iPhone | Como fazer jailbreak do iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]
Posted November 23, 2010 at 9:26pm by iClarified
Estas são instruções sobre como fazer o jailbreak do iPhone 4 sobre o firmware 4.2.1 usando RedSn0w para Windows. A versão Mac deste tutorial está aqui.
Você só será capaz de realizar um jailbreak tethered no momento. Isto significa que você vai precisar de ajuda Redsn0w para bootar o seu dispositivo com jailbreak. Se você quiser fazer o jailbreak de um iPhone com firmware de versão anterior, você pode encontrar o tutorial apropriado aqui.
Certifique-se de não atualizar para o iOS 4.2.1 se você precisa de um desbloqueio de operadora, já que ainda não há um disponível!
Passo 1 Crie uma pasta em seu Desktop chamada Pwnage
Baixe o Redsn0w Aqui e coloque-o na pasta Pwnage. Baixe o arquivo IPSW (arquivo de restauração do iTunes) da versão 4.2.1 do firmware a partir do link abaixo e coloque-a na mesma pasta.
Extraia o redsn0w executável a partir do arquivo zip RedSn0w para a mesma pasta.
Passo 2 Conecte seu iPhone ao computador e inicie o iTunes.
Selecione seu iPhone a partir da lista de dispositivos no lado esquerdo. Agora segure a tecla Shift e clique no botão Restaurar. É preferível restaurar, já que isso não vai criar nenhum espaço desperdiçado em seu iPhone.
Navegue até a pasta Pwnage em seu desktop e selecione o ipsw do firmware 4.2.1. Clique no botão Escolher para continuar.
Passo 3 Depois que o iTunes terminar de atualizar seu iPhone para o firmware desejado, abra a pasta Pwnage em seu desktop e inicie a aplicação redsn0w da pasta redsn0w extraído anteriormente.
Passo 4 Depois do redsn0w iniciar, clique no botão Browse
Passo 5 Selecione o ipsw do firmware 4.2.1 que colocamos na pasta Pwnage no desktop, em seguida, clique em Abrir .
Passo 6 Uma vez que o firmware foi verificado clique no botão Next > para continuar.
Passo 7 RedSn0w vai agora preparar os dados de jailbreak
Passo 8 A partir desta janela você pode selecionar as opções jailbreak você gostaria.
Tenha certeza de que Install Cydia está selecionado e clique no botão Next > para continuar.
Passo 9 Por favor, ligue o iPhone ao computador e certifique-se de que ele está desligado. Em seguida, clique no botão Next >
Pressione e segure ambos os botoes Home e o botão Power. Faça isso por aproximadamente 10 segundos.
Solte o botão Power e continue segurando o botão Home até o Redsn0w detectar o dispositivo
Passo 11 Seu Iphone agora irá reiniciar
Passo 12 O RedSn0w vai então iniciar o upload da nova RAM Disk e Kernel.
Passo 13 Uma vez completada essa fase você será notificado de que RedSn0w foi feito. Clique no botão Done. Quando terminar de reiniciar o seu iPhone (menos de 5 minutos), será feito o jailbreak com o Cydia no SpringBoard.
IMPORTANTE: Para usar o Redsn0w para ajudá-lo a inicializar novamente seu aparelho desbloqueado, inicie novamente o RedSn0w e faça como anteriormente. Na tela em que você selecionou Install Cydia, porém, selecione apenas Just reboot tethered now e clique em Next >.
* Como de costume, um grande agradecimento para o iPhone Dev-Team pelo seu trabalho e contribuição para a comunidade iPhone.
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I download the iOS4.2.1 from the link above and when i try to update my iphone4 to the new iOS i keep gettin the same error 1001 1002 1003 1004 error message.
someone can help me fix it ?
I was succesufull jailbreak my iphone 4 (4.2.1) yesterday.
But my problem is that I can not get any service from any operator.
Can anybody help me?
