February 8, 2025
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Posted February 4, 2013 at 6:32pm by iClarified
Instrucciones en como realizar el jailbreak a tu iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, or iPad mini en iOS 6.0 a iOS 6.1 utilizando Evasi0n para Windows..

Paso Uno
Asegurate que tu iPad esta en iOS 6.0 a iOS 6.1, luego realiza un respaldo a tu iPad utilizando estas instrucciones..

Paso Dos
Crea una carperta Pwnage en tu escritorio y descarga la utilidad Evasi0n a esa carpeta. Puedes encontrar el enlace a la descarga del Evasi0n aqui.
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Tres
Extrae el archivo .zip Evasi0n a la recien creada carpeta Pwnage .
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Cuatro
Haz doble click al recien creado archivo evasi0n-win para abrirlo.
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Cinco
Haz click derecho en el mouse al icono Evasi0n exe y luego seleccione Run as Administrator del menu contextual para ejecutar la aplicacion.
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Seis
Asegurese que su dispositivo iPad este conectado a la computadora via cable de USB si aun no lo has hecho.
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Siete
Remueve cualquier passcode en la pantalla de bloqueo de tu dispositivo y luego haz click en el boton de Jailbreak para comenzar.
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Ocho
La aplicacion va a recibir la informacion del dispositivo para generar los datos del jailbreak, injectara los datos del jailbreak de la etapa 1, re-iniciara el dispositivo, esperar al que el dispositico este listo, injectara los datos del jailbreak de la etapa 2, subira Cydia, y subira la lista de paquetes de Cydia.
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Nueve
Ahora vas a ser preguntado el que desbloquear tu dispositivo, luego vas a apretar el nuevo icono del app "Jailbreak ". Es imperativo que solamente lo aprietes una sola vez. La app se abrirar y cerrara inmediatamente.
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Diez
Evasi0n luego va a injectar el remount payload, remontara el root filesystem, preparara la data final del jailbreak, injectara la data final del jailbreak, y completo!
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Paso Once
Tu iPad va a reiniciar con Cydia en el SpringBoard!
Como Hacerle el Jailbreak a Tu iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini con Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

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Por supuesto, muchas gracias al grupo Evad3rs por su gran trabajo y esfuerzo en hacer posible este jailbreak.

Si hablas cualquier otro lenguaje aparte del Ingles, por favor utiliza el enlace de traduccion al comienzo de este tutorial para enviar tu traduccion y de esta forma ayudar a otros.
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Comments (41)
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BugsyBro - August 26, 2013 at 10:43am
I cannot extract the files, ive tried redownloading it many times.... I use winrar and it wont work... ! C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Pwnage\Evasion.zip: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged
Fey - August 12, 2013 at 2:27am
Do i backup my ipad before jailbreaking? And how to backup it?
falar - August 10, 2013 at 7:15am
how to fix itune error 3194. i tired to downgrade ipad4 6.1.3 to 6.1.2
morea - July 15, 2013 at 9:56pm
How can I get a call icon on the ipad mini desktop, I dont currently have it therefore.
Aman - June 19, 2013 at 1:51pm
Would it work on my iPad mini 6.1.3?
Frankie Chua
Frankie Chua - June 3, 2013 at 4:09am
Is there anyway to upgrade it IOS 6.1.2 as my iPad 2 still on IOS 5.1.1?
Algbabi - August 18, 2013 at 5:37am
Imran - May 22, 2013 at 7:53pm
I'm using iPad3 6.1.3 and I want to jailbreak it. Does any1 knows about it. Thanks
John - May 10, 2013 at 4:04pm
wow it took like 5 minutes total, I got my iPad 4 a while ago and never updated from 6.0 so I could jailbreak it some day, thanks!!
dede - May 3, 2013 at 11:34am
Finally i dared to do it - on 10A407 - so easy merci.
satya - April 27, 2013 at 1:32pm
i am using ipad2 with locked to 3 network and would like to unlock it. how should i do. I have already did the jail break. any suggestions would be appreciated.
marvin rojas
marvin rojas - April 17, 2013 at 3:33am
getting a ipad mini but it comes with 6.1.3 would this still work or is there a way to downgrade? answers please email me at marvinrojas13@yahoo.com.
julie - March 18, 2013 at 7:09am
i have the cydia installed on my IPAD4th gen and yet i can not download the adobeflash player yet. what should i do?
Hossein - March 15, 2013 at 8:44am
Hello can i use this on ipad 2 by ios 6.1.2? And if i dont like this what would i do Thanks
symargg - March 13, 2013 at 11:30pm
I have installed it successfully to an Ipad 4 WiFi+GSM+CDMA, Thanx to sharing
Jaime E. Arboleda
Jaime E. Arboleda - March 4, 2013 at 4:03pm
I have installed it successfully to an Ipad 2 CDMA (Verizon) but after I launched Cydia all of the sudden the sound is gone, no audio setting , volume will not go up or down neither from the side switch nor settings and also it seems that the ring works for some odd and strange reason but ONLY under settings, when trying the task bar and flipping to the left where usually the volume slide, light slide, the play, FFW, RWD, and lock screen would show, it will not show the volume circle to move. I have tried to restore to stock, update to latest iOS, it was working on 6.0.1 and its now updated to 6.1.2 but without jailbreak now the volume is not working, I also tried to jailbreak after restoring to stock and still no volume, but it did jailbreak with no errors. I think the driver for volume is gone missing, and its not HW because the ringtone still rings. You might have to get a patch to fix Volume driver issues on iPad 2 (CDMA). Please email me with assistance or if you need more info. Also I have tried it on 2 Win Laptops, one with 7 and 8. I also did a iPad2 wi-fi only and I haven't had any isues (iOS 6.0.1).
Alex - March 2, 2013 at 12:25pm
Hi, what about 6.1.2. ? Can I use this jailbrake ? Does it work ?
tommy - February 22, 2013 at 1:03pm
what happened if i don't have cydia but i still jailbreak my ipad 3? thanks
Abi - February 15, 2013 at 6:24pm
It Worked for me to jailbreak Ipad 2 Wifi 16 GB runing IOS 6.0. Now im gonna try if there is everything with programs. Thank a lot.
bad - February 13, 2013 at 4:31am
I could not install Installous, plz help. I got cydia installed on my system
Angel74 - March 11, 2013 at 1:36am
Installous is dead. There is no more Installous, so that's why you can't install it. Look around for alternatives.
jeff - February 10, 2013 at 4:52pm
What if my ios is 6.0.1?Would it be applicable?Thanks for the reply. :D
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