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Jailbreakers saturan los servidores de Cydia. Problemas con la app del tiempo.

Jailbreakers saturan los servidores de Cydia. Problemas con la app del tiempo.

Posted February 5, 2013 at 1:39am by iClarified
Para aquellas personas que pudieron realizar el jailbreak a sus dispositivos, se encontraron con muchísimos errores internos con Cydia debido a millones de personas tratando de descargar sus tweaks, aplicaciones y themes favoritos.

Saurik (Jay Freeman) comentó que la gran diferencia con respecto a este jailbreak con los anteriores fue como el equipo señaló la fecha y hora exacta de la publicación del mismo, lo que causo una gran cantidad de nuevos usuarios ejecutando Cydia al mismo tiempo. Saurik ha estado trabajando en la medida de lo posible de solucionar dichos problemas de sobrecarga en los servidores anteriormente mencionados, pero por ahora, pareciera que ha muchos de nosotros no nos queda otra opción que esperar con mucha, pero mucha paciencia.

Por otro lado, varios usuarios han estado reportando problemas con la aplicación por defecto en los dispositivos Apple, causando cierres o errores inesperados en los mismos. El equipo de evad3rs está al tanto de esto y están trabajando contra-reloj para hacer pública una actualización mediante Cydia el cual solucione el error por completo.

Hemos visto ademas varios usuarios como sus dispositivos se quedan congelados en el estado de "patching kernel" o "Finding Offsets" durante el proceso de jailbreak. Nosotros recomendamos a todos esos usuarios que esperen lo que mas puedan durante dicho proceso y en caso de que no avance, presionar el botón de "Home" y "Power" simultáneamente para reiniciar el dispositivo e intentarlo nuevamente, siguiendo al pie de la letra las instrucciones. (via Pod2g).

Finalmente, algunos usuarios ha estado teniendo errores aleatorios durante el proceso de encendido del dispositivo, mostrando el logo de Apple indefinidamente. En caso de que esto ocurra te recomendamos que mantengas presionado el botón de Home y Power simultáneamente por diez (10) segundos y seguir intentando. Eventualmente, el dispositivo se iniciará sin problemas. En caso de que esta última solución no funcione, intenta mantener pulsado el botón lateral para subir el volumen si recientemente instalaste algún MobileSubstrate tweak.

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Jailbreakers saturan los servidores de Cydia. Problemas con la app del tiempo.

