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ה-iPhone 4S של Sprint פתוח, הטלפונים של Verizon יפתחו לאחר 60 יום

ה-iPhone 4S של Sprint פתוח, הטלפונים של Verizon יפתחו לאחר 60 יום

Posted October 12, 2011 at 7:39am by iClarified

Sprint מוכרת את האייפון שלה בתור "סים-פרי" ו-Verizon אומרים שהם יפתחו את ה-iPhone 4S שלהם לאחר 60 יום.

Sprint מתכננת למכור את ה-iPhone 4S עם יציאת ה-Micro USB פתוח (סים-פרי); ה-iPhone של Verizon יפתח, אם את/ה נהיה "לקוח טוב" לאחר 60 יום, את/ה תוכל/י להתקשר ל-Verizon ולבקש ל"פתיחה בינלאומית"

Apple אומרת שהיא תחל למכור iPhone 4S פתוח בלי התחייבות החל מנובמבר.

קרא/י עוד [באמצעות Real]

ה-iPhone 4S של Sprint פתוח, הטלפונים של Verizon יפתחו לאחר 60 יום

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Comments (10)
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Chou3aib - October 12, 2011 at 4:52pm
I was just about to upgrade my iPhone with AT&T But now SPRINT here I come
Lynxy - October 12, 2011 at 1:18pm
Just called AtnT. No unlock!!! I have no reason to stay there I switch to VZw in couple months. I sell my 2 phones I have to compensate early contract break.
tarek93 - October 12, 2011 at 8:33am
Didn't' Apple say about the unlocked iphone that will be released next month that it won't work on CDMA networks ? how could sprint support both cdma & international GSM together ?
yiyopr - October 12, 2011 at 8:53am
This is a world phone, it has both CDMA and GSM networks built in. You can't unlock the phone for CDMA networks because there is no medium to pass the carrier information (no sim card). You can however use any GSM network on unlocked phones. You can only use Sprint on the CDMA network side, but you can use any GSM network on the GSM side. So it is unlocked for GSM networks.
6italia0 - October 12, 2011 at 8:59am
you can activate the meid on cricket or metro pcs, you dont have to flash it either, it just works. I just activated a vzw iphone 4 on cricket today 4.2.10 no jailbreak just activated the meid and dialed *22804, but otherwise you are right
tarek93 - October 12, 2011 at 10:00am
OH , i got it ... so the next month's unlocked iphone will support ONLY sprint & verizon as CDMA networks , right ?
que - October 12, 2011 at 11:29am
So an unlocked phone bought at Apple Store will only work with GSM sims but not with any CDMA carrier and an unlocked phone bought on sprint will not only work on any gsm carrier but with Sprint also ?
AT&T Listen Up!
AT&T Listen Up! - October 12, 2011 at 7:58am
It would be nice if AT&T would unlock too. At least unlock after the two year contract is over.
Kupalski - October 12, 2011 at 1:59pm
AT&T is major crap compared to Sprint and Verizon. They suck in every way except for having the newest phones, always. That is the only good thing about at&t, they always have the newest and cool phones on the market but other than that...bleh...dropped calls after dropped calls after dropped calls....not worth it.... And may I add this, why can't you at&t offer the same unlocked phones without any hassles?
Gtmort - October 14, 2011 at 2:56am
Just ordered an iphone4s on ATT and looked at the scew number or order number off iPhone is the same as the unlocked iPhone 4s apple sends out all unlocked iPhones on preordered phones then if you want want you can change carrier and pay difference to ATT and youget an unlocked 4s
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