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Apple Starebbe Pianificando per l'Autunno un Rilascio a Sorpresa per l'iPad 3!

Apple Starebbe Pianificando per l'Autunno un Rilascio a Sorpresa per l'iPad 3!

Posted February 9, 2011 at 7:04pm by iClarified
Secondo Daring Fireball e TechCrunch, con una mossa a sorpresa, Apple potrebbe lanciare un terzo iPad quest'autunno.

Durante il commento sull'HP TouchPad, John Gruber di Daring Fireball scrisse: "L'estate sembra distante. Se la mia teoria è corretta, non sono solo mesi indietro rispetto all'iPad 2, ma se aspettano fino a tarda estate, potrebbero imbattersi nel rilascio dell'iPad 3. E non solo fecero il loro annuncio con una data di spedizione lontana, ma lo fecero senza dire una parola sui prezzi."

TechCrunch ha fatto seguito all'articolo di Gruber con alcune informazione in loro possesso.

Pochi giorni fa abbiamo avuto notizia da una fonte affidabile che Apple stia assemblando i pezzi per "una grossa sorpresa autunnale". Sebbene sia intrigante, ciò potrebbe ovviamente non significare nulla. Ma la "sorpresa" chiarisce parzialmente che c'è qualcosa oltre i soliti aggiornamenti di iPod/iTunes (e forse MacBook Air) che Apple fa in autunno. E comunque tutto ciò lascia spazio alle speculazioni. Un televisore Apple? iTunes "cloud"? Un iMac touchscreen? Chi lo sa?

Fino ad oggi. Adesso abbiamo saputo che questa "sorpresa autunnale" è legata al preteso iPad 3. Non abbiamo nessuna informazione concreta a riguardo. Ma il piano pare sia di rilasciare una versione di Ipad nelle prossime settimane, e poi avere campo libero per un aggiornamento in autunno.

A questo punto non è chiaro se l'iPad 2 sarà un aggiornamento sostanziale o meno. Voci di corridoio suggeriscono un dispositivo sottile con un processore più veloce e due fotocamere. Questo verrebbe considerato da molti un piccolo aggiornamento.

Se Apple rilascia due iPad quest'anno manterrà il proprio vantaggio sui concorrenti.

Vi aggiorneremo appena avremo maggiori informazioni.

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Apple Starebbe Pianificando per l'Autunno un Rilascio a Sorpresa per l'iPad 3!
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Comments (11)
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Rob - February 10, 2011 at 3:19pm
Many of you bring up very good points. I don't think people will hold up a 10" screen to take photos, but they might want to share a moment via FaceTime or snap a pic of a document with GeniusScan to edit on their iPad. And I doubt Apple would release another version of the same product within a year of itself, unless like someone else said another product--ie 7" iPad. As far as the claims that Steve Jobs is against the 7" size, he always denies products until the final launch. Check his history on that. They run a very smart, yet exciting business. I'm a fan and can't wait for that...one more thing.
mibear - February 9, 2011 at 9:17pm
Geese Louise! How about combining the ipad 2 and the ipad 3 and calling it>>ipad23.This speculation is so far out.Lets just cool our jets a bit.We don't even know the whole story with the ipad 2 yet.
IPwn - February 9, 2011 at 8:55pm
I think its gonna be either iPhone 5 or the new iTouch
yoshac - February 9, 2011 at 7:42pm
iPad3 = iPad mini, with a 7" screen to position it midway between iPod touch and the iPad2, and possibly with a reflexive screen, targeted at the Kindle/Nook market.
Me - February 10, 2011 at 12:17am
I say a dumb guess. Jobs has already dismissed 7" screens as crap.
SunLizard - February 9, 2011 at 7:33pm
Umm. No. Just no. Honestly, I'm not sure why iC does the rumor generation stuff, the other stuff is actually so good, I don't feel you need to feed the speculation buzz, it detracts from your overall cred, in my opinion. And what's with this 2 camera thing, still. Just cause all the other lemmings are convinced of 2 cameras, stop and think... does that make sense? I mean really, holding up a 10 inch device to snap a photo...? REALLY? If it turns out I'm wrong (and the only reason I'd be wrong was because its cheaper to use the iPhone camera part in the device -- something Jonny Ive would cringe at) I'll STFU myself. Now, for the facts: Is there any evidence to support a 'big launch' in the fall. Absolutely. What will it be? Neither John Gruber nor anyone else outside of apple and their suppliers know for sure, but take what you do know: Apple likes OLED, they want bigger OLEDs, LiquidMetal acquisition has yielded only patents on Cell Battery Technology thus far, updated a product 5 months after launch is rarely (if ever) done outside of fixing an issue - doesnt' make business sense (especially when most of thier product lives are 220-330 day update cycles.) Given the facts, not the conjectures, I'd say something portable, ultra-light and lasts for a very, very long time. Given product cycles either I'd say late iPhone 5 or Mac Book update. Only time will tell.
What - February 9, 2011 at 7:12pm
"We will update you as more information becomes available" Why bother waiting for facts, just make something up. Rumours, whispers, guesses and speculation ... the foundation stones of iClarified
Jay - February 10, 2011 at 12:41am
Gotta love this site! They take all their news from other sites... twist words around... throw in a question mark or the word "may" and BOOM! Only thing this site has going for them is the Jailbreaking Instructions but really anyone can figure that out they just post pretty pictures. Guess what I'm saying is if IC ever wants to be a actual site you guys better get the crap together and start doing some work yourself and get the facts not the guess.
Jay - February 9, 2011 at 7:09pm
Ummm STUPID! There has to be an iPad 2 first... Why would people even be thinking about this stupid crap! That's like saying 'I SO PUMPED FOR IPHONE 7 TO COME OUT!!!!!"
Josh - February 9, 2011 at 7:13pm
screw iPhone 7. what about iPhone 10? haha, yea. I totally agree. aren't we getting ahead of ourselves just a touch?
Kingsford - February 11, 2011 at 6:58am
Josh eat a bagel!! IPHONE 10 OH YEAH!
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