Jailbreakers saturan los servidores de Cydia. Problemas con la app del tiempo.
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Comments (35)
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Josef - February 6, 2013 at 10:13pm
When i remove an app it goes into safe mode :P
alec - February 6, 2013 at 7:49am
Idk bout you guys but I have an iphone 5 and After downloading many jailbroken apps and tweaks, the top bar where it shows the time, LTE, and battery doesnt show up when Im at my home screen or lock screen. So basically the top part where you see the time is just blank. It only shows up when Im in an actual app. Anyone else having the same problem?? My sbsettings doesnt work either when I swipe the top.
Moxio - February 11, 2013 at 9:35pm
I had this problem once with my ipad. A theme I installed also installed a tweak that shuts off the status bar so that it would look better. I forget what the teak is called, but it should be in your installed packages. Find it and uninstall it, or uninstall and recent tweaks you and you should be golden.
Titi - February 6, 2013 at 7:34am
So installous is down what is the alternitive??
me - February 28, 2013 at 3:34am
Lukluk - February 5, 2013 at 7:13pm
Hi all my iPhone is stuck on apple logo after jailbreak Hard reset doesn't work What should I do??
bill - February 5, 2013 at 7:20pm
if you can get back in via safe mode, remove the last app you installed in Cydia
Lukluk - February 5, 2013 at 7:24pm
It won't open I'm totally stuck can't do anything not even restore
EngrGEOFF - February 5, 2013 at 9:12pm
Connect the iPhone's USB cable to your computer, but not your iPhone. Turn your iPhone off. If the phone won't turn off in the traditional manner, just keep holding the buttons until the screen goes dark. Once you've turned the device off, press the home button on the face of the device and plug in the USB cable to the device's dock connector. When it turns on, keep pressing the home button until the iTunes logo appears on the screen.Then This should reboot eventually
Saif - February 5, 2013 at 5:05pm
love u guys....nice work dev team
Jon - February 5, 2013 at 5:03pm
after Jailbreaking, my Weather app stopped opening, touching the icon would open the app and then immediately it would quit. I had to restore my iPhone 5 to remove the Jailbreak. Weather works fine again.
pete - February 5, 2013 at 1:27pm
Thanks a lot to all of you, this is the action, that most of us love because of the thrill, iPhone without Jailbreak is only half the fun, love you guys
Jay - February 5, 2013 at 12:17pm
Made a $20 donation before the jailbreak:) Thank you & keep up the great work guys:)
GadgetRevue - February 5, 2013 at 5:48am
1. Millions of people were waiting on this to hop on to the iP5 and other new devices. Wonder what it'll do to Apple stock. Even though the "discourage" and even counter any JB efforts, they have to be watching this closely and smiling from the benefits. 2. I donated $1 before it was release because it seemed promising. If just everyone donated from $1 to $5 after jailbreaking they would have the funds to put out any future versions much quicker. Also the cash would help to offset any recruiting efforts Apple puts on the current JB team. JB Team: Please commit to using a large portion of the money for this purpose after you've taken your profit for a job well done. 3. Any complainers out there...remember this is FREE and the resources (hours, servers, etc) is not FREE, so if you're angry, DONATE some money! Naturally the server overloads will subside over the next couple hours/days as everyone gets their JB on. I can confirm that when it was just released and you followed the instructions exactly, it worked perfectly! iP5, iPT4G, iP4,iP4S,iPad1G,2G,3G. Thanks Evasi0n TEAM! You guys are amazing!
Ed lover
Ed lover - February 5, 2013 at 5:00am
Must say thanks for your hard work really do appreciate it I will donate keep up the good work
Khalil - February 5, 2013 at 4:34am
what is the jailbreak for if u cannot get any of the sources installed all tweaks seams to be stuck with old iphone and not compatible with iphone 5 and ios 6.1
sadiq - February 5, 2013 at 4:10am
stuck on apple logo had to restart 3 times to get it back anyone having same prob
Bill - February 5, 2013 at 5:25am
having same problem, stuck at apple and wont load. Any suggestions?
Bill - February 5, 2013 at 5:31am
hard reboot not working
rexology - February 5, 2013 at 3:46am
For those who already had a semi-tethered/tethered need for restoring your phone back to 6.0.1+. Simply, respring phone (allows Cydia to refresh all the sources) and search for evasi0n 6 untether. Query should find something. Download and install. Reboot device and it should be untethered without having to restoring. NOTE: Only for phones that have already been jailbroken tethered 6.0 - 6.1. Cheers!
Izi - February 5, 2013 at 3:44am
the weather started to crash after i entered cydia the first time.
Alex H
Alex H - February 5, 2013 at 3:18am
I'm just going to report a small problem in the evasi0n jailbreak, when I go to set a default wallpaper as my background a black screen comes up with no selection for wallpaper, how do I fix this?
Elizabeth - February 5, 2013 at 3:10am
wow ! 4 million+ lovers of the JB have downloaded the link. I am in awe !! It's a no wonder the servers are on overload ! Also sitting here thinking, "if we each gave $1.00,, and the math speaks for itself... I sure hope and pray that many did donate, for that team so deserves it !! They have truly opened doors for themselves in all this hard work they have done,,, doors that they will reap of so many wonderful things !! Thank you Evad3ers !! Thank you so much !! xo
rexology - February 5, 2013 at 3:48am
I totally agree! I've done my part. Let's show our appreciation
Keller - February 5, 2013 at 3:56am
Just sent them $10 because of this post. Thanks
i5 - February 5, 2013 at 3:07am
Any idea if AppSync 6 is working on JB i5?
shawn barber
shawn barber - February 5, 2013 at 3:30am
yes enter source
LovemyiPhone5 - February 5, 2013 at 4:40am
Yes it does, make sure its ios 5
Toomy - February 5, 2013 at 2:54am
I have problem with iPhone 4S getting stuck at reboot after a successful jailbreak. First time it rebooted after a hard reset. However, after a restore and re-jailbreak, hard reset also was not able to reboot. It reboots successfully after shutdown and starting with iPhone connected to a Mac
don - February 5, 2013 at 2:48am
Yeah Cydia servers are slammed! I'm giving Saurik a break and wait it out. I live in Colorado so the weather app is useless, it's never right anyways lol.
rimwar - February 5, 2013 at 2:22am
Cydia Patch for JB is out... Fixed the weather app on my Iphone 5 no problem.
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