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Como habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud no iOS

Como habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud no iOS

Posted June 6, 2011 at 9:56pm by iClarified
EnglishChinese (Simplified)Portuguese (Brazil)
Estas são instruções para habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud para Apps, iTunes e iBooks no iOS. Você precisa de uma conta no iTunes para habilitar essa função.

Primeiro Passo
Pressione Ajustes na tela inicial.
Como habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud no iOS

Segundo Passo
Pressione Loja no menu de ajustes.
Como habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud no iOS

Terceiro Passo
Pressione Iniciar Sessão se você já não tiver uma sessão iniciada.
Como habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud no iOS

Quarto Passo
Para habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud para Aplicativos, iTunes e iBooks ative a chave respectiva.

Para habilitar as Transferências Automáticas enquanto você estiver conectado na rede de dados do celular, ative a chave Rede Celular (Dados).
Como habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud no iOS Como habilitar as Transferências Automáticas do iCloud no iOS

Agora quando você comprar ou baixar um novo aplicativo, música ou livro, ele será automaticamente transferido para todos os seus dipositivos.
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Comments (15)
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Lawrence - March 15, 2012 at 2:30am
Hi Room 217! I love country music. And I love your new Country music CD! It is befutiaul.Two stories about country music: A few young friends in their late teens and early twenties, put together a cd with a comilataion of country songs after their mom died. They titled it the Cry CD . When their dad died a few years later the made another cd titled Cry CD #2 . They wrote on the case, Use with caution . When I listened to it, I was surprised to hear just how many songs there were about loss and grief! When they wanted to have a good cry, they would go for a drive and listen to the Cry Cd!My country music story . Years ago we were driving our ancient VW van through the mountains of central Mexico. My hubby was driving, the five kids were in some form of wake or sleep in the back of the van. I begged my dear hubby to sing to me, “Please Ted, PLEASE, sing me just one song.” He turns to me, smiles and sings, “Old Faithful, we’ve roamed the range together, when the round up days are over, there’ll be pastures full of clover, for you, my faithful friend of mine!” My first, last and only love song!Thanks again for your new selecton of country cds. It is great.Kath
Jeremy - June 6, 2011 at 10:11pm
Not on 4.3.2. Bummer.
Jeremy - June 6, 2011 at 10:47pm
Read before you post and watch your tounge. It is and does work already on 4.3.3. Educate yourself. Apple already stated this on there own website!!!
Jeremy - June 6, 2011 at 10:53pm
Lol I just posted this a min before you.
cqbs - June 7, 2011 at 8:59am
i cant see the Music switch only the Apps and Books one... on all of my devices iPad2 iOS5, iPodTouch4 iOS5 etc... seems i missed some setting
Andrew - June 7, 2011 at 10:47am
Likewise. This is really weird :\
iGixer - June 7, 2011 at 11:04am
What country are you in ? My Music didn't show up either in a iPhone 4 iOS v 4.3.3
Andrew - June 7, 2011 at 11:08am
Cyprus - Europe
iGixer - June 7, 2011 at 11:16am
Nova Scotia - Canada wonder if it is a country thing maybe the Music is only working in the US so far?
Andrew - June 7, 2011 at 11:25am
I dont think it's a country restriction. I was on iOS4.3.3 (iphone4.3.3) and it was working just fine until i upgraded to iOS5 this morning. I think it must be a setting or something. I'll do a clean install now and how that goes
Andrew - June 7, 2011 at 11:46am
Ok i figured it out. I have 2 accounts. One for the US itunes store and one for the UK. If i'm signed in the US store i can see the switch. If i signed in my UK account then the switch is gone :D
iGixer - June 7, 2011 at 1:32pm
I figured it was something to do with the country because of all the licensing rules around music in different countries :( I just hope Canada fixes this at some point. Stop making it hard for us to buy and pay for music or we will just keep going to torrents.
chucho - June 8, 2011 at 10:11pm
Music is only available in US store
Din islam
Din islam - April 18, 2012 at 10:44am
Serynuch - September 4, 2014 at 5:34pm
I need
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