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В iPhone 4 Возможно Понизить Прошивку Модема(Baseband)

В iPhone 4 Возможно Понизить Прошивку Модема(Baseband)

Posted July 16, 2010 at 5:02pm by iClarified
Во время понижения прошивки самого iPhone 4 также возможно понизить прошивку baseband, но к сожалению сам baseband имеет цифровую подпись даже строже чем SHSH blobs.

Как сказал MuscleNerd - невозможно использовать TinyUmbrella для сохранения резервной копии BB blobs, ибо они используют новую подпись во время *каждого восстановления* (!!)

сохраненные BB blobs актуальны лишь до следующей перезагрузки модема. Так как blobs зависят от момента времени, после перезагрузки они становятся бесполезными :(

MuscleNerd надеется, что должна быть всё-таки в iPhone 4 уязвимость типа at+xnonce (at+xМоментВремени) которая даст возможность Dev-Team обойти защиту Apple.

Также Bootloader и Bootrom четвертого айфона ещё не исследованы на уязвимости, которые бы могли позволить понизить baseband.

В данный момент возможность понижения прошивки baseband наруку лишь разработчикам, которым ранее пришлось обновить baseband для тестирования бета прошивок. Они легко могут вернуться к предыдущим версиям baseband.

В iPhone 4 Возможно Понизить Прошивку Модема(Baseband)

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Comments (8)
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krackerns - July 16, 2010 at 5:46pm
Hi Guys, I am not a developer but with programming for years... I am just curious if the dev team could find a way to mimic apple's signature in signing for Iphone downgrade. (legally though, so that no one will get in trouble) In this way, we don't have to keep on upgrading Jailbreaks and unlocks... everytime we accidentally upgrade our Iphone to higher baseband or versions.. :) Just a thought guys! Kudos to Dev team for your effort! Greatly Appreciated!
krackerns - July 16, 2010 at 5:56pm
And if a new safe unlockable upgrade will be available from the dev team, then we always have the option to upgrade it. This will help us get out of a stuck, accidentally upgraded Iphone from using it with other Phone Carrier.. :) If dev team can mimic Apple's signature in signing for Iphone downgrade.. :) In this way, we dont have to wait for an unlock for the latest version. ;) Just a thought! This sounds pretty remarkable and I know this is not easy but I hope dev team can find a way! Kudos GUYS! Keep up the Good work!
grrnmo - July 17, 2010 at 9:57am
That is not relevant to a suggestion for a programmers approach to modifying the iOS...it is Apple legalspeak that has no place in these forums.
Sunil Issac
Sunil Issac - July 17, 2010 at 12:56pm
Yes,they have this solution,if you use pownage tool rather than redsnow ;to jailbreak,it will prevent upgrading baseband while you upgrade the firmware.So Choose your jailbreaking tool properly and the ipsw file need to be one provided from the link and not from stock apple firmware.... Hope this clarifies yur que.
RedruM - July 16, 2010 at 5:08pm
Look like my next phone will be errison or the black berry. Sick and tired with the apple
Nt02 - July 16, 2010 at 5:46pm
Why not android? About the same, if not better, than iOS.
Phucpholuc - July 16, 2010 at 5:58pm
@RedruM I can't agree with you more, there's just sooooo much bullshit about this strict control of the blob issue. This issue is JUST TOO MUCH. Can you believe this crap-- iPhone 4 allows baseband downgrade?!? Redrum, I want to know how you handled the blob before? was it as easier for you to get it down when the control wasn't as tight?
sh4508 - September 7, 2010 at 11:06pm
People without any Apple products shouldn't put any comments here.
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