February 10, 2025
Abertura do iPhone 4 Branco Revela Lente Modificada e Sensor de Proximidade

Abertura do iPhone 4 Branco Revela Lente Modificada e Sensor de Proximidade

Posted May 1, 2011 at 5:43pm by iClarified
EnglishPortuguese (Brazil)
Após um longo atraso, a Apple finalmente lançou o iPhone 4 branco semana passada. Fotos da abertura inicial do iPhone 4 branco revelaram a nova lente da camera e o modificado sensor de proximidade. De acordo com o informe, as lentes continuam as mesmas, mas a "magnitude da luz incidente" entre os modelos branco e preto é de um tamanho diferente.

Quando comparando com fotos da abertura do modelo preto, o sensor de proximidade parece mudado também. A mudança exata no momento não é clara, mas espera-se que corrija problemas proeminentes no modelo preto.

Analistas acreditam que o iPhone 4 branco pode vender até 1.5 milhão de unidades a cada trimestre até o lançamento do iPhone 5.

via AppleInsider

Abertura do iPhone 4 Branco Revela Lente Modificada e Sensor de Proximidade
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Comments (4)
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onemeslR - May 1, 2011 at 6:23pm
I only bought one for my sealed apple collection. I don't think it would sell much since people wants an UPGRADE! IMO
Ashley - May 1, 2011 at 7:16pm
Are the sensors / lens cos the phones White or the fact they wernt great to begin with in the black i4?
onemeslR - May 1, 2011 at 7:19pm
i dont what your trying to say lol :)
Emad Shaabani
Emad Shaabani - May 1, 2011 at 7:53pm
I think it's changed just for the white model. Apple had problems with the sensors etc. combined with the white color and material. Thats why the white iPhone was "delayed". Maybe the proximity sensor is a upgraded version for the black iPhone. I have a white iPhone but non official (parts from ebay ;) ) I have never noticed any problems with the proximity sensor, flash/diffuser or camera lens. Just that the light from the LCD is shining thru the front when I'm in a very dark room.
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