Voici les instructions pour jailbreaker vos Iphone 4 et Iphone 3GS sous lIOS 4.3.3 ou 4.2.8 (Verizon CDMA) en utilisant JailbreakMe.
Si vous êtes déjà en iOS 4.3.3 ou iOS 4.2.8, vous pouvez sauter les 5 premières étapes de ce tutorial.
Notez bien que la mise-à-jour sous liOS 4.3.3 mettra également à jour votre baseband et ne vous permettra pas de désimlocker votre téléphone. Utilisez TinyUmbrella (Mac, Windows) pour mettre-à-jour votre iPhone 4 sous liOS 4.3.3 sans mettre-à-jour son baseband.
Première étape Créer un répertoire Pwnage sur votre bureau et y placer liOS 4.3.3 ou 4.2.8 (Verizon CDMA) ipsw.
I have an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.2.1 and 03.10.01 BB...
Updating it to 4.3.3, folowing this tutorial... will the BB change to any of those (04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04, 06.15.00, or 01.59) that are unlockable by http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com?
You know what makes your iPhone 4, 3G and never break it? Whether you're in the mountains, on the subway, basement, can have a clear call, cell phone booster
Can same one help me I have iPhone 4 on ios4.3.3 and I
try to jailbrek with safari on jailbreakme after all steps I finish it says again invalid card what to do now plzz help me
Is there an unlock for iOS 4.3 baseband 4.10.01? Pls help me i've been waiting for this for a while now and i have no idea if its available already or not. Thanks for your answer! :)
Please help: I installed Lion and accidentally had my iPhone 3GS updated to 4.3.4 although it was greenpois0n jailbroken on iPad 6.15.00 baseband. Now it won't let me restore on iTunes, with that annoying 'unknown' error. Any chance I'll be able to use this phone again in the near (distant?) future?
I did it, like i skipped bec i got iOS 4.3.3, i downloaded cydia as instructed but installous doesnt work and i lost my carrier, can someone help me fix me the problem bec if im going to restore it, it will be updated to 4.3.4, someone pls help, thanks
it works for me..I;ve got cydia now in my iPhone but, i've got a PROBLEM!
i cannot putting my games in from my PC to my iphone4..
it says "The app "Battle Spot" was not installed on the iPhone "ad;s iPhone" because an unknown error occured (0xE8008001)
can you explain it why?
or maybe can u show me how to put apps in iphone?
I got my Iphone 4 in December but with no contract, from the US. I gifted it to my brother in Dubai, the problem was that the phone was locked. Finally today I got through Iclarified and I was following the steps and then I came to the part where I had to use safari on the Iphone4 and go to www.jailbreakme.com. i did that and there it said come back on your Iphone, iPad, or IPOD touch to use Jailbreak me. The thing is I was on my Iphone 4 when I did that but still it said that and could not download Cydia. Could someone help please? Thanks.
My Iphone is a 4.3.3 and I want to Jailbreak it first and then Unlock it.
So what to do about this note:
*Remember that updating to iOS 4.3.3 will update your baseband and perhaps ruin your chances of an unlock. Use TinyUmbrella (Mac, Windows) to update the iPhone 4 to iOS 4.3.3 without updating the baseband.
Hi I already had Cydia threw redsn0w (computer) and I wanted to try it threw iPhone 4's Safari browser. It worked but it didnt let me download FuriousMod to unlock with Gevey Ultra Sim. I wanted to know if its a bug or if there is a way i can download it?
I already had 4.3.3 installed, whenever Cydia begins loading it gets as far as install then cancels. No idea whats happening. Anyone have any suggestions?
I have the same problem. Was on 4.2 (with greenpoison i think) and then upgraded to 4.3.3 before the jailbreakme "fix". My phone is jailbroken (I can run some applications that were left on the phone) but no cydia. Rather disturbing...
I've been trying to update while having TinyUmbrella running in the background to keep my baseband but I can't get out of DFU mode. I've restored numerous times (Shift+restore etc.) but no dice. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks ctj. I used pwnage tool and redsn0w to get it going. It kept my baseband fine but my contacts, ringtones, music, videos etc. aren't properly syncing from my last backup. Weird. Guess I have to try to figure that out.
Thanks again ctj.
I couldn't get pass step:1. The ipsw (if its called that), or restore file, was in a Win Rar file and so wouldnt let me restore from it. When I extract the files it still wont let me restore from them
I love this type of jailbreak great job!
I wonder if there is any advantage to using this over pwnage tool or redsn0w (except for the obvious convienence). Still an issue with baseband mismatch requiring ultrasn0w?
Hi i'm updating my iphone 3gs from IOS 4.1 on 4.3.3 and at step 6 when restoring iphone with this file downloaded from your site (iPhone2,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore) error 1015 appears, what can i do about this!