Primera ronda de pruebas del Jailbreak Evasi0n completado con éxito
Posted February 3, 2013 at 8:02am by iClarified
El grupo evad3rs ha anunciado que la primera ronda de pruebas para el jailbreak evasi0n sed ha completado con éxito.
85%: La primera y principal ronda de pruebas a concluido exitosamente en Windows y Mac. Regresa pronto!
Próximo paso: pruebas en más aparatos de iOS y combinación de firmwares.
Es ampliamente esperado que el jailbreak se dará a conocer hoy, 3 de febrero. Para ser el primero en saber cuando estará disponible el jailbreak siga iClarified en Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or RSS.
Either you post a link to download or you DONT!
why have a percentage bar that goes by unknown time??
i would have donate you guys if you just do what you said you will, no games!
The Jailbreak was rumoured for Sunday even though that's the day both we and they expected but with a little delay pod2g told us " it could be before or after" and as of today the jailbreak will be released at noon February 4 2013 eastern time, to check eastern time just google "eastern time" another note is that even though the website is on a timer, they haven't uploaded any links. So to know when it's released, change your time to eastern and when it reaches 100% by itself links will be up.
For other people, this jail break is not fake because
1: these are trusted hackers that jail broke iOS 5
2:it's illigal to put a donations tab if your not going to do what your said your going to do