MuscleNerd ha anunciado que el jailbreak desarrollado por chpwn y phoenixdev funciona en el iPad mini.
the "failbreak" from @phoenixdev @chpwn in action on an iPad-mini :) (why failbreak? see @planetbeing's timeline)
El pasado mes, chpwn reveló que su jailbreak para el iPhone 5 será reservado como un failbreak. Lo que significa que será limitado para desarrolladores jailbreak y no será lanzado al público en general. Esto con el propósito de hacerlo más fácil para descubrir nuevas vulnerabilidades (que serán usadas para el lanzamiento público) en el futuro.
It's a progress update. Why is everyone so upset? I do think iClarified should have written failbroken in the title just to make things clear. But that is in no way the dev teams fault.
And why would you not want to jailbreak an iPad? There are many tweaks and themes that are awesome for iPads.
Thanks for all your hard work guys. I am thoroughly enjoying my jailbroken ios 6 iPhone 4.
Agree. Good job dev team!! All you do is hard work and lot of brain power! Release or not, you have all the progressive peoples respect! Thank you for all you do!
This is like saying you have candy, but we can't have any. Nobody cares to hear about it if you're keeping it all to yourself (justified or not). Just tell it like it is, we're not getting an iOS 6 jailbreak for A5 devices anytime soon. Any reasonable person understands life must come before something you don't get paid for, and that Apple continues making it harder to jailbreak. But that doesn't make it right to get our hopes up for nothing.
On the bright side, hopefully someone will use this "fail break" to create a real jailbreak. Even if its not the same people who brought us the iOS 5 one.
so what do we get from jailbreaking these days? I really don't fucking get it, i see zero upside expect more people are able to follow what you do, great.
Well according to the image it looks like they only ROOTED the iPad mini not jailbroke it... Looks like dev team doesn't know the difference between rooting and JB or they just playing with people's emotions that want the JB to happen...
Im with John on this one and here is definition...
Jailbreaking iPhones is allowing you to install third party applications, but no administrative access. That includes no file managing access, etc. This is like allowing someone to install software in their computer, but not allowing them to install a different operating system (outside of upgrading the existing OS), not allowing them access to manage their files and not allowing to have full management control over the system.
Rooting is allowing true administrative access. This gives you full management control of your Android device. It is like administrative access to the modern MS Windows, but with even more powerful. In fact rooting
Androids is actually like root in any Unix/Linux/BSD based operating system.
MuscleBird dont know the difference I see...
You but be new to JB era cause your slower than a turtle.... The "failbreak" is the next application that's going to perform the JB like greenp0ison and the other programs. So it's going to be called failbreak.
We are, in fact, broken out of the mobile app jail. It's quite literally jailbroken, using both our traditional (5-year) usage of the word, which is also partially derived from some early FW 1.x strings.
But it's not a complete jailbreak, hence "failbreak".
Fantastic news. The iPad Mini has been jailbroken. No but we won't release it en masse because it needs further tinkering. So be content with this eye candy release of ours. I don't mean to sound rude or ungrateful for the Dev Team's free community service, who at one point were admired beyond words but off late, I'm beginning to have my doubts.
Its either release it or just keep it for yourselves.
We all agree that you guys are clever fellows.
I think its rude to share this kind of info,in the community that are passionate about the jailbreak .
It's like showing a candy to little kid but you cant have it.
We are going to donate if you have the ability to release it,
Exacly !! We do not give a fly about mini .. The last apple product is my iPhone 5 .. I am not jail breaking it .. Because its "illegal" .. And I am going to sell it as soon as I unlock it through AT