Apple julkaisee iPhone 4G:n huhtikuussa? [Päivitetty]
Posted January 12, 2010 at 12:49pm by iClarified
KT, toiseksi isoin matkapuhelinliittymä Etelä-Koreassa, väittää että Apple julkaisee neljännen sukupolven iPhonen huhtikuussa.
KoreaTimes (uutistoimisto Koreassa) on kuullut huhuja että Korealaisoperaattori KT olisi asetettu myymään uutta laitetta.
Suunnitelman mukaan uusia iPhoneja tultaisiin levittämään paikallisille myyntipisteille.
"Me emme näe mitään isompaa estettä laittaa uusia 4G iPhoneja myyntiin täällä, kuten paikalliset huhut ovat jo kertoneet. Olisi mahdollista laittaa laitteet myyntiin puolessa vuodessa", korkea-arvoinen KT:n työntekijä kertoi Korea Timesille.
"Täällä on silti 3G iPhoneja varastoissa. Mutta KT ja Apple ovat saavuttaneet laajan yhteistyön laittaaksensa uusia malleja varastoihin niin pian kuin mahdollista".
Tihkuneiden tietojen mukaan uusissa malleissa olisi OLED näytöt, videopuhelut, tuplaydinproserssorit, paremmat suorittimet, kuten myös tarkemmat videotarkkuudet ja "still"-kuvat. Vaihdettava akku on myös huhujen mukaan tulossa uuteen 4G malliin.
Jos nämä tiedot pitävät paikkaansa, näyttäisi siltä että Apple koittaa vastata Googlen Nexus Onen esittämään haasteeseen.
I know ALMOST 100%, THAT APPLE WILL NOT INCLUDE VIDEO CONFERENCING IN THE NEW IPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUST ME, I SEARCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OLED i think is a must for the new one. i honestly thought it would have been on the 3GS but guess not... "multitasking" is cool but more ram is cooler. if they add multitasking, more ram is a given (duh). but 1gb? i don't think so. but hey apple, please prove me wrong and add a real god damn flashlight. thanks.
physical buttons? hell no. i don't want to carry a sidekick.
It all seems very likely Apple is going to make these changes, Apple is very set in their ways but they also know when consumers have had enough and with competition like the Droid, Nexus and the Xperia X-10 Apple knows it has to step it's game up. It's no different than them recognizing that they needed to add an video camera and more RAM and an compass for better GPS, it's what companies that are ahead like Apple do, make sure that they stay ahead. I know I, like many people wouldn't pay 80+ dollars for a new iPhone battery when mine dies, they recognize that no one will be willing to do so and therefor make battery swapping available. Multi-tasking isn't very high on my personal list but jailbreaking is still very much alive so I wouldn't be worried about that. Memory, I'm just gonna assume 'HO' is complaining about there not being any Micro SD expansion slots and most of us all know cell phones actual memory has never been expandable but I do feel that a phone such as the iPhone does need at the least 1GB of RAM instead of 512MB to function properly. Computer literate people know that 'storage space' is not the kind of 'memory' that makes your phone run faster. 1GB of RAM should be more than enough to keep 32GB and 64GB drives running smoothly. Also, I perfer having a better display and especially multi-core processing over multi-tasking, physical buttons and a keypad lol. What are you trying to do, go back in time?? Have you ever seen the physical gaming controllers that the iPhone sits on? It just makes more sense. And get off the whole physical Qwerty keyboard, Apple is not doing a physical keyboard ever, have you ever seen a bulky Apple product? Get a Pre or a Pixi or an Android phone if you want one so bad.
ROFL...oled displays, multicore cpu's, they forgot multitasking, a real video recorder (found on normal handsets), expandable memory, Wifi N and physical buttons for gaming and keypad...April fools is way in advance this year!!!