and the phone failed to activate (saying it needed a valid SIM to do so). I tried restoring from DFU mode to the custom firmware bundle again and got the 1600 error others have seen. I then followed the advice on iPhone Dev Team's blog (http://blog.iphone-dev.org/) and re-jailbroke the phone using the latest Redsn0w (being sure to uncheck the install Cydia box) and bingo - activated and now unlocked via ultrasn0w!
i have a 3gs 6.15.00 running i0S 4.3.1. Should I do run pwnage or go straight to RedsnOw? I've resisted for weeks, cause I need my phone and can't have it not working.
there's always a risk that it won't work. I've tried redsn0w and pwnagetool and both didn't work at the first try. Then I tried pwnagetool again and it worked, but couldn't activate, so I used redsn0w to redo the jailbreak and finally got it. I personally prefer redsn0w. Anyways, whatever tool you decide to use, I strongly recommend that you use an original Apple data cable and connect it directly into the computer (don't use your keyboard USB inlet port, for example)
what article in dev team's blog did you use? i couldnt find one related to this specific issue. Also when i try to upgrade with my custom file thru itunes, it shows 2 iphones under devices.
i think he refered to the "untethered holidays" article where it says "If youre already at 5.0.1 with a tethered jailbreak, you have two choices: either run redsn0w 0.9.10 over your current jailbreak (deselect Install Cydia if you do that), or install the Cydia package prepared by the chronic devteam" and also updates #2 and #3
Thanks Marcelo, but im not quite there yet.. After much tinkering i finally got the phone to come out of dfu, i have ios 5.0.1 installed, but i cant activate, and i dont have the sim card that came with the phone. Redsn0w has given me 2 kinds of erros so far, one while trying to reboot the phone and another while fetching the phone info. I am at work right now but i will post the accurate error description when i get home... Thanks again
Update * When attempting to unlock my phone with redsn0w i get "Unexpected error" when trying to put the phone in DFU mode using the option Jailbreak, and install cydia. When i go to extras and select preserve baseband with a custom IPSW i get "Custom IPSW creation Failed" General Error. If i select a custom IPSW with the install cydia option a get "USB Connection Problem" Same error if i uncheck the install cidya box. I installed the ios 5.0.1 using the ISPW provided in this post, following the guide to do it with the Pwnage Tool And iTunes. Please help
Hello HarryProa!
I have the same problem as you had. But I do not manage to fix it as you did. First tried to Jailbreak it by Pwnagetool. When I did this i got the activation grey screen. Then I tried to use redsn0w, with the cydia box unchecked and still the same grey screen. Any advice? Thanks
I managed to jailbreak my 3GS (06.15.00) using redsnow. For some of you who had the same problem as me. Try to reflash the baseband and jailbreak. Then it should be fixed.
I am on a Mac. My solution was editing the host file. There is a line that might say: gs.apple.com
You want it to say:
# gs.apple.com
Essentially, apps like Pawnage modify the Host file so that when iTunes thinks it is calling Apple it is really calling Cydia. This is helpful for when you downgrade. However, when you upgrade, you actually want iTunes to contact Apple. Placing the # modifier in front of the aforementioned section of the host file solves the problem. There is a similar solution for Windows users, but you will need to do an Internet search to figure it out.
When using the Pwnage Tool select Cydia installer from custom packages and not from the Cydia packages (do not click Cydia packages). Then create the custom ipsw. It will work.
I had this same problem after trying the jailbreak about 4 times. I finally tried the Redsn0w and it worked. Then I still couldn't get my phone to recognize my T-mobile sim card. Cydia did not have Ultrasn0w installed. I went thru every item in Cydia until I found it to download and install on the phone and now my iPhone is working again. Whew!
Hi everything worked fine, except for my sim card. I have no original sim card, so I stuck in the configuration. Any ideas? Do I have to downgrade to 4.3.5?
I found a sim card from my original carrier. I got through the configuration, but when i switched my sim card back to my own one, it got "no serivce" :-( I've already installed ultraSn0w. Any other ideas?
Hey I was reading up on this and I bought a 3GS that was pre-loaded with iOS 5, running 05.16.05 as my modem firmware.
Am I able to use this method to jailbreak and unlock on my firmware???
Please and thank you!
iphone 3gs new bootroom running ios 4.1 ipad baseband, could i perform this tuturial without any problems? i would like to know if this tuturial need and iphone 3gs on ios5.0.1 . Or just update with custom ipsw from pwnage tool
same here.
I had 3GS on IOS 4.21 with 5.15 baseband jailbroken previously with greenpois0n.
now i have a brick which is stuck in preparation stage with error 1600.
i have an official SIM from Fido in Canada and unchecked the Activation box, while the configuration of custom IPSW.
any ideas?
Well - if you are now stuck with the DFU mode - you can restore to your working version of the phone by downloading the most recent version of TinyUmbrella (v. 5.10). With your phone plugged into the computer open TinyUmbrella and after the program sees you phone, click on the "EXIT RECOVERY" button on the top of the page. This should take your phone out of DFU and allow your phone to re boot. Good luck with this.
I got the same error number after carefully following instructions as outlined above. It looks like the phone never got past the Apple verification stage. I wonder if Pwnage 5.0.1 may not be quite ready for primetime. I have an iPhone 3GS with an older boot rom and IOS 4.3.3 with ultrasnow unlock.
I solved the problem. Pwnage modifies the host file for when people downgrade iTunes calls Cydia and not Apple. For some people, the host file might need to be further altered.
You might see a line like this in the host file: gs.apple.com
You want it to be like this:
# gs.apple.com
Once you make the change, you will need to refresh the browser a few times or reset the cache.
i did everything like said here, i couldn't pass the activation phase, so i have to use a sim from the original carrier of the phone.. then i access to cydia, but when cydia try to refresh for download ultrasn0w.. it crash installing repo..
any idea? i tryed to reinstall firmware and cydia but dosnt work
I have the exact same issue. And I am from a country without an official carrier. I am following every single step and I am activating the iphone but I keep geting the 'Sim not valid' message. What's happening?
Activate with your original (ATT) sim card first. After activation you can swap out and place the sim card of the carrier of your choice. It should work now.
I have an official AT&T sim card but it doesn't work, so I ordered a new one on ebay, i'll let you guys know if this helps (maybe the old one has expired?)
thanks anyway for your reply
If you stuck in activtion screan...
Try with redsn0w..
It was help me.. ;)