Every time I go through the setup with redsn0w, hold all the buttons as directed, once it gets to the point where it says uploading ramdisk it just freezes. Never moves again. Sometimes on the first bar, sometimes on the fourth, etc... I can't go any further, please advise! Thanks, Yammer
whats going on with this jb? i follow the instructions and get it done, but then cydia crashes and my phone reboots and all i get is the apple logo? then i have to reboot my phone, any one else had this?
After any cydia update or switch your phone off and on again you must boot tethered again.once you get every thing working dont do any more update.it should work fine than.
hi ! i just JB my iphone 4 version 4.2.1 ~
Everything looks fine, one question..
I plug in the iphone to computer, it will not recognize by itunes ? i can't do any sync... It's normal or abnormal? please advise...
No this very abnormal ,the phone should work fine with any computer you plug in. try different USB port restart you computer and last try the boot tethered again.
i have a factory unlocked iphone4 4.2.1 03.10.01, my question is
1. if i JB it, will i loose the unlock?
2. do i hav to save SHSH using TU?
3. if in future i upgrade it to 4.3 or whatever, will i loose the unlock?
Please help...too confused
thanx so much
You will never lose your unlock by JB or upgrading to a new firmware (4.3 or 4.4 or any).
The worst will be that you have to restore using itunes. Your iphone wil aways remain unlocked.
running redsnow, step twelve is running and only fills 10-20%
on iphone just standing download jailbreak data and after ~10minutes iphone reboots but redsnow doest finished the step.. whats going on?!
JB seems to have gone through without any problems. I click on the Cydia icon and nothing happens. I do the 'Just boot tethered right now' and I'm able to get into Cydia. If I install any program, it wont finish booting up. It hangs up with the Apple logo. At this point, I'm unable to shut it down completely so I can try to reboot into tethered again, so I have to restore it and start over.
Windows 7 64x, redsn0w 9.6b4, iPhone3,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore
Any ideas?
When you finish installing cydia don't do any updates and don't restart your iPhone,you can install installus but make sure you Install the right version.
Hi :) Jailbroke the phone fine, then installed a arsenal theme which then 'cashed' the phone , by that i mean, apple logo for ages then off then apple logog, over and over. so put in recovery mode and restored. now when i try and jailbreak the jailbreak doesnt gp further than stage 2..... waiting for reboot. so never even goes as far as actually jailbreaking the phone ( black screen followed by white writing and then pineapple logo)
any help appreciated. thanks
When you plug your IPhone to the computer dos it say "The USB device can perform faster if you connect it to a High Speed USB 2.0 port." ???
and try it with a different usb port too this might help.
It does say that actually.
Just to note j have jailbroken the 3g and the 3gs as well as iPods 1st and 2nd gen no problems on this computer. I hae another latop but it's on windows 7 not xp
well my mate wont let me near his phone now to try :/........... oh well im not worried. Now i am having trouble with my iPhone which s a 3g. why are things never easy?? lol
I have managed to jb my iphone.but every time I update Cydia it stops working and I have to restore it and do the jb again.now when I get it working again and without updating if u switch the phone off and back on the Internet and cydia don't work again.I have tried every thing but still not working.I think we need to wait for an update or new way of doing it.
I do seem to have trouble loading the 4.2.1 JB redsn0w from windows laptop. iPhone 4 dosn't complete the reboot session, not even after an hour of processing. rebooting in tether option only doens'seem to work either. Any ideas??
Hi guys! I need ur help here... What does it mean by 'Make sure not to update to iOS 4.2.1 if you need an unlock as one is not yet available!' ??? I hav updated my iphone4 to iOS 4.2.1, so does this mean that I am not able to jb my iPhone?
Hi anyone canhelp mi??? i JB my phone then the cydia icon is white in color then i restore my phone using the firmware again but i can't jb my phone again.. anyone canhelp??
hei guys, any ideas about why I get an error with itunes ver. 10.1 when i try to restore my iphone4 to 4.2.1..it gives me the error : the iphone "iphone" could not be restored, an unknown error has occurred (1013) . Before this I was running on 4.1 and bb 2.10.04..anyone cand HELP ?
I tried to jailbreak Iphone 4 several times. All times I got an Apple logo after jailbreak process. I've tried so many instructions listed here and another places and no success. Can anyone help me?