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Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Posted June 4, 2012 at 12:05pm by iClarified
Dit zijn instructies om je iPhone 4S op 5.1.1 te jailbreaken met RedSn0w, deze tutorial is voor Mac, de windows versie is hier te vinden.

Wees gewaarschuwd: updaten naar 5.1.1 kan mogelijk je baseband upgraden waardoor een unlock onmogelijk wordt. Eenmaal op iOS 5.1.1 kan je je SHSH Blobs opslaan met deze tutorial.

Wil je een lagere firmware jailbreaken, kijk dan hier.

Stap één
Maak een map op je bureaublad en noem deze Pwnage

Download de nieuwste versie van RedSn0w hier en plaats deze in de Pwnage map. Download de 5.1.1 firmware hier en zet deze in de Pwnage map. (N.B.: niet nodig indien je iOS 5.1.1 al draait)

Pak de RedSn0w zip file uit.
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Stap twee: (Overslaan indien 5.1.1 al op je iPhone staat)
Verbind je iPhone met je Mac en start iTunes.
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Selecteer je iPhone in de lijst aan de linkerkant. Hou Option ingedrukt en klik de Restore knop. Restore is aanbevolen.
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Ga naar de Pwnage map op je bureaublad en selecteer de 5.1.1 firmware ipsw. Klik de Kies knop om verder te gaan.
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

iTunes update je iPhone nu naar 5.1.1

Stap drie
Start de redsn0w app vanuit de redsn0w map.
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Stap vier
Klik Jailbreak.
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Stap vijf
De jailbreak is hierna binnen drie stappen voltooid.

1. Voorbereiden:
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

2. Verwerken:
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

3. Beëindigen:
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Stap zes
Je krijgt bericht als de jailbreak klaar is. Als je iPhone klaar is met herstarten (5 minuten ongeveer), dan is deze jailbroken en staat Cydia op het Springboard.
Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Jailbreak je iPhone 4S met RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

*As usual a big thanks to the iPhone Dev-Team. Chronic Dev-Team, and Geohot for their hard work and contribution to the iPhone community.
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Comments (17)
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eder - April 3, 2015 at 8:34pm
esse e otimo recomendo
Candace - April 18, 2013 at 4:29am
i cant jailbreak my iphone 4s 5.1.1 it says jailbreak failed "service wouldnt start (4234)
Kaushal Mistry
Kaushal Mistry - January 24, 2013 at 11:48am
wen I restore my iphone 4s to 5.1.1 it is showing "This device isn't eligible for the requested build" plzz need some help...... reply as soon as possible...!!! :'(
jackelin - January 12, 2013 at 1:17am
para iphone 4s iOS 6.0.1 swisscom
jackelin - January 12, 2013 at 1:19am
help me please iPhone 4s ios 6.0.1 swisscom
qwe - November 27, 2012 at 10:57am
"Please Activate the Device First" I get this error can anyone please help?
Messiah - October 16, 2012 at 4:25pm
Yes I am. Have a 4S and in desperate (AT&T) need to unluck. Kindly assist. Me
Latrina - November 1, 2012 at 2:10pm
Hi I need some help please to do with cydia
FREOOY - November 1, 2012 at 2:58pm
Latrina what is wrong with cydia?...
nut'S-ion - September 23, 2012 at 7:47am
can an iPhone 4S be Hacktivated ? ore does it really need an official carrier ?
Kaon Northover
Kaon Northover - September 12, 2012 at 2:03am
ok and u have to be activated 1st so this won't work providing that you don't have a carrier
D - September 2, 2012 at 7:24pm
Any update on progress?
Nic - June 25, 2012 at 8:49am
Can't jailbreak my iPhone 4S on 5.1.1 (9B206). "Service wouldn't start (3986)
Shahmeer - June 9, 2012 at 6:33am
This is a very well written thread. Its interesting and also gets the job done. But for an easy way, A MUCH EASIER WAY go to applehelpp.blogspot.com OR to see only jailbreaking the easy way go to http://applehelpp.blogspot.com/2012/06/jailbreaking-cydia-installous-iphone.html
tfong - June 8, 2012 at 1:26am
Is there a tutorial to preserve baseband upgrade for 4S??
Eddie Schramm
Eddie Schramm - June 5, 2012 at 4:15pm
Is it untethered?
Omar Garfio
Omar Garfio - June 7, 2012 at 3:01pm
Yep, it is.
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