Would be really sweet if blackra1m.com could use a browser exploit to load GeoHot's ipt3 jailbreak/pwn directly from the website - no mac/pc required...
Umm he's not a fool. Stop subjectifying to name calling. For your info, in case you either don't remember or wasn't aware of jailbreaking when the first iPhone came out... That's exactly how the first phones were jailbroken to the mass public. You have to go to a website on your phone before I was activated in iTunes by using the emergency call trick.
No ones phone got taken over. And what would be his agender(spell check) for taking over our phones? And it's not as if anyone that creates ANY APP OR JAILBREAK METHOD, can't take over your device?!!!
So now what is your point?! <---by the way that's retorical!!!
dumbshit read what he says.. a browser exploit loading shits on our pc/mac and jailbreaking our phones would mean pretty much anything.. you figure the rest out.