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סטיב ג'ובס עונה למבקר שמותח ביקורת על סמל האייטונס החדש

סטיב ג'ובס עונה למבקר שמותח ביקורת על סמל האייטונס החדש

Posted September 3, 2010 at 4:20pm by iClarified

סטיב ג'ובס עונה ללקוח ששלח לו אימייל על כמה הלוגו החדש של אייטונס גרוע.
ג'ושוע קופק, מפקח עיצוב פרסום בחברה ואלולידס שלח את האימייל הבא לסטיב ג'ובס.


נהנתי מההרצאה היום אבל......... הלוגו החדש של אייטונס ממש גרוע. אתם לוקחים 10 שנים של זיהוי מיידי של מוצר ומחליפים אותו בלוגו לא ידוע. בוא נחזיק אצבעות בשביל זה...

אנחנו לא מסכימים איתך.

נשלח מהאייפון שלי.


חוסר זיהוי יכול להיות בעיה ללוגו החדש של אייטונס, אבל הבעיה הגדולה יותר איננה העובדה שאפל הסירו את הדיסק מהלוגו אלא העיצוב החובבני שלו. אי אפשר להשוות אותו ללוגואים אחרים של אפל כמו: קוויקטיים, ספארי, פיינדר ועוד.

בנוסף, לקוחות מתלוננים על העיצוב החדש של אייטונס שהוא ברובו אפור עם אלמנטים מצויירים כמו סימן הוי.

שינויים אלה כבר הובילו לחבילות כמו אייטונס 109 שיחזיר את העיצוב של אייטונס 9 לגרסת 10.

קראו עוד [ MacRumors דרך]

סטיב ג'ובס עונה למבקר שמותח ביקורת על סמל האייטונס החדש

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Comments (13)
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x86tech - September 5, 2010 at 1:38pm
Wow. KeePass is inline with the new iTunes icon!
boreddrummer - September 4, 2010 at 3:19pm
the new logo is very amateur though it's true, yucky
adee - September 4, 2010 at 8:08am
I LIKE IT! there, i said it!
t11chb - September 4, 2010 at 7:16am
The answer is simple! If it bothers you so much, put the old icon into the new package, done!
DigiHead - September 4, 2010 at 6:18am
absolutely agree!!! hate people always whining about anything! exactly - dont like it - dont use it! go back to windows! :D:D:D:D:D
Londis - September 4, 2010 at 5:51am
I am not sure if the icon or the application's name is relevant to what it does anymore. iTunes started off as a music manager but has grown to encompass so many different types of media like books & movies. Also using this app to sync with iphones, ipads is making the whole experience messy. I wanted to put some pdfs I made onto to my iphone so I had to first put them into iTunes for it to sync them to the phone? I don't want a 'PDF' category in my music library!!! What will my dj software think of it when it picks it up!! Oh, maybe the better way was to email them to the phone?!? Messy. So i don't think the icon is relevant to the app anymore neither the apps name. I could go on but you get the point!
Joe Cole
Joe Cole - September 4, 2010 at 12:57am
I think what Jobs & Co want to say with the redesigned icon is that the age of CDs has come to an end. From here on, music will be all about live streaming aka cloud computing!
David - September 4, 2010 at 8:32am
You're right. Apple is always moving forward and the "cloud" is what they see as the future. Otherwise they might have considered putting BluRay optical drives in their Macs. They are also did something relatively groundbreaking yesterday. They released Freakonomics The Movie as a rental priced at $9.99 BEFORE it release in theaters. Do you see where this is going? Soon there will be no more movie theaters if this takes off. The new icon design is weak. They should have gone with the iOS version.
NameIsDavid - September 3, 2010 at 5:13pm
You think Steve sets that price? Apple would have it free if possible. Sells iDevices, which is the point. Studios don't like 99 cents, hence only 2 on board.
mike - September 6, 2010 at 9:47pm
I think some people will rent tv for .99 I bought one for 1.99, watched it once now I have it taking up space. Don't want to delete it because I payed for it. How about all those DVDs I have and never watch. They take up space. Sure .99 for tv. should be .45. Now if I miss the final lost episode I would rent it for .99. It's space saver!
Dhel - September 3, 2010 at 5:06pm
It's all about opinion!! Why is such a big deal of changing their logo.. Might because of their some product line so popular and people trying to pick o. Whatever they do now!!! Personly I don't care what is their new logo like.. If I don't like their logo or product I'll just stop buying it from them period. Just look back about their i4 Athena issue ppl complain, and whinning .. Then what they giving free case after that I don't see many whining any more Look
yiyopr - September 3, 2010 at 10:09pm
They gave me a free iphone case and I'm still whining, mainly because after 4.0.1 I noticed how the iphone really sucks at receiving signal (even without the antenna issue and with the case on, I get two bars in my house, whereas my 4 year old phone gets 5 bars...). iphone fails....
David - September 4, 2010 at 8:39am
I believe the signal issue has more to do with the AT&T network than the iPhone 4. I live in Europe and even without the bumper, my signal maintains a solid signal. It blows me away that after all these years they can't figure this out. It's like watching a TV with rabbit ears.
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