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Crash di Skype su iPhone Jailborken

Crash di Skype su iPhone Jailborken

Posted March 31, 2009 at 11:46am by iClarified
La nuova applicazione Skype rilasciata per iPhone crasha su iPhone Jailbroken.

A molti utenti questo crash si verificava quando tentavano di inserire del testo. Ad altri invece si chiudeva dopo 30-50 secondi di utilizzo.

In accordo con BigBoss, Saurik ha rilasciato un nuovo "mobile substrate" ed il problema è risolto. Non sono necessarie procedure strane o ulteriori hacks. Semplicemente aprite Cydia dopo avere installato Skype dall'App Store e vi comparirà tra gli aggiornamenti "mobile substrate". Aggiornatelo alla versione v0.9.2803-1 (oppure ad una ancora più recente) il mobile substrate.

Per ovviare a questo crash di Skype, tutti i mobilesubstrate che si basano sull'hack dell'iPohne vengono disabilitati all'interno dell'applicazione Skype. Questo significa che non potete usare voipover3g o backgrounder con l'applicazione Skype. Non chiedete come sia possibile farlo perché non è possibile in alcun modo. Lo sviluppatore stesso del mobile substrate ha già detto che non funzionerà, quindi accontentiamoci!

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Crash di Skype su iPhone Jailborken Crash di Skype su iPhone Jailborken
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Comments (13)
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Lula<3 - April 2, 2009 at 3:16am
Thank You Saurik!! <3
jwb - April 1, 2009 at 9:47am
Skype also crashes on a standard out on the box un touched ipod touch 8G so perhaps there is somethingelse more fundamental going on
Kev - April 1, 2009 at 7:19am
Have used it and it works, but not sure how useful skype will be if I cant get it running in the background or cant make calls over 3G ... I can understand why Apple dont want apps running in the background because it can slow the phones down, but the benefits of an app running in the background far outweigh the negatives .... I am begining to think I made a wrong choice choosing Iphone ....
CevaMisto - March 31, 2009 at 5:42pm
Please pay attention - after you upgrade the mobile substrate it is possible the yellowsnow (3G soft unlock) to be affected. I have an Orange SIM Cards and I had to redo the yellowsnow activation procedure because I have obtained the INVALID SIM Cards Message after the upgrade.
Schmoofdie - March 31, 2009 at 5:28pm
I downloaded it and used it instantly on my jailbroken iPhone 3G called Australia and even had better call quality that using skype on the computer. Still have not yet had a problem.
peaking - March 31, 2009 at 5:22pm
updated but stil crashes on 2.1 JB 3G
Frazse - March 31, 2009 at 4:06pm
Well, i upgraded but it still crashes after 30-80sec :(
aaron - March 31, 2009 at 1:43pm
updated and still crashes on the log-in page...
Captcaveman - April 3, 2009 at 1:28am
It continued to crash when trying to log on after installing the update. I then removed clippy and I could log on. But it would crash after 30 seconds. I then removed intelliscreen and no more crashes. It seems to be solid as a rock now.
webmic - March 31, 2009 at 12:46pm
Don't work in background... :( never with backgrounder and more. regards, webmic
Luca Landucci
Luca Landucci - March 31, 2009 at 12:08pm
Updated substrate and it works fine on my JB iphone 3G
Big Al
Big Al - March 31, 2009 at 11:57am
Skype is not available thru the Canadian iTunes store.
Mogwai - April 1, 2009 at 5:21am
I upgaded mobilsubstrate, skype still crashed. Then I installed the hackolo.us version over the AppStore one, works flawless. Mog
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