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Gizmodo Membedah Prototipe iPhone 4G

Gizmodo Membedah Prototipe iPhone 4G

Posted April 20, 2010 at 7:36pm by iClarified
Gizmodo telah memposting gambar dari hasil membongkar prototipe iPhone 4G dan melakukan analisa dari prototipe iPhone 4G yang mereka dapatkan.

Ada beberapa hal yang menarik dari fakta yang didapat setelah melakukan pembedahan, yang paling penting dari semuanya adalah fokus pada konfirmasi (jika masih kita butuhkan) bahwa perangkat ini benar dari Apple. Terdapat tiga bagian terpisah, yang ada didalam casing, dimana APPLE menunjukannya secara dominan. Setelah membuka dua buah mur pada bagian bawah—seperti pada iPhone 3GS—, anda dapat menggunakan cangkir hisap dan membongkar dari bagian belakang iPhone. Bukan dari depan seperti pada iPhone 3GS, saat iFixit's membedahnya.

Silahkan melihat beberapa gambar dibawah ini atau klik link dibawah ini untuk lebih detail....


Gizmodo Membedah Prototipe iPhone 4G

Gizmodo Membedah Prototipe iPhone 4G
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b46678b - April 21, 2010 at 9:25am
Imagine what apple/nokia/motorola would have paid for the prototype? Waaay more than $5,000! That guy who sold it to gizmodo is an idiot! I guarantee that phone is worth a good $50,000 to apple or even more to a competitor.
Ricardo - April 21, 2010 at 10:47am
you cant be selling stolen stuff well not here on California so even if you found it or you buy it you need to returned to the original owner
iPhonedo - April 20, 2010 at 11:16pm
this is what's gonna happen to aliens when they come to earth... I still don't believe a single line Gizmodo says.
justinishulk - April 20, 2010 at 9:22pm
The dude lost the phone. Giz bought it. Getting the exclusive scoop on stuff like the next iPhone is their job. Sucks for the dude that lost the phone, but I guarantee you he wasn't supposed to be out drinking with a secret prototype in his pocket. If you screw up at your job in a way that messes with your company's highly successful business plan and makes them look foolish, you can't count on other people to cover your tracks for you.
dest - April 20, 2010 at 8:16pm
did you read about the lost prototype at all?? " its not leaked" and china can already copy it.
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