Lançamento do Jailbreak Untethered para iOS 5.1.1!
Posted May 25, 2012 at 12:27pm by iClarified
Foi lançado o Absinthe 2.0 para fazer jailbreak untethered em dispositivos com iOS 5.1.1. O utilitário está disponível graças aos esforços de pod2g, planetbeing, p0sixninja, pimseks, entre outros.
Equipamentos Suportados: ● iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3 (Nota: suporte para o novo iPad 2,4 está a chegar) ● iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S ● iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G
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I tryed using the new poison for the 5.1.1 for my 4s iPhone it won't work nether will whitiesn0w or redsn0w anyone have a clue as to what I shuld do I have had my phone since last november I was rely happy that redsn0w worked for my iPod 2g if anyone can help me please contact me at purpleorcid@
After download and installed the software, even i connect my ipad2 thru USB cable, but the "jailbreak" icon can't be active (i not able to click on the icon" ... can you help what to do to make "jailbreak" icon active?
My iPad 2 16GB wifi was jailbroken at OS 4.3.3. and i was update to OS 5.1.1 but i can't jailbreak my ipad since i'm update to the new OS. can u help me??
Jailbreak was fine on both iPhone 4S and iPad2, but.... Updating the iPhone was a MESS! Apple wouldn't update and it put my phone into recovery mode. TinyUmbrella was NO help. Had to erase the entire thing, then recover from a backup. Luckily I had XBackup, so my Cydia apps were fine, but had to reload everything else (music, movies, podcasts, apps, etc.)
It (Apple) made me do a complete restore and forced an "update" to my network on me that did just that. However, it reloaded my activation after a couple minutes.
I am on 3GS (new bootram) , iOS version 4.1 n baseband 06.15.00. I need an unlock as well.
Will this work for me and how do I go about. Thanks for your help.
I've run this several times to completion on my iPad2 (GSM) but I get no Cydia icon. The last screen says "Recovery completed. If you want to retry jailbreaking, unplug your device and plug it back in."
What am I missing?