Cara Men-jailbreak iPhone 4S Anda Menggunakan Absinthe (Windows) [5.0, 5.0.1]
Posted January 21, 2012 at 9:20pm by iClarified
Di bawah ini adalah instruksi bagaimana melakukan jailbreak untethered untuk iPhone 4S Anda menggunakan Absinthe versi Windows.
Peringatan***: Sebelum Anda melanjutkan, pastikan Anda telah mem-backup perangkat Anda pada iTunes karena ada kemungkinan Anda kehilangan Camera Roll selama proses ini.
Langkah Pertama Unduh versi Absinthe terbaru dari sini.
Langkah Kedua Dobel klik untuk mengekstrak file yang telah diunduh tadi dan jalankan aplikasi Absinthe.
Langkah Ketiga Sebagaimana diminta, koneksikan iPhone 4S Anda ke komputer via USB. Pastikan untuk menghapus pengaturan passcode atau VPN yang telah Anda atur sebelumnya.
Langkah Keempat Klik tombol Jailbreak untuk memulai
Langkah Kelima Aplikasi ini akan membawa Anda melalui beberapa langkah jailbreak: Sending initial data, waiting for reboot, waiting for device to finish booting, Preparing jailbreak data, dan Sending payload data.
Langkah Keenam Anda akan diberitahu bahwa jailbreak 'Almost done'.
Langkah Ketujuh Pada perangkat Anda, cari ikon Absinthe dan ketuk untuk menyelesaikan jailbreak Anda. Icon tersebut bisa di homescreen mana saja.
Jika server sedang down dan Anda mendapatkan pesan Error establishing a database connection ketuk ikon Settings di springroad dan hidupkan VPN.
Anda akan mendapatkan pesan kesalahan konfigurasi; namun, setelah sekitar satu menit perangkat Anda akan boot ulang dengan Cydia di Springboard!
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First thanks for the JB. Now Im facing a couple of issues: 1) Reminders icon on the springboard has turned white. 2) Unable to make & recieve calls, phone hangs on calling. How to fix both these issues?
Hi, just got my hands on iphone 4S version 5.0.1(9A406) and my itunes is currently on my question is do i need to update itunes to latest version to use this Absinthe Jailbreak or just go ahead and follow the above instructions.. please help!!! thank you!
Its giving me error as
Didn't work? try this
1. tap "jailbreak" to open the setting application and turn on the vpn named 'jailbreak'
cannot open absinthe
error the url can't be shown
Please someone help me in this regard....
Hi, Jailbreak initially failed but I had the absinthe icon installed.
After a few atempts of reinstalling or rebooting to get the Cydia icon, because all failed, I deleted the absinthe icon and tried again from the beginning.
Unfortunately now it says i've tried jailbreak before and I have to unplug and plug in again.
but then the usual loop happens. nothing fixes it as it requests the same thing over and over again without fixing it.
If anyone can help.... I dont want to restore my Iphone 4s because iTunes will update to 5.1 right?
thanks in advance.
I just jailbreak my iPhone 4S with Absinthe on iOS 5.0.1 an everything goes ok.
Than I install open ssh because i need to patch some files to fix caller id for my country.
I was looking for a file UIMobileCountryCodes.plist but it does not exists on iPhone 4S. Complete folder where file was before is missing (/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit. framework/PhoneFormats/)
Does anyone knows what was changed where are the CountryCodes now moved or what?
I have an iPhone 4S that I want to jailbreak. I am using active sync to access my corporate email. My company profile requires a passcode. Step 3 says to remove the passcode, but I can't. Can I still jailbreak successfully with the passcode not removed.
Tried Jailbreak (4S) and phone got disconnected upon startup. Now msg about previously tried and will try to fix comes up and when I disconnect phone and plug back in it just says the same thing and on and on in a loop.. Tried to restore and tried to update to 5.0.1 but both fail. I know theres a fix for it but havent figured it out. Please assist ... Thx
Didn't work ! It failed when I launched absinthe from my iPhone. I waited 15 minutes and I stopped it.
When I'm trying again it says I need ton unplug and pug it again, but it says it anytime I replug it...
Don't press the absinthe icon on the phone, just go straight into settings and turn vpn on. When you get the error message don't press the ok tab and phone should reboot in about a minute. When performing the jailbreak make sure you have turned off any pascodes.
I clicked on jailbreak and waited but at the last moment the program stopped working ! and gave me 2 options 1- check for online solution 2- close the program . And when I opened my Iphone 4s there was no Absthine icon or iclarified .. pls help me ... i tried rejailbreaking it with the same steps but still didnt work ... pls help me
To use your phone with a different provider, you need to *unlock* your phone, which is different from *jailbreaking*. Jailbreaking = allows you to install apps from providers other than Apple's app store (e.g. Cydia); Unlocking = allows you to change provider. Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, there is no way to unlock the 4S yet - only jailbreaking. I could be wrong, but I think that only older basebands are unlockable.