Petunjuk untuk Jailbreak dan Unlock iPhone 3G, 3GS Memakai BlackSn0w [Windows]
Posted November 3, 2009 at 11:54pm by iClarified
Berikut adalah petunjuk jailbreak dan unlock iPhone 3G dan 3GS menggunakan BlackRa1n dan BlackSn0w untuk Windows.
Petunjuk ini diperuntukkan bagi iPhones dengan firmware 3.1.2, baseband 05.11.07, dan iPhones yang memerlukan hacktivation. Jika Anda sudah men-jailbreak sebelumnya, akan lebih mudah mengikuti petunjuk berikut untuk meng-unlock.
Bagi Anda yang memilki iPhone 3GS yang terbaru (updated Bootrom), BlackRa1n hanya menyediakan tethered jailbreak. Artinya bahwa setelah ter-jailbreak, jaga agar iPhone Anda jangan sampai kehabisan batterei. Jika sampai kehabisan, Anda harus menyambungkan iPhone ke komputer untuk di boot menggunakan BlackRa1n.
Sebelum memulai pastikan bahwa iPhone Anda telah menggunakan baseband 05.11.07, ikuti petunjuk ini. Jika belum, gunakan iTunes untuk meng-update firmware ke 3.1.2 sebelum melangkah lebih lanjut.
Bagi pengguna Mac, silakan ikuti petunjuk ini. Mari kita mulai.....
Langkah Pertama Buka web browser anda dan navigasikan ke Klik logo Windows di bagian bawah halaman tersebut.
Langkah Kedua Saat muncul dialog box, simpan file-nya ke desktop
Langkah Ketiga Lalu klik dua kali file blackra1n di desktop untuk menjalankan program
Langkah Keempat Pastikan iPhone atau iPod telah tersambung ke komputer, kemudian klik tombol besar bertuliskan make it ra1n
Langkah Kelima iPhone anda sekarang akan dimasukkan ke mode recovery.
Anda akan melihat gambar GeoHot menggantikan gambar yang biasanya muncul saat mode recovery.
blackra1n akan bekerja dan iPhone kemudian akan reboot.
Pesan popup akan muncul untuk menginformasikan bahwa BlackRa1n adalah software gratis dan jika Anda menghargai kegunaannya, Anda dapat memberikan donasi ke GeoHot di
Langkah Keenam Setelah reboot, iPhone sudah akan ter-jailbreak dan akan muncul ikon blackra1n di Springboard. Pastikan iPhone tersambung ke Internet, lalu jalankan blackra1n.
Pilih installer application pilihan Anda dan sekaligus sn0w jika Anda ingin men-unlock iPhone Anda. Tekan tombool Install pada kanan atas dari layar untuk memulai.
BlackRa1n akan mulai men-download dan melakukan instalasi.
Jika Anda memilih untuk men-unlock menggunakan blacksn0w, akan ditampilkan juga Post Install log dari sn0w. CommCenter akan restart dan tidak perlu di-reboot. Jika carrier Anda tidak mendukung layanan 3G, sebaiknya di-disable. Tekan tombol Close untuk melanjutkan.
Langkah Ketujuh Setelah selesai, BlackRa1n akan respring iPhone dan installer package yang tadi Anda pilih akan sudah muncul di Springboard.
Langkah kedelapan Jika Anda sudah yakin bahwa installer package sudah berjalan dengan baik, BlackRa1n bisa di-uninstall dari springboard dengan menekan tombol Uninstall blackra1n.
***TERIMA KASIH: Ditujukan sebesar-besarnya kepada Geohot yang telah membuat jailbreak ini. Juga kepada semua pihak yang telah berkontribusi dalam mensukseskannya. Anda dapat mengirimkan donasi ke Geohot menggunakan tombol di bawah ini. Donasi ini sepenuhnya untuk GeoHot dan bukan untuk iClarified.
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software akuntansi laporan keuangan terbaik - January 24, 2012 at 8:11am
let me share something you here i use a refurbished compaq for nearly everything these days its been incredibly reliable for well over 2 and a half years i rarely take it anywhere i have an external keyboard plugged into it and i use an external monitor too but i use the lcd at the same time
my details
iphone: 3.1.2 ( earlier used blackra1n to jailbreak)
thing were going good, i just erased i phone, i tried jail breaking by blackra1n and pawnage/. but after re boot the same apple logo comes, what do i do ...?
same here..i got exactly same version as yours....but i couldnt unlock mine....i tried everything...ultrasnow, blacksnow...but still :(......wat about yours??
I got iphone 3GS, i jailed broked my cell phone some six months ago. I had problem with cydia, so i erased all setting on IPHONE. now i m using Blackra1n... i tried 6 times, my iphone starts to earlier picture of apple... and get stuck.... time and again.....
Any one any idea
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: blackra1n.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4af01257
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00000000
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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Pls i got the above error message why trying to jailbreak my iphone can anyone be of help please
i have tried for 2 days now to unlock my iphone 3gs 3.13 firmware and i have used blackra1n and like 5 more and none of them are finishing the program what am i doing wrong??? it gets stuck in running on the blackra1n.....
Man, this tutorial is for unlocking the 3.1.2 and not the 3.1.3,
you can't unlock the 3.1.3 till now you can jailbreak it.
just search this site for unlocking the 3.1.3.
Hi there. I have my Iphone on 3GS in FW3.1.2 and baseband 05.11.07. I jailbreak it, but my internet (wi-fi) doen´t work. Is it possible to unlock it?
I have a tethered iphone 3gs. i used blackra1n every time i restarts 3.1.2, today i used sprint
after that my phone goes on itunes logo. now i am not able to do any thing i am not able to restore my iphone to 3.1.2 and blackra1n is also not working
plz temme what to do now
restore error 1600
The only way to restore to FW 3.1.2 is if you have its SHSH stored on cydia. If not then you have no choice but to restore to FW3.1.3 resulting your phone can only be used on AT&T. Then you can jailbreak using. Currently no software is available to unlock 3.1.3.
Sorry you have the problem. Never rejailbreak a phone that was previously jailbroken with a different jailbreaking program. I guess then conflicted and your phone got frozen. Now it must be restored to 3.1.2 or 3.1.3. Restoring to 3.1.2 is only possible is your ShSH is on Cydia.
After searching for hours on the net and coming close to getting my credit card out to pay £30.00 for sodtware which is complicated to use and not gaurenteed to work i found THIS SITE. AND IT HAS ABSOLUTLY MADE MY DAY. MY IPHONE 3G WAS UNLOCKED TO ALL NETWORKS IN LESS THAN A MINUTE . Thanks you for the usefull program link and more importantly this guide. You deserve a medal. I will be donating a very much desrved ermmm donation.
Thanks Again
Trying to unlock origonal 1st gen I-phone 4gig with blackrain is this not possible at all, also blackrain gave me a "missing asl.dll " error so i googled that and downloaded a patch that claimed to be all dll files for black rain now i get a new error " zlib1.dll cannot be found" any ideas?
I'm having problems with unlocking my iphone. I've used blackra1n many timez w/o any problems but for this particular phone it just wont work. I have a 3g running 3.1.2 on 05.11.07. No matter how many times ive tried as soon as I place the t-mobile sim card it goes to the itunes screen. I just dont get it!
thanx in advance