Evasi0n Jailbreak to Be Released at 12:00 Noon EST Tomorrow
Posted February 4, 2013 at 1:22am by iClarified
It appears that evad3rs have hard coded the progress bar of the evasi0n jailbreak to reach completion at 12:00 noon tomorrow EST.
According to our calculations, the progress bar will reach 100% at February 4th, 2013 at 17:00 UTC.
Update: This has also been corroborated by some astute reddit users who noticed that the script is increasing at ~0.0091/min.
It's increasing at ~0.0091/min which would make the release Noon EST tomorrow. (You can see the exact value in the HTML code)
Update x2: Another confirmation of a 12pm Noon EST release courtesy of Zairex.
I just used Mathematica to calculate the value of all of these variables. As it turns out, when the 0x11c7 value is equal to 1359997200(00) the percentage is 100%. In Unix Time this value is exactly 12pm Noon EST 2/4/2013
The percentage on the @evad3rs website increases by 0.0091 every minute.. 0.0091 * 942M = 8.5%. 942/60 = 15.7 hours 91.5 + 8.5 = 100
Of course, the team could very well finish earlier or run into a problem and need more time to finalize the jailbreak. To be the first to know when the jailbreak is released please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS.
I look forward to donating to you guys, bar jailbreakme that was the smoothest jailbreak I have ever done. Thank you.
Can't wait for the bugs to be sorted.... Weather, locked screen notifications, and battery drain
Over 1.5 million jb's done on first night wow! No wonder cydia was busy
no directory found. I poerwed down and rebooted the phone. this time when i opened up cydia it kept coming up saying no internet connection. i got out of cydia and tried safari via wifi with no success. no it won’t recognize wifi at all on my iphone. Even worse when i open cydia and click on the sources tap it kicks me out of cydia. How should i proceed? Do I have to have an ATT simcard in the phone to jailbreak and unlock? I am assuming I’m going to have to re-jailbreak. How do i do this. I used redsnow .072…. Any help would be great!
i got the extended watranry for my iphone 3gs. If i jailbreak it cant i just reset it it to factory settings and then if i need to send it in to get fixed and my watranry wont be void?