Pod2g annonce la découverte de deux belles vulnérabilités pour un jailbreak
Posted April 30, 2012 at 7:14pm by iClarified
Pod2g a annoncé la découverte de 2 nouvelles vulnérabilités dans sa quête d'un nouveau jailbreak pour l'Iphone.
News:un week-end productif. J'ai trouvé deux belles vulnérabilités, 1 kernel land et 1 root land.
Dommage que je doive garder le secret...
La semaine dernière, Pod2g faisait remarquer que le jailbreak de l'iOS 5.1 prendrait au moins un mois pour aboutir. Nous posterons plus d'informations sur comment ces nouvelles vulnérabilités affecteront le calendrier du jailbreak dès que nous en apprendrons plus.
Si la vulnérabilité kernel land est exploitable, cela pourrait permettre de mettre au point un jailbreak utilisable contre n'importe quel firmware. Vous pouvez suivre iClarified surTwitter, Facebook, or RSS pour être mis au courant des nouveautés.
I say: if he releases it now for 5.1 they will close the holes up on iOS 6 and he'll have to start from scratch. I'm patient enough with what I have on 5.0.1 to wait till he can jailbreak 6.
According to pod2g's and hos poll he says to keep his ios 5 exploits till launch of the next ios .
But how are those exploits or modded files that are of ios 5 help in ios 6 jailbreak ...????
Who knows ios 6 ..will be completely based on some other kernel structures !!
pod2g like to talk a lot.
we read a lot of "new"s about the iOS 5.1 jailbreak, but it's seems like it's still far away from us. I don't understand why he delays the release of the jailbreak all the time.
I hope his next tweet will be "download the jailbreak application here".
release the thing!
Hey its not that all the people who want a jailbreak are ungreatful .. I want a jailbreak and i am ready to pay a reasonable amount for that ..
Its just the temptation that pod2g creates that he will launch the jb say tommorrow and then the next day says that it might be a month or never..
@ Heyy - So what? The articles are titled appropriately enough. If it says "jailbreak released," then click on the article and see how to get it. Otherwise, don't click on the article. Simple enough, right?
It is not simple for thousands of users to check everyday pod2g tweeting for a jailbreak .. Simple could be if he worked and just said jb released when its actually ready to release ...
iPhones will ALWAYS need a jailbreak, regardless of what firmware they release. No matter what Apple adds to the iOS, there will always be tweaks and apps that they will never allow.