Naujai ileista Skype programa lūta Jailbreikintuose iPhon'uose.
Daugumai vartotojų Skype lūta bandant įvesti tekstą. Kitiems vartotojams pakimba po 30-50 sekundių naudojimosi.
Pagal BigBoss, Saurik ileido naują mobilesubstrate ir problema ispręsta. Nereikalinga intelliscreen'ui ar kitiems hack'ams. Tiesiog atnaujinkite mobilesubstrate i cydia. Update v0.9.2803-1 (arba naujesnę) mobilesubstrate.
Norėdami itaisyti "Skype" lūimus, visi mobilesubstrate pagrįsti hack'ai yra ublokuoti "Skype" programoje. Tai reikia, kad jūs negalite naudoti voipover3g arba backgrounder su "Skype" programa. Neklauskite, kaip tai padaryti, arba neaikinkite, kad ji neveikia. Mobilesubstrate kūrėjas jau pareikė, kad ji neveikia.
Have used it and it works, but not sure how useful skype will be if I cant get it running in the background or cant make calls over 3G ... I can understand why Apple dont want apps running in the background because it can slow the phones down, but the benefits of an app running in the background far outweigh the negatives ....
I am begining to think I made a wrong choice choosing Iphone ....
Please pay attention - after you upgrade the mobile substrate it is possible the yellowsnow (3G soft unlock) to be affected. I have an Orange SIM Cards and I had to redo the yellowsnow activation procedure because I have obtained the INVALID SIM Cards Message after the upgrade.
I downloaded it and used it instantly on my jailbroken iPhone 3G called Australia and even had better call quality that using skype on the computer. Still have not yet had a problem.
It continued to crash when trying to log on after installing the update. I then removed clippy and I could log on. But it would crash after 30 seconds. I then removed intelliscreen and no more crashes. It seems to be solid as a rock now.