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BlackRa1n RC2 Jailbreak se publica, Soporte para el nuevo 3GS

BlackRa1n RC2 Jailbreak se publica, Soporte para el nuevo 3GS

Posted October 25, 2009 at 7:40pm by iClarified
Geohot ha lanzado la version RC2 de su Blackra1n jailbreak para el iPhone y iPod touch. Esta versión nos ofrece un Jailbreak de tipo tethering para el nuevo iPhone 3GS con el BootRom actualizado.

Qué hay de nuevo?:
- Se solucionan varios problemas en 3G
- Jailbreak de tipo tethered para 3.1 OOTB ipt 8GB y nuevos 3GS
- Solucionados los problemas de Icy.
- Funciona en plataformas Mac y Windows.
- Si usted utiliza la version RC1con éxito no necesita aplicarse esta versión.

Puede encontrar nuestras guías acerca de cómo utilizar el BlackRa1n aquí: Mac, Windows

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BlackRa1n RC2 Jailbreak se publica, Soporte para el nuevo 3GS
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Comments (14)
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Jonnie - October 28, 2009 at 5:17am
Bought a new 3GS over the weekend, looks like I have new iBoot. Jailbreak works OK at the 2nd time of asking, but just realised 3GS is tethered JB only. I can get away with not turning if off, it's just if it hangs and I have to reboot it andI don't have a laptop anywhere near me it's going to be a pain. Geohot, you think RC3 will solve tethered issue for new 3GS ?
po1ntbl4nk - October 28, 2009 at 10:38am
i thought 3GS isn't tethered? if you succeeded jailbreaking, then that's it.. good for you..
po1ntbl4nk - October 27, 2009 at 9:41am
still didn't work for me.. killed itunes, killed itunesHelper.. start blackra1n.. enter recovery.. shows geohot face.. running jb.. DONE. after that i should wait for reboot... but it never reboots.. stays black.. finally i restore back to ori firmware.. btw.. the same thing happens with RC1 ne1 with the same problem?
aatkco - October 26, 2009 at 10:39am
OMG finally it worked on my 3g from first attemp using rc2 thanks so much geohot REMEBER the golden rule if it didn't work stop services and disable anti-virus and run it from c: Good luck
john w
john w - October 26, 2009 at 9:39am
i m waitin for greenpois0n... but why doesnt Geohot just improve blackra1n so that we, the ipod touch 3g users, can restart the ipod as much as we like without ra1n. And the next ra1n-generation should interact better with 3rd-manufacturers software
turbulence - October 26, 2009 at 9:25am
Do not expect the unlock tool to come out for a while. I'd heard that some of those Developers were now hided to work for AT&T. Meanwhile keep your fingers accross and praise to God that he mayl appoint some one to continue this task. If you already have upgraded yours to 3.1.2 have fun with your ipot.
Tottitorky - October 26, 2009 at 10:15am
What a bad news there no another replay
Akbar bari
Akbar bari - October 26, 2009 at 8:06am
Is ipod touch 3g 32gb still teatherd
Amin - October 26, 2009 at 3:15am
I need help!!! I have an iPhone 3GS, which I downgraded frm 3.2.1 to 3.0 few days ago. And, as you know, the modem FW stay on 5. I been trying to unlock it on 3.0 but is not unlocking. Plz help me if anyone... Caz I heard after downgrade it can be unlock.thax a lot!!!
mmmhshiney - October 26, 2009 at 4:57am
if you updated to 3.1.2 without using PwnageTool going back to 3.0 will not help. 3.1.2 upgraded the baseband and is not unlockable. Maybe in the future but not now. For now you have an iPod Touch unless an unlock is released or you use it with the sim that it's locked to.
Tommy - October 26, 2009 at 7:02am
I don't know if this what happen to you... But I've seen so many people that have an iPhone unlocked an for some reason updates the firm! Cone on people you are using something that's not offiicial, and it's working, why that Fu** do you need to upgrade something that's allready working?! Even though it has 10000 warnings not to do it! You got be a really newbie to do it! We are lucky to have the jailbreak! Next time, think first before you click in some upgrading button!
rohit555 - October 26, 2009 at 2:23am
still waiting for unlock..................
Gustavo Leon Madrigal
Gustavo Leon Madrigal - October 25, 2009 at 10:16pm
But no unlock, yet....
napps - October 26, 2009 at 1:08am
yah,.. same here,.. we need unlock sofware..godammit!!!!
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