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Jailbreak iPada 2 (by Comex) Wyciekł! [Wideo]

Jailbreak iPada 2 (by Comex) Wyciekł! [Wideo]

Posted July 2, 2011 at 7:58am by iClarified
Jailbreak Comexa na iPada 2 wyciekł, prawdopodobnie za sprawą beta testera.

Film poniżej opublikowany przez AppReviewerWill daje nam link i pokazuje jailbreak iPada 2 na iOS 4.3. Jailbreak używa luki PDF podobnej to tej z JailbreakMe 2.0. By przeprowadzić jailbrek, nie musisz podłączać swojego iPada 2 do komputera.

Zalecamy, aby poczekać aż Comex oficjalnie wyda swój jailbreak i nie popieramy kradzieży pracy od innych. Ponadto, nie wiadomo czy jailbreak jest kompletny ani czy ma jeszcze jakieś błędy.

[via Mateen]

RedmondPie podaje, że wyciekł także plik PDF dla iOS 4.3.3 ale wszystkie mirrory wyłączono.

Update 2:
Dostajemy informacje, że PDF jest tylko dla modelów WiFi. Ponownie zalecamy, by nie próbować jailbreaka do czasu, aż Comex oficjalnie go przedstawi.

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Comments (16)
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Andrew - July 5, 2011 at 4:14pm
Are we really... those who herald the jail breakers and the piraters heroes, those that yell BRAVOS to those that hack Sony and APPLE, now calling FOUL, POOR SPORT because it has happened to those that do the same? REALLY>>>smdh!! Let's just call it KARMA and keep the spirit of hacking and stealing and pirating alive ;(
MCF3778 - July 3, 2011 at 1:57am
does not work on the ipad3 I found at the coffee shop running ios5.0.1gold
Neo42ny - July 3, 2011 at 5:55am
Hello did you not read the tread! Only for iPad 2 running 4.3!!!!!!!
Jebat - July 3, 2011 at 11:26am
Helloooo...can't you read he was being sarcastic. "iPad 3 found at the coffee shop" iOS 5.0.1 gold doesnt even exist.
Ppwang - July 2, 2011 at 6:59pm
Can't get it working on a ipad2 4.3 64gb wifi. It gets a 403 error when it tries to install Cydia, cannot download jailbreak files any ideas
Neo42ny - July 2, 2011 at 6:22pm
I'm just tried checking these links and there fakes. The PDF file doesn't load and it freezes your safari on the iPad ( just clear cookies and cache and it run back fine). The second link (mirror) is forbidden already! Like we didn't see that coming from something leaked!!! Just be patience and wait for the official jailbreak. Why mess up something so expensive for something that's not official !
Bigz - July 2, 2011 at 5:03pm
Here's a mirror for the 4.3.3 leaked beta pdf's. I haven't tried them but people on the SinfuliPhone forum have, with success. Apparently some on the 3G iPad 2 as well. Use them at your own risk though. http://unity.lastowl.info/app/ hxxp://unity.lastowl.info/app/
teddie - July 2, 2011 at 5:18pm
Does not work iPad 2 64GB, Safari crushes.
Sam - July 2, 2011 at 9:20am
Good finaly Did anybody try this please let us know.
Bigz - July 2, 2011 at 9:10am
God I hope this doesn't mean comex's final iPad 2 Jailbreak Release won't support iPad 2 3G Models and only support wifi only models. Curse this damn CDMA 3G model, I didn't even want it, it doesn't work here in Canada, I only got it because I drove to the united states on opening day and it's the only model they had left. Please almighty comex support CDMA 3G iPad2 Models in your public release. I can't live any longer with a jailbreak I'm dying here. I'll buy the jailbreak if nessary!!!!! :-(
Deus - July 2, 2011 at 9:19am
Why does everyone have to get so hostile? @Bigz- It should be 3G also. This was a beta that was released
Bigz - July 2, 2011 at 5:00pm
Thanks man! By the way I found a mirror for the leaked 4.3.3 beta PDFs, I'll post the link above. I haven't tried it but people on the SinfuliPhone forum have with success. Use it at your own risk.
Deus - July 2, 2011 at 8:45am
Does not work on the 3GWiFi 64GB 4.3 version. I am hearing that it's all 3G models that it does not work with I love how people in this community, that support this and that half of, download pirated apps, try to state what is right and wrong lol hypocrisy at its finest
Hahahaha - July 2, 2011 at 8:35am
Sweet!!! Thanks Dude!!! You Rock!!!
Noman - July 2, 2011 at 8:34am
That's a bit strange. The guy has been working on it for close to a year!
vat - July 2, 2011 at 8:14am
Do not work on 3G. Only wi-fi. You forget to mention that
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