Como respaldar el ticket de desbloqueo de tu iPhone
Posted April 22, 2012 at 4:48pm by iClarified
Estas son las instrucciones de como respaldar el ticket de desbloqueo de tu iPhone, después del desbloqueo con SAM
Si todavía no has desbloqueado tu iPhone con SAM, sigue el siguiente enlace: unlock tutorial.
Paso uno Abre Cydia desde tu SpringBoard.
Paso dos Elije la pestaña Secciones en la parte inferior de la pantalla.
Paso tres Selenciona System de la lista de secciones.
Paso cuatro presiona para saleccionar iFile de la lista de paquetes.
Paso cinco Presiona el boton instalar en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla.
Paso seis Presiona Confirmar para comenzar la instalación.
Paso siete Una vez que la instalación este completamente exitosa, presiona el botón Regresar a Cydia .
Paso ocho Presiona el botón de Home y después abre iFile desde tu SpringBoard.
Paso nueve Presiona el botón Back en la parte superior izquierda de la pantalla, para navegar en /var.
Paso diez Elije root desde la lista de carpetas en /var.
Paso once Toca para seleccionar Library de la lista de carpetas en /var/root.
Paso doce Presiona el botón Editaren la parte superior derecha de la pantalla.
Paso trece Elije Lockdown de la lista de carpetas. Después presiona el icono zip en la barra de pestañas. Es el segundo de la izquierda.
Paso catorce Aquí introduce el nombre para que sepas de que tarjeta SIM es el archivo. Después presiona el botón Crear.
Paso quince Selecciona el archivo que hemos creado, se encuentra al final de esta lista. Después presiona el icono mail en la barra de pestañas. Es el tercero de la redecha.
Paso dieciséis envía un correo electrónico a ti mismo con el archivo de anexo. Asegúrate de guardarlo en un lugar seguro !
IMPORTANTE: Debes realizar el procedimiento de desbloqueo y este procedimiento de respaldo para cada SIM que quieras usar en ti iPhone.
Alternativa. Si no quieres usar iFile, simplemente puedes acceder vía SSH al directorio mencionado y copiar dicho archivo a tu computadora. Asegúrate de guardarlo en un lugar seguro! Si no sabes como acceder a tu iPhone vía SSH, tenemos este tutorial: [Windows]y este otro también [Mac]
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For activating each sim card the iPhone uses the folder ( LOCKDOWN ) so once you unlock the sim rename the folder lockdown to that sim. If you don't rename the lockdown folder it gets written over. After your done the same process to each sim there should be folders with the names of each sim, which ever sim you want to use you have to rename that folder back to lockdown for the iPhone to read it. You can only have one folder at a time called lockdown. This is the reason for saving the tickets so you can easily switch sims and they are activated.
Hy I have a QUESTION,last friday I was playing with my IPHONE 4S IOS 5.1 and I have reverted all my setting to stock,and I lost my ACTIVATION.......
So after pluging in and out my GEVEY sim with my not original carrier sim and than the non-orig sim without the gevey I HAVE MANAGED TO UNLOCK MY IPHONE 4S From carrier 3 SWEDEN to ORANGE ROMANIA!!!!!!!! .
u didn't get a ticket to save, the GIEVEY ULTRA S works in a way that it had to be set once, and after that, u don't have to redo the settings again, I guess that what happened is that the settings is already saved on ur iPhone so that u didn't need the GIEVEY chip again, because it has already done it's job and saved it to ur iPhone. That's my guessing :)
Thats not the case!!! Tha iPhone was completely restored to factory, it was asking for activation I have tried like 6 times to activate it with and without Gevey then out of nowhere it said IPhone activated with the non- orig Sim inside. And I pretty that I got the unlock/ lock problem from the Apple server because my iPhone works only with this particular non-original sin from this carrier and only this one ,another Sim from the same carrier does not work on the iPhone it asks for activation again.
actually that's what GIEVEY does, it activates your iPhone to a particular SIM card, and I guess that's what happened, so if you used another SIM card with GIEVEY and then took out the GIEVEY, you will have the same result. Again, assumption only :)
Yeah this should be called a semi unlock cause its only an unlock for one specific sim card. I honestly would prefer a gevey or more ideally the sending your imei in way to unlock it.
AT&T's solution has some restrictions, not all subscribers are eligible. If you wanted to be free, u should have a factory unlocked iPhone from the beginning ;)
That's what I always do :)
Ok, so, let's assume you perform the SAM method with different SIM cards, and it would work every time.
Now, say that in the future it stops working, how do you restore a saved activation ticket?
Ya true.. there is still a lot of missing information!!
I tried this method of unlock with two different sim cards- i unlocked with the 1st sim card and then took a backup as mentioned here, then i popped in the 2nd sim card and then did the entire unlock process again for this 2nd sim card and it worked too and i backed up the files for this sim card too.. Now when i inserted the 1st SIM card again in the phone i had to redo the unlock again through the entire process.... So it seems the Lockdown folder does not remember the previous activations [i am guessing from what is happening?]... SO SO how is this backup useful? is it that extracting it back again in that root/library folder would make the phone start running with the associated sim card again? Or is it that in case Apple changes its activation method then this backup can be used some how? What is it!!
iClarified should explain more on how this backup comes useful.
How is a factory unlock $400 more? I don't want a contract so explain how its $400 more? Plus you keep saying you always buy factory unlocked and yet your here in this article about unlocks..... Hmmmmm someone seems like they are lying....
:D why would I lie??? :D the thing is that I'm not just an iPhone user, I'm always following jailbreak/unlock news...I have many friends with iPhones, and not a factory unlocked ones, and I've been unlocking their devices for about 2 years :) that's the deal dude.
About your question, u can buy a factory unlocked iPhone from Apple's Online Store, 16GB for $649, 32GB for $749, 64GB for $849.
if u want my opinion, get it with contract, it will b better for you, specially that you have many carriers now to choose between them.
Have a good day :)